Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 156: Closing the Store

"They attacked our store clerk in broad daylight!"

Zhang Jixin, who also came to his senses, had his eyes bright, waved his fist and rushed forward, shouting at the same time: "Good boy, I really have you!"

But I don't know if this sentence is praising Fox Five, or asking a question about Arthur Ness who is unaware of personnel matters.

However, as soon as Elder Zhang took a step towards charging, he was stopped by his own captain.

"Now is not the time to fight!" Zheng Qing grabbed the red-faced wizard who was charging forward. Then he looked back at his companions and spoke quickly: "The elders and the fat man will help gather all the fishmen in the store. The goods are then handed over to Fox Five and taken to the Qingqiu Mansion first... The doctor is responsible for conducting 'anti-divination magic' and cleaning up the scene! Dingdang Ears, go behind the bar and dig out all the official invoices for the sales of Murloc Tribe goods. !”

The mouse in the green vest scurried back behind the bar without saying a word.

"We can't fight now!" Zheng Qing looked into Zhang Jixin's eyes and emphasized. Worried that he would make his own decisions, he added: "I'm still carrying a punishment just handed down from school... You don't want me to drop out of school."

Zhang Jixin's clenched fist tightened and loosened several times, and finally he was not instigated by the momentary anger. In the end, he just spat viciously at Arthur Ness's feet, turned around and got into the shop.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, took out a stack of suppression charms, thought about it, stuffed it back, and replaced it with his own Colt Silver Python. Then he took out a few suppression rune bullets and carefully pressed them into the magazine one by one.

If these guys wake up before everything is done, he will inevitably use a few more confusion charms, suppression charms and the like to push their consciousness back into chaos.

The reason why he didn't apply these insurance measures immediately was because he didn't know much about Fox Five's magic. In case of improper operation, the effect of Fox Five Magic will be affected and it will be unsightly.

Zheng Qing stood there, panting slightly, thinking over and over again in his mind what he would say later.

Behind him, in Dingding Financial and Pesticide Shop, his friends were busy; in front of him, in the corner of the pedestrian street, the white-robed people who came to find trouble were still trapped in illusions and unable to extricate themselves.

The wandering wizard diagonally opposite was sitting on a small spoon, holding a small drink in his arms, squinting his eyes and sighing: "Today's young people..."

An old wizard like him would not be easily confused by Fox Five.

Zheng Qing ignored this old guy.

The old man Mu Mingzi of the store next door threw two clouds of fog to both sides of the street to cover up what happened here; while the Crystal Granny on the other side rolled a crystal ball over and handed it to Xiao Xiao.

Zheng Qing thanked the two old men with fists in their hands.

When Arthur Ness's consciousness returned to reality, he had a vague feeling of weirdness.

It's just that this feeling is like waking up from a dream in the morning, but it disappears in the blink of an eye.

The white-robed wizard shook his head to refocus his attention.

In front of him, the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team and the owner of the D\u0026K shop, classmate Zheng Qing, still looked at him sincerely, as if he didn't notice his brief absence:

"It's not impossible for you to close the store... but if it turns out later that you have wronged a good person and closed the store by mistake, should you compensate us?"

"It can't be wrong." Arthur Ness waved his hand slightly irritably and raised his voice slightly: "This is the result of the personal calculation by the senior director of the Blood Club. It is absolutely unmistakable."

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, it turns out there are classmates from the Blood Club."

The fog that had accumulated on both sides of the street a few minutes ago had been collected back by Mu Mingzi. The newly gathered young wizards were not sure of the cause and effect of the matter. They only saw that the white robes seemed to be in conflict with the red robes, and there seemed to be something inside. I was immediately interested in something about the blood club.

The wandering wizard took a sip of wine, smacked his lips, looked at a certain man in white robes with pity, and sighed: "Young people nowadays are getting more and more stupid..."

But because of the distance, the young man standing at the door of the store did not hear him. However, Mu Mingzi, the old Taoist, heard it, but had no reaction. He just sneered and gave the wandering wizard a sideways look.

Arthur Ness felt that his patience had been exhausted, and he couldn't help but take another step forward.

This time, he paid close attention to his feet and was careful not to step on anything small. As for why the fox he stepped on before disappeared, Arthur Ness didn't care.

Maybe he ran away because of the pain after being stepped on. It is a common choice for animals to eat something painful and then run away.

Zheng Qing once again stopped in front of Arthur Ness.

"You trampled on an employee of our store before, and you have to pay compensation!" The young public servant looked at the white robe in front of him with a smile, and seemed to be worried that he would refuse, so he specifically added: "That fox was hired by us from Qingqiu Mansion. "

Arthur Ness naturally knew very well who Qingqiu Mansion belonged to.

He patiently suppressed the anger in his heart, took out a jade coin from his pocket, threw it to the public-funded student in front of him, and groaned: "Is it okay now?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pushed the wizard in front of him to the other side.

From the corner of his eye, Zheng Qing noticed that Fox Five Hank's figure had disappeared at the end of the pedestrian street. He immediately relaxed in his heart and gave way to Arthur Ness.

Several people in white robes followed Arthur Ness, rushing toward the entrance of the D\u0026K store like a gust of wind. Several other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team calmly moved out of the way under Zheng Qing's signal.

This act of retreat caused boos from the surrounding spectators.

Zhang Jixin's face turned red and black as he listened, and his fingers made a clicking sound. Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, however, grabbed his arm and asked him to stand where he was.

Standing at the door of the store, Arthur Ness did not enter, but looked inside through the broken door leaf.

"Is there anyone else inside?" he shouted.

"There is no one anymore, everyone is outside." Zheng Qing replied from behind him: "There are no mice anymore...but there are still some insects hidden in the sawdust pile. It doesn't matter if we leave it alone for ten days and a half."

Arthur Ness turned back suspiciously.

He always felt that Zheng Qing's performance now was a little different from before, and he seemed to be overly cooperative. But I don't know where something went wrong.

Shaking his head and shaking away the uneasiness in his mind, Arthur Ness no longer hesitated, shook out the red notice he had held in his hand for a long time, and slapped it hard on the door page of the store.


A red halo instantly bloomed from the notice and enveloped the entire store. The red light reflected on Arthur Ness's face, making him appear energetic.

Zheng Qing looked at the farce in front of him with a bright face and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

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