Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 122 The Fifth Monday

It's another Monday morning, and there will be another magic lesson from Lao Yao.

The two-day weekend holiday passed by in a blink of an eye, but it was easy for everyone to contract the post-holiday syndrome. In addition, the school working committee did not know what kind of wind it was. Last night, there was a late spring cold, and the howling cold wind blew all night. , rattling the glass windows on the balcony, like a rough lullaby, so that everyone in the dormitory uncontrollably slumped in bed in the early morning.

In the end, Dr. Xiao Da was more determined and struggled to put on his robe. He also helped open Zheng Qing's tent, pulled off the quilt on Zheng Qing's body, and dragged him to do morning classes together.

Zheng Qing licked his bitter mouth, got up with drooped eyelids, and after washing up, he unexpectedly heard the vigorous snoring coming from Fatty Xin's bed next to him. For a moment, anger arose in his heart and turned to his guts, and he huffed and puffed. Opened the curtains on the balcony.

It's mid-March, and the morning sun is a little more dazzling. Coupled with the cold wind blowing all night last night, it blew away all the clouds in the sky, making the sunshine even more refreshing. Some.

Since Dylan usually sleeps in his big coffin, the only person in the dormitory who is exposed to sunlight is Fatty Xin.

The vigorous snoring of the fat man's bed suddenly stopped.

But to Zheng Qing's expectation, there was also a slightly subtle snoring sound that was still lingering intermittently. Zheng Qing blinked and realized immediately that the second purr should be the sound of the fat cat.

Because Fatty had plenty of snacks at hand, and he made his bed extremely comfortable, Tuan Tuan spent most of his time in Fatty's bed.

"I want to continue hibernating, don't disturb me." Fatty Xin pulled the quilt under his chin and pulled it up to his forehead to block the dazzling sunlight.

When Zheng Qing was wondering why the fat man's temper had become so good, the fat man's unclear voice came out from under the quilt again: "Captain, for the sake of the friendship and the love of classmates, when you come back, please Bring some breakfast to your dear hunter...I thank you."

Hearing the word 'breakfast', the fat cat's purring suddenly stopped, and then it lazily 'meowed' after the fat man's words, which meant that it also wanted to eat.

Zheng Qing sneered twice: "Well, he looks like a killer, so he doesn't have any emotions."

The quilt squirmed a few times, and the fat man struggled for a moment, but finally failed to break free from the powerful seal. He muttered helplessly: "I will lead the team to search tonight."

This sentence has no beginning or end, but it does not affect Zheng Qing's understanding.

In view of the recent complicated situation in the school, in order to find Liu Feifei's big snake and the imaginary faceless monster as quickly as possible, Zheng Qing and others discussed it last night and decided to conduct searches every night starting from this week - in view of the fact that from Monday to Sunday Wu's studies were stressful, so the Sin Hunting Team adopted a shift system.

Although there are shifts, due to the shortage of manpower, it is inevitable that some people will be on duty one more night and some will be on duty one night less. Because Zheng Qing was the captain of the hunting team, he had to hold his nose and work harder, and he was also scheduled to be on duty on Monday night.

At this time, Zheng Qing was relieved to hear that Fatty was willing to work hard tonight instead of him.

This also made him a little embarrassed, and he couldn't help but advise the fat man: "You can't sleep forever. You have Lao Yao's class in the morning, so you have to get up eventually."

"Get up, you have to go to bed after all," the fat man yawned loudly in bed and complained lazily: "It's meaningless."

"This sounds as funny as someone saying, 'Since you have to exhale, what's the point of inhaling?'" Dr. Xiao Da, who had already changed into his robe, said sarcastically.

Zheng Qing was afraid that the two of them would talk too much and make the fat man wake up, so he quickly lowered his voice and interrupted: "We may go to the lake later... If you get up and we haven't come back yet, just go to the classroom directly." ”

A vague reply came from the bed, and a moment later, the purring sounds of the fat man and the fat cat started one after another, and started to sound again in the dormitory.

After Zheng Qing handed the skin cream in his hand to the elf, he tightened the belt on his robe, opened the door, and sighed: "Is he really just a blue giant? I always feel that he may have a bear spirit or something like that. Bloodline..."

"Perhaps." Xiao Xiao followed Zheng Qing, raised his collar and hid his whole face inside, and said angrily: "The wizarding world has been developing for so long, who knew that there would be people in my own bloodline for dozens of generations? What strange existence?"

"Maybe I should draw some of Fatty's blood and ask my senior to help test it next time I go to Monteria Laboratory." Zheng Qing walked out of the dormitory hill and immediately shuddered.

Although the cold wind outside had become much lighter after one night, it was still extremely cold compared to the previous few days. Suddenly I felt the cold wind cutting like a knife outside, which was uncomfortable for anyone.

"Why does the school torment people like this?!" The young public-funded student wailed: "Isn't it enough to just mean it?!"

"Because this Friday is the Spring Equinox." Xiao Xiao's head was hidden behind his collar, and his voice was mixed with the sound of the wind, so it was not very clear.

"What?" Zheng Qing raised his ears and shouted.

"This Friday is the vernal equinox!" Xiao Xiao pulled down his collar and shouted with a higher voice: "The weather monitor has accumulated a lot of winter weather beads, and some of them are almost in ruins... If not If you use them all before the Spring Equinox, it will be a waste and it will also lower the ratings of this group of watchmen.”

The weather bead is a magic weapon used by the weather monitor to control the school climate. It is only the size of a fist and has a shape similar to the snow globe that Zheng Qing played with when he was a child. However, unlike the snow globe, the weather globe not only contains the type of climate "falling snow", but also has many categories such as "wind", "rain", "thunder" and "electricity". Even in the category of 'wind', there are dozens of climate changes, such as 'gentle wind', 'strong wind', 'cold wind', 'warm wind', and so on.

Every January, the school working committee will apply for different numbers and types of meteorological beads based on the previous year's "settlement" of climate change and the "budget" of next year's climate arrangements to adjust the climate on Phuket Island.

What Xiao Xiao said, "The weather monitor has accumulated a lot of weather beads for winter," refers to the situation where the budget was not used up and was used unexpectedly before the holiday.

"It turns out there is really nothing new under the sun." Zheng Qing sighed, shook his head, and finally said nothing. He just retracted his head into his collar, put his hands on his hands, and hurried towards Feiyuan.

He had already wasted a lot of time getting up this morning. If he didn't hurry up, the better morning exercise areas in Feiyuan would be taken away by others - he had no doubt about this.

After all, this is the First University. There are lazy people like Fatty Xin, but most of them are young wizards who study hard and practice hard.

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