Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 150: The fishmen’s parade around the lake

Fatty Xin’s proposal to buy insurance ultimately failed.

What Zheng Qing was worried about did not happen.

Although from the following days, the young public-funded student had already prepared to keep his tail between his legs, he soon discovered that the attention of the young wizards at the First University, including the classmates in Astronomy 08-1, The focus was more on the fish-man tribe in Linzhong Lake, rather than on a certain wizard who acted privately during an outing and was penalized by school.

To be precise, the students of First University paid more attention to the fish-men parade around the lake that took place on the day of the Anti-Magic Day.

Speaking of the commotion in the murloc tribe, it is actually related to the several conflicts between murlocs and wizards that occurred at Linzhong Lake a few weeks ago. Including the initial incident where the wizard did not notify the fishman tribe and dealt with the landed fishmen without authorization, and the subsequent incident where the suspected radical fishmen came ashore suddenly and smeared feces on the door of Shushan Hall.

The latter, in particular, aroused great indignation among the teachers and students of Jiuyou Academy, making it difficult and impossible for the academy to suppress the incident. Just like this, the discord between the two sides became more and more serious.

On weekdays, Jiuyou Academy is heavily guarded, and wizards coming and going all have books hanging on their waists or holding staffs.

On the day of the Forbidden Day, according to traditional customs, wizards need to avoid using magic.

Some young fishmen of the Linzhong Lake fishman tribe may have felt that an opportunity had come, so in the morning, these ferocious creatures that usually dived deep into the lake surface all emerged from the water without going ashore, and just circled the edge of the lake, roaring loudly. Protest against the wizard's interference in the independent status of the fishman tribe, while wreaking havoc.

They muddy the water, pull the tails of buffaloes, pluck the feathers of flamingos, and throw kappas onto the shore to frighten visiting witches. The commotion lasted for almost a whole day, seriously affecting the normal order of study and life in Jiuyou Academy.

Since these murlocs did not come ashore - although some murlocs threw excrement on the shore - and since it was the Forbidden Day, the wizards did not want to be exposed to the dirty beasts in the lake, so the matter ended up with ' The fishman thought he had won.

The next day was Sunday, and Zheng Qing was in a bad mood because he had just been punished by school the night before, so he didn't go out. But the other three people in the dormitory went to visit Linzhong Lake.

According to the news they brought back, Linzhong Lake, which was originally clear and peaceful, had almost turned into a big cesspool - the water was turbid and the lakeside was full of traces of feces and urine. The choking smell can kill a cow from a long distance away.

"Why doesn't the school clean up those dirty things?" Zheng Qing was very curious about the school's reaction. In his opinion, any well-trained wizard can restore the lake to its original state within ten minutes.

Rather than what Fatty Xin described, the stench is overwhelming and humans and animals are at odds with each other.

"Because this matter is very sensitive, the school has not yet decided how to deal with it." The person who answered Zheng Qing's question was Xiao Xiao: "If the school was willing to settle the matter, Linzhong Lake would have been restored to its original state long ago. But the school is determined not to risk the world. If they do that, I bet there will be hundreds more students wandering into the Silent Forest the next day."

"Tsk, tsk, a few hundred people is a bit exaggerated." Fatty Xin waved his hand, but did not deny Xiao Xiao's statement: "But what the doctor said makes sense. The school is also in a dilemma now."

"What should I say?" After waiting in the dormitory all day, Zheng Qing was particularly interested in the gossip outside.

Fatty Xin also came up to talk.

He simply checked his watch, and placed a small plate of salted peanuts, a small plate of edamame, a small plate of celery and beancurd sticks, and a small plate of pork head meat on the desk. Then he opened a few bottles of Green Bee and said hello. Zheng Qing was eating and talking.

Zheng Qing was self-assured, and Xiao Xiao also stepped forward knowingly.

Only Dylan looked at him helplessly, and finally gave up the dinner and hid pitifully back in his coffin - the vampire werewolf's diet consists only of blood and meat. Green vegetables are not among them. As for pig head meat, for many more discerning werewolves, that kind of dirty meat is definitely not allowed on the dining table.

"Everyone knows that the fishman tribe originally had independent judicial power."

The fat man grabbed his chopsticks and scolded Fang Qiu: "But in the past, Serprano and the Young Fishmen were smuggling and trading on the shore, and were investigated and punished by the school work committee. Later, some radicals smeared feces on Shushan Hall, which provoked the patrol team and the fishmen. People clash...successive accidents have shaken the miraculous independent judicial power of the fish-men tribe."

"Not only did the wizards not take it seriously, but even their own people began to become suspicious."

"If the school supports the fish-man tribe's 'excessive' independent authority, it is an insult to all wizards; but if it does not support the legitimate rights and interests of the fish-man tribe, it is an insult to itself... As the saying goes, it is wrong to advance, and it is also wrong to retreat. It’s nothing more than a dilemma.”

Zheng Qing thought about it carefully and realized that this was really the case.

This made him feel deep sympathy for Boss Yao, who had been in charge of the school recently.

From the group fights in the school hunting club, to the dragon beast that suddenly appeared in the school hunting club, and then the winter hunting accident, the fish-man tribe accident, the Kuroshio accident, even within the school, between colleges and colleges, and between clubs and clubs. There are also many contradictions.

Not to mention that there are still 'some students' who want to take advantage of this chaos to cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing suddenly shook his head, took a sip of green bee, shook his head, sighed, and sang a song of injustice: "People in the world are complaining about injustice. He rides a horse and I ride a donkey. I look back at the man pushing the cart. What is better than what is left is more than what is left... As long as both parties take a small step back, this world will become a beautiful world~~"

"If the school takes a small step back, wizard civilization will take a big step back. If the fish-men tribe takes a small step back, they will no longer have the courage to confront the wizards." Xiao Xiao picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth. , chewed: "For a weak wizard civilization, maintaining the remaining courage and dignity deep in the heart of the race may be more important than their lives."

"Hey, I've heard too many words." The fat man waved his hands disdainfully: "My life is gone, so what's the use of dignity! Dignity is what living people pursue. Dead people have no dignity. You use the dead people's* When you soak the chicken in formalin or mince it into pieces, do you care about the dignity of the owner? "

"Hey, it's so dirty!" Zheng Qing originally picked a piece of edamame, but after hearing the fat man's dizzy words, he frowned, threw the edamame down again, chose a piece of green celery, and complained at the same time. : "Who the hell chopped that thing into pieces during the experiment?!"


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