Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 152 Wednesday of the Seventh Week

Wednesday of the seventh week of the second semester is April Fool's Day.

The sixth day of the third month of the lunar calendar.

Suitable for: getting married, tailoring clothes, getting hairpins.

Taboo: burial, opening of the market.

Sometimes, Zheng Qing felt that the old Huangli was too accurate. You can always control the misfortunes and blessings of the world through the subtle will of God.

It was like today was April Fool's Day. Zheng Qing was worried about being tricked by his companions and making a fool of himself, but unexpectedly, it was his own small shop that finally made him stumble.

Three days have passed since the Forbidden Day, but the tense atmosphere on campus has only increased. The patrolling professors and school workers tried their best to deal with the students of the two colleges, but they still could not avoid a series of fights.

The students in charge of discipline in both colleges are crazy about deducting points from the students of the other college: for example, if they are caught in the wind when passing by in the corridor, it is considered as running and fighting in the teaching building, and points will be deducted; for example, if they meet a senior student of the other college in the corridor around the lake, If a senior of the same grade fails to say hello, it is considered rude and points will be deducted; for another example, if someone talks in the cafeteria while eating, it will affect the school's honor and points will be deducted.

In short, the moral integrity of both parties has reached the point of using any means necessary. There are only unimaginable reasons and there are no points that cannot be deducted.

In just the past three days, many students from the two colleges have had their discipline scores deducted to zero. This means that the scores that account for 5% of the final assessment have said goodbye to them.

Although Zheng Qing was not angry about the chaos at Alpha Academy, he did not want to get into trouble at this time. So in the past two days, after class, he called his friends from the Forgiveness Hunting Team to take refuge in D\u0026K.

The small shop is located at the end of the pedestrian street. There are few tourists and business people nearby, making it a good place to take refuge.

Wednesday afternoon is a session on the philosophy of magic.

Professor Yao spent half an hour before class to severely criticize the stupid behavior of the students of Alpha and Jiuyou. At the same time, he spent another half hour before get out of class to persuade everyone to put down their prejudices and focus on the biggest problems of wizards. Go to the enemy, the demon.

His approach was exactly the same as Professor Emma's approach in the astronomy class on Tuesday afternoon, making people suspicious that this was a unified solution discussed by the professors.

To be honest, Zheng Qing was a little disappointed with the old-fashioned and unoriginal teaching methods of the professors.

And he is not the only one disappointed, there are many students with the same attitude in the school. We are all college students and adults, and everyone knows that conflict is not a good thing. But the current situation can no longer be appeased by a few words from professors. Everyone watched eagerly as a spark hovered over the explosive barrel, wondering when it would fall.

The professors, perhaps paying more attention to that mysterious task, were not fully aware of the anger that was gradually building up on campus.

"Maybe they noticed it, but there was nothing they could do." Fatty Xin was lying behind the bar of D\u0026K, while writing a commentator's article refuting the fallacy of the Beta Town Post, while analyzing: "As the saying goes, 'It's better to block than to open up', both sides feel that You have to take matters into your own hands and there is no room to bow your head... Perhaps there is room for maneuver only after an explosion."

"I'll just treat what you said as stupid April Fool's Day remarks." Zheng Qing shook his head and expressed his disagreement unceremoniously.

Fatty Xin dropped his quill, looked up at the young public-funded students, rolled his eyes, and shouted: "Then what do you think the professors will do? Use magic to erase the memories of the students in the two colleges and make them forget about the shit by the lake. , or those seductive speeches, or blowing up Linzhong Lake with magic..."

"Blowing up Linzhong Lake is a good idea." Zhang Jixin, who was sitting in the corner teasing the fat cat, suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "Those smelly guys in the lake can be regarded as the origin of all these messy things... Just right. The professors bombed Linzhong Lake, and it was like a bird that had eaten all its food and threw it into the forest, leaving the vast white land so clean. "

When he said the last sentence, he even started to hum.

This made Zheng Qing a little surprised.

He had always known that Elder Zhang had a tough fist and had a strong temper, but he didn't know that Elder Zhang could play such a ditty. Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by appearance, and things cannot be fully observed.

"Nonsense." Fatty Xin sneered at Zhang Jixin's remarks, shook the copy of "Beta Town Post" in his hand, raised his voice slightly and said: "Is now the time to wipe out everything with violence? No! Now is a war of public opinion. ! If we really overturn the table at this time, the only thing that can be proved is that we are guilty and we can't reason with them!"

"Look at what those Alphas are saying...'The fish-man reserve is a land of freedom, and Jiuyou College's rough approach is an act that disregards the rights of fish people.'" The reservation is in Jiuyou College, and it is also in First University. ...The operation of the entire university has its own internal logic and moral principles. "Today they used jurisdiction to blockade the Fishman Tribe. Tomorrow they will use some other name to blockade Alpha Castle?"

"What are these? These are what Alpha is trying its best to do now, occupying the moral high ground to attack Jiuyou. What we can do is to compete with them for that commanding height, or find a higher place than the position they occupy. Only in this way can we truly look at those white robes with contempt.”

"Okay!!" Zheng Qing clapped his hands and greatly appreciated the fat man's words. It's not that he is slapping himself in the face, but he is seeking truth from facts. The view of fat people is indeed more realistic.

Zhang Jixin hugged the cat and purred.

"After all, the fishman reservation area is still in Jiuyou Academy, not Alpha Castle." The red-faced wizard pressed his nose, rolled his eyes strangely, looked at the ceiling and muttered: "Linzhong Lake is from Jiuyou Academy. Linzhong Lake, first of all, should obey the relevant rules and regulations of Jiuyou Academy. As the doctor said before, the fishman tribe is a guest residence. Even if it has independent judicial authority, it can only target the fishmen internally and cannot have long-arm jurisdiction. , beyond the institution of the academy.”

"Bingo!" Fatty snapped his fingers, rarely agreeing with Zhang Jixin: "This is the focus of my article today: any rights and interests of fish people must be within the scope stipulated by Jiuyou Academy. Otherwise, join the fish people The tribe stipulates that cannibalism is legal, does Jiuyou Academy also have to protect their rights? It must not be possible..."


The violent shaking of the store door interrupted the chat of several young wizards in the Exoneration Hunting Team.

Zheng Qing turned his head curiously and looked at the door.

A huge black sheep head burst open the store door, and half of his body rushed in.

Black Sheep opened his mouth, but instead of bleating, Lin Guo's anxious shout came out: "Close the store quickly, the pickets are coming to trouble you!!"

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