Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 299: Frenzy and Reply Flute

  Chapter 299 Frenzy and Reply Flute

  The effect of the flash bomb on the Booming Dragon can only be said to be barely good. After just over ten seconds, it regained its eyesight.

   This time is not enough for Gordon and the others to polish the blade to perfection, but it is always good to have two more sharpenings. Could it be that without the last stroke, the previous polishing is still in vain?

  Booming Dragon's pupils were still scarlet.

  The successive injuries and the previous dazzling flash made its anger unprecedentedly high.

   Opened his mouth and let out a violent roar.

   Driven by its strong limbs, the sharp hooks and claws dug deep grooves on the ground. With its four limbs on the ground, it attacked Gordon with a swiftness far surpassing that of other flying dragons.

   It's a dragon car!

   Gordon narrowed his eyes slightly.

   With such an imposing dragon chariot, among all the monsters he has faced against, perhaps only a horned dragon can match it.

  Faced with such an attack, a little mistake could have fatal consequences.

  Taking a deep breath, Gordon's eyes were fixed on the roaring dragon, which was rushing towards it with its teeth and claws. Every muscle in his body was ready.

   Not yet, just a little bit... Now!

  Gordon's body was like a spring that was stretched and then suddenly released, bouncing and rolling sideways.

  It was useless for him to dodge the lunges that were farther away and more vulnerable, because he knew that this was just the beginning.

  Falling to the ground and rolling, he quickly got up, his muscles tensed again, and while preparing for the next evasion, Gordon looked up at the Honglong rushing to the rear.

  He has never seen a monster that stops suddenly and turns so fast.

   Even the Big Wild Boar King, which is much smaller than it, can't do it.

  Gordon hardly had time to breathe, and the Honglong who turned around had already rushed to his eyes again.

  Gordon rolled over quickly, avoiding the second dragon car attack without any gaps from Honglong.

   However, the attack is still not over.

   Didn't rush out a few steps at all, Honglong turned around again at a speed that didn't match its size, dust and snow were flying in all directions, and Honglong's third dragon chariot rushed towards it.

  The speed and frequency of this dragon car are too exaggerated!

  Just getting up, Gordon, who had not had time to stabilize his posture, cursed inwardly. There was no time for him to hesitate or prepare, and Gordon flew out directly.

   After avoiding the third dragon carriage dangerously and dangerously, Gordon did not rush to get up, but rolled quickly away from the booming dragon.

   This choice saved his life.

  Three consecutive dragon cars do not seem to be the limit for Honglong.

  After the third collision failed, it turned around and slapped it on the spot where Gordon swooped and landed just now, almost hitting him directly.

   Just when Gordon thought he had finally escaped, Honglong suddenly raised its claws and lifted Gordon, including a large piece of land under him, and then fell heavily to the ground.

  Gordon was so dizzy from the fall that he was a little wobbly even when he got up.

  Hayata quickly approached Honglong, slashing with a knife to divert Honglong's attention, buying time for Gordon to breathe.

  Pig Chop also raised his horn flute, ready to blow it at any time.

  However, this time, Pandan's reaction was even faster than it, her round cheeks puffed up, and the emerald green reply flute let out a clear and clear sound.


  Amidst the melodious sound of the flute, Gordon, who was still a little dizzy at first, only felt his brain cleared up, and the boredom after the impact on his chest also dissipated.

   "Ha! Thank you Pandan!"

  Gordon laughed and encouraged, and ran to approach Honglong from the side and rear, forming a pincer formation with Hayata again.

  The continuous dragon carriage consumed a lot of physical strength of Honglong, and the scarlet blood dissipated from its eyes, neck and front paws.

   Its speed has also become slightly slower than in the previous state of rage.

  Hayata and Gordon took the opportunity to step up their offensive, the light and shadow of Qi Blade Slash and Charged Slash complement each other, gradually suppressing Honglong.

   With a violent personality, Honglong, known as the "absolutely strong man", could not bear this passive beating situation.

  It roared, and flicked its tail to temporarily repel Gordon behind him, then opened its mouth and bit Hayata in front of it.

  Hayata turned around and slid in time, dodged backwards, and at the same time accumulated strength on his waist and legs, and fought back with the blade at the moment when the dragon's bite failed and exposed his flaws.

  See you!

  Booming Dragon's head was thrown back, and the Flying Dragon Knife opened a long and narrow **** opening on its chin. Blood droplets splashed, and Hayata's aura instantly reached its peak.

   The corner of the mouth was splashed with the blood of Honglong, and a mad smile emerged.


  Hayatta's slightly weird laughter made Gordon's scalp tingle, and this guy started "Red Blade Mania" again.

  She pressed forward step by step and added a cascade slash. Honglong roared and swung his front paws to fight back. Hayata avoided the dragon's claws again, and then approached Honglong again.

   Slash, stab, slash, slash again, slash with the air blade!

   Gorgeous and fierce sword moves erupted one after another, continuously creating wounds on the head and claws of the booming dragon.

The splashed blood stained her armor red, and Hayata's speed was getting faster and faster. She avoided the several furious counterattacks of the Honglong with the cut or the joint cut, followed by even more Fierce sword moves.

   And when Honglong leaps back to avoid it, she will approach it relentlessly at the fastest speed, without giving the prey a chance to breathe.

  Such an aggressive fighting style is actually very dangerous, there is no fault tolerance rate at all, and a slight mistake may cause instant defeat.

  But Gordon also knew that it was difficult for Hayatta to listen to her in this state, and forcibly waking her up might cause her to show her flaws.

  The only option is to attack together to distract the monsters.

   While Honglong's attention was on Hayatta, Gordon adjusted his position and took a deep breath.

  Steady the center of gravity and enter the power storage posture, then interrupt the power storage with two changes of moves, and directly enter the accumulation stage of the real power slash.


  Gordon let out a low cry, and slashed down on the long tail of the booming dragon with his real power.

  The first sword broke the scales on the dragon's tail, and the second sword tore the hard skin, cut off the fascia and muscles, and penetrated into it until it was caught by the thick tailbone.

   "Roar!" Banglong howled again.

   Its limbs gripped the ground, and its muscles twisted and tightened. Gordon retreated immediately when he saw this.

  —This is about to spin the swing.

  Hayata sheathed her sword again in Nana, ready to join together.

   After temporarily forcing the hunters back, Honglong ignored Hayata's Iai Slash, its limbs suddenly exerted force, and its huge body leaped back tens of meters like a spring.

   Then turned around and jumped onto the cliff, climbed up, and shifted away.

  Seeing the situation, the pork chop hurriedly ran to catch up with a colored ball, so as not to lose the monster's whereabouts.

  Hayata, with red eyes, was dragging the sword and was about to continue chasing, but Gordon grabbed the back of her shirt and dragged her back, and then punched her on the top of the head.



  Hayatta crouched down holding his head.


   "I'm awake, Senior Gordon, I'm sorry." The blood in Hayata's eyes gradually faded, and she said with tears in her eyes.

very painful!

  Panglan ran over, raised the reply flute beside Hayata, and blew.


   "Hee hee, it doesn't hurt anymore, thank you Pandan!"

   Gordon: ".?"

   (I will be on a business trip for the next three or four days starting tomorrow, so I can only type on my mobile phone—try to make sure that there are two updates, but the third update is probably enough.

   Book Friends Group: 604167414 Welcome to come, connect, set up~



  (end of this chapter)

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