Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 298: Scar of the Absolutely Strong

  Chapter 298 The scar of the absolute strong

  After the shock wave passed, before the smoke cleared, Gordon jumped up from the ground and charged towards the booming dragon.

  Large monsters are extremely adaptable, so paralyzing traps work best only the first time they are used.

   If you hurry up, you might be able to do a set of charged slashes on the head of the booming dragon before it regains its ability to move.

  Hayata also ran, and she was making a detour, approaching the rear foot of the bombardment dragon.

  These tactical processes and the allocation of attack positions are all discussed in advance.

  The cooperation between swordsman and archer pays attention to not blocking the shooting area, while the cooperation between swordsman and swordsman pays attention to scattered attacks, otherwise it is very easy to interfere with each other.

   "Senior Gordon! Its left eye is abnormal, pay attention!" Hayata reminded loudly while running around.

   This was discovered when she attacked Honglong's head before, and before she had time to observe carefully, she was chased away by Honglong.

  Gordon nodded. He had already come in front of Honglong, and while holding up the sword to charge his strength, he also noticed the abnormality that Hayata said.

  There is a small but very deep scorched black scar on the left eye of this booming dragon.

  If it wasn't for Hayata's reminder, he could easily confuse this wound with the blast injury caused by the barrel bomb.

  However, in fact, although the damage area caused by the explosion of the barrel is large, the wound only stays on the surface.

  The explosion shattered part of the carapace, knocked off a few scales, and caused a large area of ​​scorched black scorched marks, but none of them could penetrate so deep and fundamentally hurt Honglong.

  —Under the influence of that wound, Honglong's left eye seemed to be blind.

   Whose masterpiece is this?

   In the blink of an eye, the Power Slash has been accumulated to perfection.

  Gordon didn't think about it anymore, the epitaph sword slashed down, the black and red light of the dragon attribute flashed, leaving a cut mark on the upper jaw of the booming dragon.

   Immediately after entering the stage of strong power storage.

Three sections! Slash with a strong charge!

  The epitaph fell heavily again, slashing at the side of Honglong's face, knocking its head sideways.

   At the same time, Honglong finally broke free from the control of the paralyzing trap.

   "Quack quack quack!!"

  Blood red color emerged from its one-eyed, head, neck, and forelimbs. The Raging Dragon roared wildly in a state of rage, and the sound waves almost knocked Gordon away.

   Originally planning to receive a strong sweeping slash and withdraw after a little damage, Gordon stabilized his body.

  He found that although the roar of the booming dragon made his ears uncomfortable, but with the help of the "ear plug" effect, he could grit his teeth and endure it.

   Then this is the best attack window!

  Adjusting his posture and tensing his muscles, Gordon stood in front of the roaring Honglong, and directly entered the true charging posture.

  The power accumulated during the strong charge slash has not been completely dissipated, this time the real charge slash was completed extraordinarily quickly.

  The front sword of True Charge Slash landed on the tip of Honglong's nose. Gordon took advantage of the momentum and twisted his body to jump up.

"shut up!"

   The terrifying slash that gathered Gordon's strongest power landed on the forehead of Honglong. When the blade touched the dragon scale, the inscription on the epitaph sword suddenly lit up.

  The raging dragon attribute energy exploded.

  The crimson arc and black light burned the open wound cut by the blade, and penetrated into it, further causing terrifying dragon attribute damage.

  Booming Dragon's head was chopped and smashed to the ground, as if the endless roar turned into a howl of misery.

  Just this last true charged slash, the damage it caused was almost comparable to that of the previous four large barrel bombs G.

  The booming dragon's roar was forced to stop, and Hayata, who tightly covered his ears, finally regained control of his body.

  She clearly remembers Amos's instructions - besides the head, the weak point of the Boom Dragon is also the tail and hind paws!

  The Flying Dragon Knife swung one after another, continuously creating wounds on the hind legs of Honglong.

  When the accumulation of "sword momentum" was completed, she exhaled, her movements suddenly accelerated, and she released the air blade combo at an astonishing speed, and ended with the air blade whirling with a large blow range.

  As the air blade whirled and cut three wounds on the left and right hind limbs and tail of the booming dragon at the same time, Hayata's aura suddenly rose to a higher level.

   Sharpen the blade!

   After finishing all this, Honglong still didn't turn his attention to her, but kept attacking Gordon in front of him.

  The previous real charge slash really hurt it too much, Honglong stared at the scarlet one-eyed, just wanted to tear this hateful guy in front of him.

  Hayatta raised the corners of his mouth and continued to attack from the side and rear.

  The advantage of multiple swordsmen fighting together is reflected at this time. When one person attracts the monster's attention, the other can attack with all his strength!

   Facing Honglong's continuous attacks, Gordon focused on coping.

   In the angry state, the Ranglong attacks very frequently and at a very fast speed.

  Gordon did not dare to evade attacks by using methods such as flying pounces and other follow-up loopholes that are too large, lest he get up and be shot to death on the ground.

  He kept wielding the great sword, but he didn't fight the Honglong head-on, but used the strength of the latter's attack to follow the direction, not repeatedly adjust his position, and deal with it.

   From time to time, he could still grasp the opening, and even used a single blow to attack and sweep him. Honglong couldn't do anything about him for a while.

  The scene may seem thrilling, but the rhythm of the battle is well controlled.

   But at this moment, a flash bomb was thrown over.

   is pandan.

  The flash bomb exploded in front of Honglong's eyes, depriving it of vision. Honglong roared angrily. After biting forward a few times, his limbs clasped the ground, and his muscles tensed.

   Seeing this, Gordon and Hayata knew that Honglong was planning some kind of attack, so they quickly retreated.

   Sure enough, in the next second, the booming dragon turned around at an astonishing speed, its long tail and wing claws sweeping around.

  If Gordon and the others had retreated a little later, they might have been knocked out by this time.

   "The timing is not right meow!"

  Pig Chop took advantage of this opportunity and threw a small barrel bomb from a distance, then turned around and criticized.

   "The situation just now wasn't dangerous meow. The monsters whose vision was deprived of vision by the flash bombs attacked more chaotically and frantically, which interrupted Gordon's rhythm instead meow."

  Panglan lowered her ears, "I'm sorry, meow."

   Seeing that Xianglan didn't speak harshly, Zhu Chop's tone softened, "It's okay, meow, I often made mistakes before I got down, so cheer up meow!"

   Gordon didn't need to look at him to know what happened to the flash bomb just now.

   Novice hunter cats, like novice hunters, make mistakes in judgment.

  When he was two or three stars ago, the pork chop didn’t know how many times he was blown away. Of course, he also cheated the pork chop many times. If he took this kind of thing too seriously, neither of them could grow to the present level.

  Gordon is in a good state of mind, and the temporarily blind Honglong bumps left and right and is hard to get close to, so take the opportunity to do something else.

   After retreating to create a safe distance, he took out the whetstone and began to sharpen the knife.

  Hayatta did the same.

  Always paying attention to the sharpness of weapons is the most important thing for swordsmen. The next battle is still very long. It is very difficult to find time to sharpen the knife in high-intensity battles.

   On the other hand, Pandan also regained her spirits under the encouragement of pork chops.

   "Senior pork chop! What should I do meow!"

   Zhu Chop raised a small barrel bomb again, "Your cat sword is a display meow? Find a chance to poke it meow meow!"

   (some at night

  (end of this chapter)

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