Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 153 Old acquaintance

This black goat is very familiar to Zheng Qing. It is the black goat raised by Lin Guo, the manager of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, the youngest enrollee of the First University, and currently studying at the Alpha College of Law.

On weekdays, Lin Guo would occasionally be seen riding this black goat wandering around the pedestrian street.

But this was the first time I heard the Black Goat speak. However, looking at the goat's expression and demeanor when it spoke, it didn't look like it could really speak, but the effect that Lin Guo achieved through some kind of magic.

Zheng Qing glanced past the sheep's head and looked back, but did not see Lin Guo.

Just when he was confused, the black goat spoke again, and after bleating twice, Lin Guo's anxious shout came out of his mouth again: "Hurry up and close the store! The pickets of Fort Alpha are rushing towards you! ! Close the door quickly!”

Zheng Qing looked at the black goat suspiciously, then turned to look at Fatty Xin, and asked tentatively: "Isn't he teasing us... I've never seen him be so mean-spirited."

Because today is April 1st, Zheng Qing has been teased more than once from morning to night. So his first reaction after encountering this abnormality was that Lin Guo was teasing him.

Like him, Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin, who stayed in the store together, also had reservations about the Black Goat's message.

"Maybe it's true." Fatty Xin held the quill in one hand and pressed it on the parchment with the other. He raised his head and looked at the black goat stuck in a dilemma at the door. He chirped and said, "It might also be fake."

"Nonsense." Zhang Jixin cursed in a low voice, put down the fat cat in his arms, stood up and walked towards the door: "Whether it's true or not, this sheep broke our door... and got stuck in the door. You guys. Is this the business?”

Zheng Qing woke up from a dream, shouted, jumped up, and ran towards the door as well.

The fat cat that had just left Zhang Jixin's arms was startled by the wizard's cry. Its tail suddenly stood up, its body was arched high, and it made a threatening purring sound.

The black goat was also startled by Zheng Qing's actions, and his head subconsciously tilted back.

This makes it stuck stronger.

When Zheng Qing and Zhang Jixin helped Black Sheep out of trouble, Hey Sheep's mouth still kept the words he just said several times from time to time, like a repeater. This made several wizards increasingly think that this was a lame prank game.

The most important thing is that there is absolutely no reason for the Alphaburg pickets to come to this small shop to cause trouble? Zheng Qing asked himself that his store was operating legally, paying taxes according to regulations, and had not done anything illegal. Even if the relationship between Jiuyou and Alpha has been a bit tense recently, it's not like this.

All these speculations and conjectures came to an end when Zheng Qing helped the black goat out of trouble and led it to the road.

Because not far from D\u0026K, several Alpha students wearing white robes and picket signs were asking around the corner. After hearing the patter of the goat's hooves, a man in white robe turned around and happened to see Zheng Qing standing at the door of the store. An overjoyed expression appeared on his face and he shouted: "There he is!!"

Several other men in white robes turned around when they heard this. When they saw Zheng Qing, they shouted and ran over like the wind.

Before Zheng Qing could recover, a white figure swooped in front of him.

"Zheng Qing?" The white robe looked at the wizard in front of him with his nostrils. Although he asked in a rhetorical tone, his tone was very sure.

Zheng Qing tilted his head, looked at the familiar, pale face in front of him, and twitched his lips: "Isn't this asking questions knowingly...Why, you want to fight again?"

As he spoke, his fingers had already been inserted into the gray cloth bag at his waist, as if he was going to take out a gun and hit someone if he had a disagreement.

Appearing in front of him was Arthur Ness, whom he had not seen for a long time. Ever since Zheng Qing and others had a fight with Arthur at the beginning of last semester, Mr. Ness has been silent for a long time. It is said that he was hidden away by the Blood Friends.

But I don’t know when he hooked up with the pickets of Alpha Academy again. It seems that his position is not low, and he looks like several subordinates. Combined with the previous message from the Black Goat, Zheng Qing's heart sank slightly, knowing that the other party was not doing well.

After hearing the commotion outside the store, Zhang Jixin, who had already stopped going back, turned around and went out again. Also coming out were Fatty Xin, accountant Fox Wu Hank, and Dr. Xiao Da, who had been staying in the warehouse behind the shop taking notes.

"What's going on? What's going on?" As soon as Zhang Jixin saw Arthur Ness, he immediately put on his gloves without saying a word, and at the same time shouted at a loud voice: "Is this an attempt to avenge a private vendetta, to pick a fight and cause trouble? "

Along with his shouting, the windows of the shops around No. 97 on the pedestrian street opened one after another, and heads popped out one after another to join in the fun. The few passers-by stopped and were very interested in the conflict between red robes and white robes.

Even the owner of the Wandering Bar diagonally across the street, the old wizard in gray robe, moved a small spoon and squatted in front of the shop, pretending to be watching a show.

Facing the chaotic scene, Arthur Ness turned his head calmly and said slowly to a witch holding a clipboard next to him:

"Classmate Zheng Qing threatened the members of the picket team to 'fight' and was deducted ten points; classmate Zhang Jixin also made threatening actions, which was classified as provoking trouble and was deducted points. And..."

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the door of the store.

Members of Dingding Finance and Pesticide Company glared at him and stopped talking. Arthur Ness let out a slight sigh of disappointment, glanced at the damaged door of the store, and added: "Also, the damage to the store was not repaired in time, which affected the image of Beta Town and was not in compliance with Alpha Fort's regulations on the management of Beta Town. 'Ten points will be deducted for the relevant opinions. Well, let’s put it on the owner of your store... Who is the owner of your store?”

The last words he said were to Zheng Qing, who was standing a few steps away.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth and forced out a sneer: "Huh, are you asking even though you know... I am the shop owner."

"Oh," Arthur Ness pretended to show a hint of understanding, and then waved his hand, indicating to the witch to write it down: "In that case, let's give ten points to classmate Zheng Qing... I want him to come to Jiuyou College A publicly funded student, a recipient of the Order of Merlin, and the owner of the Major Arcana 'World' title, you shouldn't mind such a small amount of points."

Every time he said Zheng Qing's title, he paused deliberately, and at the same time looked at Zheng Qing with just the right questioning look.

Very much in need of a beating.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Then inhale deeply and exhale again.

After repeating it several times, he finally sealed the anger deep in his heart, gritted his teeth, and said sarcastically: "Why, classmate Ness came to the store today just to check whether the store door is intact?"

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