Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 300: Boom Dragon is eating

  Chapter 300 The Booming Dragon is Eating

  The pork chop who ran back had a hesitant expression on his face, "Honglong may be heading towards the main peak of Daxue Mountain, meow."

  Gordon fell silent after hearing this, and Hayata also pursed his lips with a complicated expression.

  Only Xianglan was foolishly happy, still immersed in the joy of being helpful before.

  After pondering for a while, Gordon said: "If there is really something dangerous on the main peak of Daxue Mountain, Honglong should be very reluctant to go up.

  Let’s take a rest, and then start the pursuit, but make a rule, if Honglong really starts to walk up the snowy mountain, then we will temporarily retreat and return to the camp.

   That guy probably didn’t dare to hide on the Daxue Mountain for too long. We will hunt it down after it leaves the Daxue Mountain. "

  Hayata and Pig Chop looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Panlan didn't quite understand, but nodded quickly.

  Everyone started to rest on the spot.

   Carefully polished the props, took hot drinks to keep out the cold, and ate some cold barbecue to replenish his strength. Gordon, who had suffered a slight injury before, drank a bottle of recovery medicine just to be on the safe side.

  After a quarter of an hour, they set off again after everything was ready, following the scent and imprint left by the dyeing ball, and launched a pursuit.

   Another half an hour passed before they finally caught up with Honglong.

  What relieved Gordon and the others was that Honglong didn't really want to climb the main peak of Daxue Mountain.

   It's only here to hunt.

  —On the tundra around Daxue Mountain, the mammoth population is relatively concentrated.

   These docile big guys come to the tundra at the foot of the mountain to graze during the day, and return to the Daxue Mountain to rest at night, and they are also the favorite prey of Honglong.

  Boom Dragon's appetite is quite good.

  When Gordon and the others arrived, Booming Dragon was pressing on the corpse of a mammoth, biting and gnawing.

   The fat mammoth has been swallowed by it for nearly half, which is several tons of meat.

   "Pork Chop."

   "Good meow!" Pig Chop rushed out from the grass where he was hiding.

  It came to the flat grass far away from the booming dragon, and began to set up traps.

  Before, it and Gordon were not so used to frequent hunting props such as traps and bombs.

   On the one hand, the cost is relatively expensive, on the other hand, it is also confident in its own strength.

  But as resources and experience gradually accumulate, and the fighting style becomes more sophisticated, they really love to use these things more and more.

  If it weren’t for the heavy traps and bomb barrels that got in the way and couldn’t carry too much, they would have wished to directly use props to torture monsters to death.

  The pork chop moved very neatly. After more than ten seconds, the trap was set, and it moved its claws vigorously.

   After taking the ghost medicine, Gordon and the others who had taken the hardening medicine also jumped out of hiding, yelled at the booming dragon a few times, and after attracting the latter's attention, they began to run towards the trap.

   When eating peacefully was disturbed, Honglong was immediately provoked into anger.

  It roared, dropped the delicious meal in front of it, grabbed the ground with its limbs, and galloped towards the hunters.

  Gordon and Hayata ran at high speed. They predicted the route of Honglong's charge, and they came to stand behind the trap.

  Hayatta grabbed the hilt of the sword behind him, ready to draw the sword, and Gordon directly picked up the big sword, and began to prepare for the real charge.

  Booming Dragon roared and approached, its stride span was astonishing, when it came to the pit trap, one of its front paws even directly crossed the range of the trap.

  Hayata hurriedly took two steps back and was almost shot.

  Booming Dragon was still hit. Its hind legs stepped into the trap, and under the weight of its huge body weighing dozens of tons, the ground that was blown loose by the trap mechanism collapsed instantly.

   Before it had time to continue chasing with its claws, the rear half of its body fell into the dirt pit.

  The sticky and tough net bounced at the same time, wrapping its limbs and preventing it from jumping out of the pit in the first place.

  Hayata pulled out the Dragon Knife to start a combo attack, and Gordon also released his long-prepared True Power Slash at this time.

  The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, kept waving their weapons. This was the best opportunity to attack and must not be wasted.

  When Gordon slashed with all his strength for the third time, leaving a **** wound on Honglong's chest, Honglong finally broke free from the shackles of the trap.

   With a flutter of wings, he leaped out.

  Gordon Hayatta immediately put away his weapon and retreated. The next second, the booming dragon crashed down in front of them.

  The thunderous roar was accompanied by the air wave, and the two blocked their weapons in front of them, staggering and sliding back a distance.

   "Ho, ho—"

  The roar of the booming dragon echoed between the silvery snow-capped mountains, and there was even the muffled rumble of an avalanche on the snow-capped mountains in the distance.


   Pork Chop raised his head in surprise, always feeling that the originally sunny sky suddenly became gloomy?

  Gordon and Hariyata didn't have the energy to pay attention to these at this time.

  Booming Dragon's one-eyed and body surface turned red again, its panting became heavy, and white steam spewed out from its mouth and nose.

   It was furious again.

   The half-eaten big meal just now replenished a lot of physical strength for Honglong. This guy looks much better than when he left before.

   "Go to the rear and try to dock the tail." Gordon ordered Hayata, and he came to the left side of Honglong's head.

   This guy is blind in the left eye, take advantage of that.

  Hayata understands what Gordon thinks. The latter is worried that she will enter the state of red blade frenzy after slashing and slashing. It is safer to be at the tail of the booming dragon than the head.

"I see!"

  Hayata began to circle around, Honglong turned its head and wanted to bite her, Gordon swung his big sword first, slashed at the side of Honglong's head, and forcibly pulled its attention back.

   Banglong turned his head, roared at him, and slapped him with claws.

  Gordon immediately swung his big sword horizontally, and struck with the sharp claws of Honglong. At the same time, he exerted force on his waist and legs to deflect Honglong's attack.

   In a state of rage, the Raging Dragon spared no effort to attack, which made it a little off balance. Gordon took advantage of the situation and raised his big sword, slashing at its left eye.

  The dragon-attribute energy emanating from the epitaph sword seemed to be alive, seeping into the scorched wound.

  Boom Dragon seemed to be poked at a sore spot, and howled in pain.

  It shook its head, exerted strength in its limbs, and jumped forward suddenly. Gordon quickly rolled over to avoid it.

  But Honglong's leap was not for attacking, but for creating a distance.

  When Gordon stood up and raised his head, his eyes relocked to his opponent, the booming dragon roared and launched the terrifying dragon chariot.

   Come again?

  Gordon cursed secretly, but at this moment, his peripheral vision was attracted by a stone step not far away.

  In the Frasia Mountains formed by the stacking of tectonic plates, such raised stone steps and stone platforms can be seen everywhere. Maybe this is an opportunity?

  Gordon quickly estimated the angle and distance, and ran towards the stone steps.

   The four-legged crawling bomber dragon has a natural advantage in ground actions compared to those bipedal flying dragons.

   Even during a full-on dragoon charge, they can adjust direction.

  The turf, soil and stone were lifted and pushed away by the sharp claws, and the booming dragon drifted and turned around, chasing Gordon.

   At this time, it was angry and only had its eyes on the target, but it didn't notice the two-meter-high stone steps.

  The prey was already in sight, and the booming dragon opened its huge mouth. In the next second, it could bite the prey into the mouth and chew it to pieces!

  However, at the last moment, Gordon flew out sideways, narrowly avoiding the dragon car bite that Honglong was almost sure to hit.

   Honglong, who couldn't stop, bumped into the stone steps.

  (end of this chapter)

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