Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 301: Great timing meow!

  Chapter 301 This timing is great meow!

  Gordon originally just wanted to borrow the existence of the stone steps to lure the booming dragon into hitting the wall, thereby interrupting its continuous dragon carriage.

   Unexpectedly, Honglong's real encounter was much more embarrassing.

   Boom Dragon doesn't have huge dragon horns like Horned Dragon and One Horned Dragon. It stands to reason that it won't be stuck by stones, at most it will make you dizzy.

  But just before it hit the stone steps, it opened its huge mouth full of sharp fangs.

   As a result, the mouth full of fangs gnawed **** the stone steps with the strength of the dragon chariot, and the teeth went deep into it, unable to break free for a while.

  What is there to hesitate about?

  Hayata rushed to him, aimed at the wound on the tail of the dragon, and swung the flying dragon knife continuously. Gordon also immediately gave up the idea of ​​keeping a safe distance, turned around and directly picked up the big sword.

   Charged Slash, Strong Charged Slash, True Charged Slash!

  Three swords in a row, all aimed at the scar on Honglong's left eye.

  As the last blow with the most powerful true charge slash fell, the not-so-thick carapace on the head of the booming dragon suddenly shattered.

  Through the huge wound, even Bai Sensen's skull can be seen.

  Under heavy blows one after another, Honglong trembled violently, his muscular front paws slammed the ground, his upper body was raised high, and his gums were finally pulled out from the stone steps.

   Several **** fangs were still nailed into the rock, and the previous bite was too deep.

  Gordon bared his teeth, the sword feels really solid.

  According to the custom among hunters, this is considered a "broken head".

  Seeing that Honglong had broken free from its restraints, Hayata hesitated for a moment, but chose to continue attacking.

  In her opinion, Gordon's blow to the head was really powerful enough to intimidate, and Honglong's attention should be firmly grasped.

  However, monsters are not machines. Sometimes you take things for granted, but monsters are beyond your expectations.

  The booming dragon raised its upper body, turned around suddenly, and patted Hayatta, who was attacking continuously behind it.

  Hayata, who had just swung the cassock slash, had no time to see the cut, so he reluctantly stopped the sword move and retreated slowly.

  The dragon claw almost touched the tip of her nose and landed on the ground.

  Boom Dragon's attack didn't stop here, and it swung its claws horizontally again. Hayatta, who had no room to dodge, could only imitate Gordon's previous appearance and swung the sword.

  Hopefully, by borrowing strength, the claws of Honglong can be undone.

  However, her grasp of angle and timing is still insufficient, and her strength is even worse than Gordon's.

  The Flying Dragon Knife could only barely hold it close to the body, preventing the huge iron hook-like sharp claws from falling directly on him, and then was swung away.

   Honglong roared, ready to continue chasing after one opponent was dealt with.

  Gordon was powerless to stop it. No matter how strong he was, he would never be able to grab the booming dragon by its tail and drag it back, so he had to roar: "Pig chop!"

  He hoped that Pig Chop could blow the horn flute to distract the Rumbling Dragon and give Hayata a chance to breathe.

  However, a flash bomb flew over before his reminder sounded.

   fell in front of Honglong and exploded.


  The sudden bright light not only deprived the booming dragon of vision, but also disrupted its sense of direction and balance.

  It shook its head vigorously, turned around in place, and began to bite wildly with its claws.

   "The timing is great meow!"

  Pig Chop’s voice of praise came from far away, and it was only then that Gordon realized that the life-saving flash bomb just now was actually thrown by Pandan.

   The little guy probably got anxious when he saw Honglong suddenly turn to Hayata, so he immediately pulled the fuse and threw a flash bomb.

  If Hayatta can successfully parry Honglong's claw like Gordon, there is obviously a problem with this flash bomb, but Hayatta failed to take that blow.

  The appearance of the flash bomb is extremely timely!

  Panglan flew over and randomly sprinkled life dust on Hayata's body.

  Gordon picked up a small stone and threw it at the crazy Honglong. He wanted to attract Honglong's attention and cover Xianglan to heal Hayata.

  The small stone landed precisely on the head of the booming dragon. It paused and turned to Gordon's side abruptly.

  Gordon yelled twice to make it easier for the blind dragon to confirm his position. At the same time, he was ready to meet the dragon car, or leap and bite from a long distance.

  Ke Honglong's move was once again beyond his expectation.

  Perhaps it had learned its lesson from the previous hit on the stone steps. It didn't rush forward when its eyesight hadn't fully recovered, but grabbed its strong forelimbs into the ground and lifted it up abruptly.

   A piece of earth and rock the size of a table was lifted up by it and fell towards Gordon.

  Gordon really didn't expect that Honglong actually had such a long-range attack method, and I don't know if it was luck or something, but the accuracy of the stone-throwing attack was quite amazing.

  Gordon quickly swooped and dodged, which prevented him from being hit by the earth and rocks.

  At this time, Honglong's vision gradually returned to normal.

   It seemed that the trick of throwing clods of dirt was very useful, and it moved towards Gordon continuously, smashing several huge dirt boulders.

  Gordon cursed, and after dodging twice in a row, he charged directly at the booming dragon.

  Boom Dragon naturally wouldn't flinch, roared, and greeted him head-on with his **** mouth open.

  When the two were about to hand over, Gordon stopped suddenly, raised his big sword obliquely with both hands, and assumed a "courage" posture.

   At the moment Honglong flew up to bite, Gordon swung his big sword.

  The originally heavy and sluggish epitaph sword was danced by him with a "lightness" feeling, and the inertia of the sword led him to quickly turn around and slash diagonally forward.

   While avoiding Honglong's full attack and bite, the tip of the big sword also slashed across Honglong's side ribs, cutting a deep and long **** mouth.

  The two pass by each other.

  The bombing dragon, which missed the attack and was hit hard, almost lost its balance and fell to the ground. However, the action mode of all fours gave it excellent stability.

   After staggering two steps, he regained his footing and opened his huge mouth to bite Gordon again.

  Gordon also swung his sword to fight back, and fought with Honglong face to face.

   Right at this moment, a swift shadow galloped over.

  ——Hayata recovered with the help of Pandan.

  Although her previous slash did not completely dispel the attack of Honglong, it also successfully prevented the dragon's claw from causing more serious direct damage to herself.

  Combined with the effect of the hardening medicine, her injuries were not serious, and she could deal with them simply. After drinking another bottle of recovery medicine, she could return to fighting again.

  Having learned the previous lesson, this time, even if Gordon was drawing the attention of Honglong from the front, her attack mode became more cautious.

  While attacking the wound on Honglong's tail as precisely as possible, he was also paying attention to the movement of Honglong's muscles.

  Always save some spare energy, so as not to fall into the predicament just now that you can't close the knife in time, and you can't dodge in time and you can't see the cut.


  Gordon's soft drink suddenly reached her ears. Although she didn't know what the former was going to do, Hayata immediately cheered up.

  I saw Honglong raised his right paw high, and was about to grab it again.

  Gordon suddenly changed his way of attacking with his sword, and instead rushed to the left side of Honglong's blind spot.

  Swinged the sword horizontally, and slashed heavily at the left wrist of Honglong's supporting body.

  The angle of this sword was chosen very cleverly. Although it did not cause any serious damage to Honglong, it destroyed the balance of Honglong's left limb in an instant.

   Banglong, who swung his claws halfway, fell to the ground.

  (end of this chapter)

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