Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 121 Public Opinion and Discussion

On Sunday night, when the regular class meeting was held, reports began to appear one after another about the conflict between fishmen and patrols at Linzhong Lake last night.

Many media, including but not limited to the school newspaper, Beta Town Post, etc., interviewed both parties and analyzed and reported the matter from various angles.

As usual, the caliber of reports by various media outlets is still very different.

The school newspaper of Daiichi University always took the perspective of the school, based on the patrol team's rhetoric, and published a large space of the Kuyu Academy Student Union spokesperson's views on the matter.

The spokesperson stated that it "strongly condemns and solemnly warns the fish man who smeared feces on the sacred Shushan Pavilion" and "the college will reserve the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the fish man concerned." In addition, "Relevant parties in the school have noticed the inter-college activities of the fish-man tribe and advised them to be cautious in their words and deeds." The spokesperson said privately, "I am very dissatisfied that the fish-man tribe lives in Jiuyou Academy but went to Alpha Castle to lodge relevant complaints." untie'.

Correspondingly, the fishman tribe of Linzhong Lake invited a reporter from the Beta Town Post to provide relevant explanations.

At the press conference, an elder of the fishman tribe firmly denied the relevant accusations made by Jiuyou Academy. It means that the fishmen in the lake abide by their agreement with the wizard, and there is another person who smeared feces outside Shushan Pavilion. On the contrary, the elder of the murloc tribe was extremely angry that the young murlocs of the tribe were brutally suppressed by the patrol team of Jiuyou Academy.

"This is a serious challenge to the rights of the fish people, and a serious setback to the "Linzhong Lake Fish People Reserve Act"!" When the elders of the fish people tribe mentioned this point, their tone was particularly serious: "It is true that everyone knows that the Nine There is a college with strict regulations, but the tribe still has a glimmer of hope in the college... The tribe does not really want to leave this water area, but hopes that the college can take into account the basic rights of more non-wizards, including fishmen. , to ensure that it is not damaged.”

When a reporter from the Beta Town Post asked the tribe why they went to Alpha Academy to file a complaint, the tribal elders also gave a full explanation:

"We believe that neither the patrol team affiliated with Jiuyou Academy nor the tribe in Linzhong Lake, as parties involved, should appear in the investigation team. Therefore, it is imperative to introduce a third-party agency to conduct an objective and fair investigation. It must be done.”

"Alpha College is a college that was born with the concept of 'freedom and justice'. The Fishman Tribe believes that Alpha will uphold the 'basic justice' of the First University."

As for what 'basic justice' is, and how the murloc tribe will respond if the attitude of the Jiuyou Academy continues to be tough, the murloc elder did not clarify these issues.

In addition, in view of the recent sensitive atmosphere in Jiuyou Academy, the tribal elder requested to be interviewed as an 'unnamed source', so pseudonyms were used throughout the report.

"In other words, even if the reporter from the Beta Town Post made it up, we can't prove it, right." Zheng Qing flipped through the newspaper in his hand, reading the reports above, and the more he read, the more he read. Angry: "Why doesn't the academy just seal off Linzhong Lake and throw those stinky guys into the Silent River? Without the protection of the academy, those fishmen probably won't even be able to survive a winter!"

"That's not the case." Fatty Xin shook his head and denied each item: "First of all, reporters also have moral integrity, like me... maybe we didn't report all the facts, but what we reported was what we saw. fact……"

"Didn't we just discuss this issue some time ago? How can there be any truly 'rational, objective and neutral' report! Don't put gold on your faces." Zhang Jixin sneered at the fat man's words.

"If you can't report all the facts, it's not much different from telling lies." Zheng Qing waved his hand and came to a very arbitrary conclusion: "Moreover, you are inherently biased when you write about the facts you have seen..."

"Secondly!" The fat man turned a deaf ear to the rebuttals of his two companions. He raised his voice slightly and continued: "The fish-men tribe will not be exterminated after leaving the school. After all, they are also a race with a magical civilization. Even if the civilization level is not high, they are struggling. It’s still possible to survive.”

"What an encouraging fact." Zhang Jixin said sarcastically.

"Third," Fatty Xin suddenly let out a sigh of relief and muttered, "You guys should understand, hey, I'm with you. I'm a reporter for the school newspaper, not the Beta Town Post!"

"That's why we allowed you to speak instead of covering your mouth with a suppression charm." Zheng Qing rolled his eyes.

"Confining the murloc tribe within the academy is a requirement of the Wizards Alliance, and it is also a means to achieve the 'harmless disposal of murlocs.'" Xiao Xiao flipped through another page of the Beta Town Post report and interjected smoothly: " Instead of paying attention to the war of words between the patrol team and the fishman tribe, you should pay more attention to the stance of the Alpha Academy..."

"It's none of their business!" Zhang Jixin is a staunch member of Jiuyou Academy and has a bad temper. After hearing the doctor's words, he rolled his eyes and immediately rolled up his sleeves: "Last time they hooked up with the fish-men. You haven’t made it clear about the smuggling business yet, why are you so embarrassed to speak now?”

Xiao Xiao picked up the newspaper in his hand and handed it over: "Hey... why are you so embarrassed."

Zheng Qing intercepted the newspaper midway and scanned it hastily before Zhang Jixin got angry.

"Hey, it's still the same old talk." He curled his lips and returned the newspaper.

Just like the operation of Jiuyou College, Alpha College also arranged for the spokesperson of the student union to face the media. Alpha's spokesperson expressed "very regret" about what happened near Linzhong Lake last night, and "expressed concern about whether the basic rights and reasonable demands of the tribal fish people can be met" and emphasized that "every First University student All residents have the right to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests,' and so on.

The only thing that was a little unusual was that a senior officer of the Alpha Academy Societies Federation's Fury Committee met with the fishman representatives and had a 'fruitful' communication with them on the applicable provisions of the Wizarding Code and the Reserve Convention. .

"At least Alpha has no intention of completely breaking up," Fatty Xin commented on this matter: "No matter the professors' joint meeting of Alpha College, the school working committee, or the student union, they didn't send anyone to talk to those smelly people. I’m dealing with this guy... It’s just a nameless guy from the China Federation of Social Affairs to gain popularity, and even giving him one more line of reporting is considered to be a favor to him.”

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