Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 154 Seizure

"No, no, of course not."

Seeing Zheng Qing's angry look, Arthur Ness seemed to be in a good mood. He waved his hands with a smile, and at the same time shook out a bright red notice: "We are here today for business."

"I heard that Dingding Finance and Pest Control Company secretly traded with the Linzhong Lake Fishman Tribe without obtaining permission from the school and the relevant management departments of Beta Town... Is this true?"

Dingding Financial and Pesticide Company is the official name of D\u0026K, but it is rarely used in daily life, so Zheng Qing still felt a little strange when he heard Arthur mention this name.

But D\u0026K does have a little "consignment" relationship with the Murloc tribe.

This relationship was also established because the young fishman named Iseni was invited when the shop opened. Zheng Qing and others help sell some specialties of the fishermen tribe - such as salted frog legs, accessories made of kappa skulls, dried algae, etc. - accordingly, D\u0026K can get a small commission from the sales.

For D\u0026K, there is no reason not to accept this kind of business that is beneficial and free of charge. The only possible risk cost is that wizards and fishmen tribes involving magic supplies need to be reported to the relevant departments for approval. Because in the magical world, it is difficult to find any product that does not contain magical elements at all, so the consignment business of Zheng Qing and others seems to be slightly less than compliant.

But when the shop opened, the fishman tribe was still very honest and did not cause as much trouble as it does today. So this risk is not a cost at all.

From another perspective, the black market for wandering wizards was open and open on the pedestrian streets. Zheng Qing felt that it was just a side effect, so what did it matter? What's more, the products Iseni put in the store were only some frog legs and kappa shells, which were not considered magic supplies.

To use Zheng Qing's self-comfort thinking, their consignment behavior is like a friend bringing home a few pairs of new shoes after going abroad and selling them online at a cheaper price. It's not really smuggling.

Of course, the above lame reasons do not constitute Zheng Qing's confidence when facing the Alpha pickets.

After hearing Arthur Ness's question, Zheng Qing did not immediately reach out to take the notice. Instead, he squinted his eyes and read the contents of the notice carefully.

The content is simple and clear. It clearly lists the time, place and quantity of the goods consigned by the Murloc tribe to the D\u0026K store, and even the delivery person and the recipient are clear.

Obviously, there is a mole in the store - this was Zheng Qing's first reaction.

But then he realized that this was a magical world, a world with wizards. For such 'irregular' transactions, as long as you have a clear goal and invite a few skilled fortune tellers to do the calculations, you can calculate the details clearly.

What's more, at that time, everyone felt that this kind of thing was very small and the profit was pitiful. People would not report it and officials would not investigate it, so there was no need to spend another sum of money to use confusion magic.

"Iseni did not land illegally. Before he came to our store, he had reported it to the college and had complete approval materials." Zheng Qing grabbed a detail in the notice and said slowly: "If you need relevant information, We can provide you with the documents at any time. Of course, it may require a little process.”

"In other words, there is a deal between you and the murloc tribe?" Arthur Ness was not led away from the topic by Zheng Qing at all. He pursued him unceremoniously, and at the same time handed the red notice to the audience. The hair was a little closer, almost touching Zheng Qing's nose.

Zheng Qing tilted his head back slightly, hesitating in his heart whether to take out his Remington and shoot Arthur across the way in the face.


The bright red blooming like fireworks can make the troubles in front of you disappear.

Not to mention that the publicly funded students were full of random thoughts. After hearing what Arthur Ness said, Xiao Xiao already understood the purpose of the white robes.

He took a few steps forward and came to Zheng Qing. He also did not accept the notice. Instead, he glanced at the notice, looked directly at the white robes in front of him, and said word by word:

"According to the "First University Campus Management Regulations", when disputes arise between students from different colleges, the relevant explanation in paragraph 3 applies, that is, 'the relevant colleges dispatch an equal number of investigators to negotiate and to the school working committee and make a decision Final judgment. 'Under this clause, Alpha Picket has no right to unilaterally decide the dispute between us."

Zheng Qing praised the doctor from the bottom of his heart.

The white robes who came to find trouble all looked at Arthur Ness, with some hesitation in their eyes.

The smile on Arthur Ness's face did not fade at all, but became brighter, as if he had expected to hear such an answer. This made Zheng Qing murmur secretly in his heart.

"Presumably this is the classmate Xiao Xiao who claims to have memorized the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World"," Arthur Ness praised in a very hypocritical voice: "Sure enough, the memory is as good as the one I bought at home. Only the 'Encyclopedia Elf' can compete..."

"If you want to fight, just say it! Labor and management hate trash who talks arrogantly." Zhang Jixin's fiery temper immediately exploded. He pushed Zheng Qing away in front of him, stretched out his finger, and stabbed Arthur Ness in the chest. Above: "There are all sensible people here, who are you pretending to be a little white rabbit! Huh?!"

"Classmate Zhang Jixin attacked a member of the picket team. Fifty points will be deducted." Arthur Ness turned sideways indifferently and dusted off the robe on his chest. The smile on his face faded and he turned to look at the female recorder beside him. , and then exclaimed as if he had discovered a new world: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that Zhang's conduct score was less than fifty points... Well, then I'll be fine and just deduct zero points for him. ”

Behind him, the low laughter of those in white robes could be heard.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, one on the left and the other on the right, hugged Zhang Jixin's arms to prevent him from making any more drastic moves. Fatty Xin stood next to a few people, his face turned blue and white, then turned blue, and finally slowly turned back to white.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that no one was acting impulsively on the other side, Arthur Ness finally sighed in disappointment and explained slowly: "Since Mr. Xiao mentioned the campus management regulations, we need to make a clear premise, that is, Beta Town is A town within the confines of Alpha Castle; Alpha Castle has unquestionable rights over Beta Town... This right gives us the right to come here today.”

"As your Jiuyou Academy recently said to the fish-men tribe, sovereignty is greater than governance."

Well, use his spear and attack his shield!

Several members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team present were so angry at these words that one Buddha was born, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and they had nothing to say!

"So," Arthur Ness raised his voice slightly and added in a smooth tone: "According to the relevant regulations of the Alpha Academy, we need to temporarily seal your shop... to prevent you from damaging the evidence."

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