Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 238: burst out of the ground

  Chapter 238 Rush out from the ground

   Seeing Hayata's lack of knowledge about the desert environment, the captain of the ship took advantage of the time spent searching and rushing to "make up lessons" for the former.

   "On the north side of the great desert, in the area of ​​activities of the Baru Bare Guild, there are many Gobi and rocky beaches, with rough sand and stones, and oases and rocky mountains can be seen from time to time. It is relatively convenient to walk.

But on the south side of the desert, the sand sea is basically full of fine sand. People can walk on it, but not to mention the exhaustion of physical strength. If you are unlucky and encounter quicksand, it may be dangerous, so the vicinity basically relies on sand. boat activity. "

  Gordon also added, "Considering the complex terrain in the desert, apart from expensive airships, camel teams are the most flexible mode of transportation.

  The members of the camel team will use ropes to connect the camels to themselves, so as to avoid falling into quicksand.

   But the disadvantage is that the speed of travel is relatively slow. If there is no hunter escort, it is easier to be attacked by monsters. "

  Hayata listened carefully.

  It is difficult to find this kind of knowledge from books. Generally, you have the opportunity to learn about it only when you go to the local area.

  The sand boat moved forward in a roundabout way.

  The captain of the ship took out the binoculars from time to time and looked around. Thanks to the flat terrain of the sandy sea and the dry weather environment, the visible distance is quite far.

  As time continued to pass, his face became more and more gloomy, and he was no longer in the mood to give lectures to Hariyatta.

   "The transportation team must have encountered an accident." The head of the ship said in a deep voice, "It's time to climb here in two days. I haven't seen their shadows yet. It's not normal."

  He yelled loudly, attracting the attention of the crew on another sandy boat tens of meters away.

  The captain of the ship made a few gestures, and the two sand ships immediately separated to search separately.

   "What kind of monsters are there around here?" Gordon skipped the step of doubting and guessing, and made a plan directly on the premise that the transport team was attacked by a monster.

  The captain of the ship also ignored the possibility of the desert bandits taking action.

  The transportation team transported timber, not any precious goods. In addition, there were sand boat regiments and walled city guerrillas, and those desert rats did not dare to mess around near Loklark.

   "Many, the number of Huang Velociraptor and Sharon is the largest. Earth Sand Dragon, Sand Beaver, and Qiankou Dragon are relatively common. The powerful ones include Ceratosaurus, Booming Dragon, Zhanlong, and sometimes there are female fire dragons.

   It is said that some people have encountered snow lions and subspecies of shadow spiders, but they are rare, and I have never seen them. "

  Gordon frowned. He didn't even know that there were so many types of large monsters in the sand sea.

   Some of them gave him a headache when he met them. If the transport team really encountered those guys, it can be said that they would die.

   "I can only pray that their luck will not be so bad."

  The atmosphere on the sandy ship is terribly heavy, and the disappearance of the transport team not only means that the members of the transport team are in deep crisis.

   Lost the cloud-knot wood that was transferred from Balubale, and the dragon-fighting ship could not be repaired to the best condition, which may have a serious impact on the subsequent Fengshan dragon blocking operation.

  The worst case is that the interception fails, and Feng Shanlong rushes to Locklark.

   Gordon didn't even dare to think about such a scene.

   "Whoa, bang!"

   In the sky several kilometers away, a spark suddenly exploded.

  The head of the ship cheered up, "It's the signal from another sand ship. They have found it, turn around! Send it! Sail fully for me!"

  The helmsman at the stern pulled the rudder oars hard, and the sand boat tilted, turning to the direction sent by the signal flare.

   Grasping the side of the ship to stabilize the body, Gordon and Hayata looked at each other, ready to enter the battle at any time.

  The sand boat is flying fast.

  Driving at high speed, when encountering raised sand waves, it would leap up. The pork chop was almost thrown out if he didn't pay attention. Fortunately, Gordon had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed its tail to bring it back.

   Just a few minutes later, they approached the sand boat that sent the signal.

   What disturbed them was that the sand boat had capsized, and the two crew members were trying to move the hull, trying to rescue their companions who were stuck under the side of the boat.

  Another young girl dressed in Walled City guerrilla equipment held two knives and guarded them, scanning the surrounding sand vigilantly.

  The crew next to Gordon subconsciously wanted to lower the sails and slow down, and leaned over to help, but the captain of the ship suddenly stretched out his hand to stop it.

   "Don't slow down! Maintain speed, sail around them, there is something under the sand, let's hook that guy out first!"

   As he spoke, the captain of the boat ran to the rear of the sand boat and took the helm himself.

  The "rustling" sound of the bottom of the ship rubbing against the gravel soon attracted the attention of the underground monsters.

  A puff of dust rose from the ground not far away, and something under the ground quickly approached them.

  Gordon and Hayatta reached for the weapons behind them at the same time.

  With a loud "wow", a streamlined shadow jumped up from the sand, from top to bottom, and smashed down on the high-speed sand boat.

  The captain of the boat pulled the rudder oars violently, and the sand boat drifted flexibly in an arc among the sand waves, successfully avoiding the monster's surprise attack.

   "It's Qiankoulong!" The captain of the ship shouted loudly.

   There was no need for him to remind, the two hunters had already rushed out when the sand boat drifted and dodged, and the speed of the boat dropped suddenly.

   Landing and rolling, removing the excess inertia, Gordon and Hayata just got close to the Qiankoulong who fell into the sand and had not yet had time to dive.

  There is only one thing to do now, and that is to attack wildly, firmly suppress the monster, and buy time for the captain of the ship to rescue another sand ship.

  The Flying Dragon Knife was unsheathed in an instant, and the dexterous Hayatta moved a beat faster than Gordon. He drew out the knife and slashed, stabbed, slashed, and slashed.

  The submersaurus, which looked like a fat-headed fish, let out an ugly growl, and turned viciously to Hayatta.

  Seeing that the former helped him attract the monster's attention, Gordon raised his sword without hesitation, and began to prepare for the charged slash.

the other side.

  The sand boat steered by the captain himself docked beside the capsized ship, and the crew members jumped down one after another to help straighten the capsized ship.

  Fortunately, the damage to the ship was not serious. The side of the ship was slightly damaged, but it did not affect the navigation.

   It should have been attacked by Qiankoulong from below and knocked over.

   "Cessna, what's the matter?" The captain of the boat asked the member of the Walled City guerrilla holding two knives.

  The young dual-knife envoy who also has the status of a two-star hunter said eagerly, "We found the people from the transport team, and they are on the platform rock over there.

   They should have hid there after being attacked by the Qiankoulong, but they were trapped. I told them not to rush down, and wait until the danger is really lifted. "

   "Well done." The captain of the ship looked at the distant Taiyan and praised Cessna.

   Fortunately, they didn't take the transport team directly off Taiyan.

   People, camels, and goods can be carried. It is another matter. Even if they are all carried, it is too dangerous to face the submerged dragon that may appear at any time.

   "What's next?" a crew member asked.

  The captain of the ship thought for a while, "Let's go, let's sail to Taiyan and join the transport team.

  Although Qiankoulong is a four-star dangerous monster, it should not be able to make trouble in front of a five-star, a four-star and two hunters. "



   I checked the task level of the submerged mouth dragon, and it is the same as the female charmander. I was a little surprised emmmmm, maybe because of the danger of diving and raiding, here it is defined as the bottom of the four-star monster.



  (end of this chapter)

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