Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 149 Punishment Plan and New Plan

Fatty Xin's crow's mouth is always accurate.

Didn't even wait until the next day.

On the evening of the end of the Forbidden Demon Festival outing, Zheng Qing received the visiting Professor An and the head of another school working committee in the dormitory. Professor An appeared as the liaison officer in charge of student affairs at Jiuyou College.

The reason for their visit is also simple.

Zheng Qing was given a demerit by the school because he left the team without permission during the Forbidden Demon Festival outing and violated relevant management regulations. Five credits of conduct were deducted, and he was also sentenced to fifty hours of patrol work, day and night.

Based on the working time of four to five hours per night patrol, Zheng Qing needs to participate in at least ten night patrols.

"They are all old faces, so I won't say anything more. Because Lao Yao has been busy recently, I will hand over the notice related to this punishment directly to you."

After sending away the gray-robed wizard from the school working committee, Professor An sternly handed a red penalty notice to the young public-funded student, and at the same time asked with wide eyes: "Do you know where to get the task? Do I need to tell you again?"

Zheng Qing took the notice with a familiar color and format. Without saying a word, with a smile on his face, he nodded obediently to show that he knew where to go to get the task, and then shook his head decisively, saying that he did not need Professor An to repeat it again. .

Professor An continued to ask: "Then do you have any opinions on the school's punishment?"

Zheng Qing continued to keep his mouth closed and his head shook like a rattle.

"Is there anything else you want to say about this accident?"

Zheng Qing immediately raised his right hand, pointed three fingers, and expressed his position without confidence: "There will never be a next time! This incident fully exposed my lack of understanding of group activities. I failed to correct my attitude from the beginning. He took it seriously and acted recklessly during the activity, which seriously affected the spring outing experience of the whole class..."

Professor An listened to Zheng Qing's endless thoughts about the outing, raised his head, looked at the young wizard in front of him through his nostrils, and tried hard to control his humming not to be so loud.

When Zheng Qing heard his hum, he realized what he was saying, and stopped talking.

"You don't need to read the review to me. This is your class's own business." Professor An pointed out the window: "At the regular class meeting next week, you will go on stage in person and read it to the students in your class!"

Behind the dormitory, a low chuckle came from Fatty Xin's bed.

Zheng Qing grimaced and agreed.

"What's the sound?!" Although Professor An was very dissatisfied with Zheng Qing, he didn't like others messing up the atmosphere and smiling playfully when he was educating people, so he looked up angrily at where the fat man was.

"It's a cat meowing, sir!" Fatty Xin decisively pinched Tuantuan's two front legs and pushed it out.

The fat cat slumped down, its tail hanging limply on the bed, and it scanned feebly. At the same time, it squinted its eyes and looked like it hadn't woken up yet, and lazily meowed at Professor An.

Not to mention, the voices are indeed somewhat similar.

Professor An angrily glared at Sha Mao, then glared at Zheng Qing, and finally said, "Just do it for yourself" and simply left the dormitory.

"I can already imagine the mean smile on Duan Xiaojian's face in the next Charms class." After sending Professor An off, Zheng Qing stood by the window, looking at the seemingly bleak spring scene, and sighed deeply. His tone and voice were full of sadness.

This wasn't the first time this happened to him.

After the Hunting Moon last semester, because the Forgiveness Hunting Team won the freshman competition, many people questioned it as a shady case, match-fixing, etc. He had experienced the feeling of being praised by everyone.

But compared with this superficial injury, Zheng Qing felt that he had more important things to do.

"I need your help with something." Zheng Qing solemnly greeted the other three companions in the dormitory, and lowered his voice slightly: "It has something to do with the Silent Forest..."

"Stop it!" Xiao Xiao immediately raised his hand to stop Zheng Qing from continuing: "Didn't you say that you have signed a silence contract with others? Aren't you afraid that if you say something you shouldn't say, the power of the contract will come back to you? ?”

Zheng Qing glanced at the doctor sideways:

"There are magic restrictions and the contract does not allow me to say things. How can I say it? After all, you are also a man with the title of 'Doctor'! Why would you make such a stupid mistake!"

"This is not a low-level mistake, this is actually a tactful rejection." Dylan's faint voice sounded from inside the coffin: "Obviously, Dr. Xiao Da does not intend to get involved in your messy things... It's not that he doesn't understand common sense, it's you I don’t understand the world.”

Zheng Qing had a straight face and pretended not to hear Dylan's words.

"We...I mean the Forgiveness Hunting Team. The key practice destination for the next stage will be the Silent Forest." He raised his voice slightly, overriding the voices of Xiao Xiao flipping through books and Fatty Xin playing with cats: "That's it. During our winter hunting, our goal was to find a ‘treasure’!”

The last word finally caught the attention of everyone else in the dormitory, and even Dylan poked his head out of the coffin.

"Treasure?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf showed a look of interest on his face: "It's rare to hear that there are treasures near the First University. Even if there are, they have been stolen by our locust-like predecessors. Have you ever heard of them? Where did you get the news? Oh, by the way, you can’t tell, right?”

As he spoke, he made a gesture of signing a contract.

"It is said that the treasure is hidden in a small secret place in the forest." Zheng Qing made a smart gesture to Dylan, then turned to look at the other two companions in the dormitory, and his tone became more and more high-spirited: " Our time is very tight! Our allies have no comment! Our harvest will be distributed equally..."

Fatty Xin held the cat in one hand and carefully raised it with the other, interrupting Zheng Qing's passionate speech.

"Ahem, let me tell you, Captain." He pretended to be weak and asked: "This matter should be discussed when the Exoneration Hunting Team holds a general meeting... It won't be of much use if you tell us now. Na."

"No need." Zheng Qing waved his hand simply: "The elder is a person who likes to take risks, and there is no reason to refuse. As long as you convince a few of you, no matter what, this bill can be passed at the plenary meeting... This is the one What kind of 'minority obeys the majority' method?"

Fatty Xin sighed and turned to look at Xiao Xiao and Dylan.

"Let's buy insurance," he asked the two of them in a negotiating tone: "I heard that the Jiuyou branch of Wizards United Bank recently sold Sam Chase's all-weather life insurance, which can provide up to 3,000 to the students of First University. The insured amount of jade coins. Should we join together and take out a group insurance?"

"We can discuss it." Dylan nodded seriously.

Zheng Qing's face suddenly darkened.

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