Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 157: Incident in the Centaur Camp


Sir Friedman viciously smashed the newspaper in his hand on the desk. A layer of blood appeared on his pale face, and his voice contained deep anger: "What a loser! He can mess up such a simple thing!"

The newspaper that fell on the table was half-covered, and part of the exposed page happened to have a picture showing the small conflict in front of the D\u0026K store at No. 97 Pedestrian Street. Arthur Ness gave the red notice A single photo was taken on the door page of a small shop, showing off his behavior and arrogance.

Along with this newspaper, there are two letters.

One is from Dingding Financial and Pest Control Company, and is an application for compensation.

The other one came from the Qingqiu Mansion. Because Arthur Ness injured the fox in the Qingqiu Mansion while doing business, the Qingqiu Mansion sent a letter to question him.

Half of the compensation application was hidden under the newspaper, and the content of the other half looked extremely dazzling in the sun: "...His Excellency Arthur Ness, without justifiable reasons, interfered without authorization in the establishment of businesses by students from fraternal schools, which had a significant impact on D\u0026K's goodwill and operations. Impact. After unanimous resolution by all shareholders of Dingding Financial and the Pesticide Company, we specifically apply for compensation. The relevant compensation content is as follows..."

Regarding these two matters, Sir Friedman actually had no sufficient reason to be angry.

Because it was Sir Friedman's own decision to use the resources and power of the Blood Club to try to trip up the Sin Hunting Team in the small shop on the pedestrian street, especially to trip up Jiuyou Academy.

Moreover, the relevant plans have been repeatedly deduced by the Jazz think tank, so logically there should be no surprises.

If this plan comes to fruition, Friedman, who is competing with Soprano for the title of next Augustus, will gain a lot of popularity because he has lost face to Jiuyou Academy. So from beginning to end, the Jazz were very actively promoting this plan.

But the unexpected happened. The picket team seized the Dingding Financial and Pesticide Company, but did not seize the Murloc Tribe's products on the spot during the subsequent large-scale search. On the contrary, the Exoneration Hunting Team provided sufficient formal invoices and procedures to prove that the store had sold products on behalf of others. A small amount of fish-man goods with a total value no more than one golden bean.

This product not only fails to hold the Exoneration Hunting Team accountable, but also proves that the students of Jiuyou Academy are law-abiding. Especially the location where they opened their store is still so remote, with the notorious Wandering Bar right next to the store.

To make matters worse, the pickets of the Alpha Academy 'trampled' a fox servant of the Qingqiu Mansion during the process of 'enforcing the law'. Although Arthur Ness repeatedly emphasized that he just rubbed the tip of the fox's tail when he reported to Sir Friedman afterwards, this did not deny the fact that what had happened.

So this gave Sir Friedman enough reason to be angry.

Even though everyone knew that Jazz was expressing his anger. But as a subordinate, isn't one of the most important roles a subordinate, serving as a suitable punching bag and target when the superior is angry?

Of course, Jazz's anger was not just because of the bad plan that did not come true, and the reckless behavior of a certain white-robed man who offended Qingqiu Mansion - both of these things could be solved with a little gold and a low profile.

Jazz's anger stems more from the noise within the blood club.

The plan he arranged highlighted his incompetence to a certain extent and affected his reputation in the Blood Club to a certain extent; and his opponent, Mike King Soprano of the Cheung Kei Club, not only Instead of adding insult to injury and maliciously attacking Friedman's defeat, he further called on all members of the Blood Friendship Society to unite around His Excellency Augustus at this critical moment to resist the attack of the holy will of Jiuyou Academy.

This move of retreat made Seprano have a good image in the hearts of all the members of the blood club. Even the most picky old man in the club praised him privately for his "knowledge of the general situation".

It is no wonder that the rate of Sir Friedman winning the title of Augustus in the betting games privately held among students these days has been declining.

Sir Friedman became increasingly irritated when he thought of his declining approval rating in the latest student survey he had just read last night.

"Sima, what do you think of this incident?" Jazz turned his attention to the other wizard sitting at the desk, suppressing the anger in his heart, and asked in a low voice.

Sima Yi stared intently at the crystal ball in front of him, and his voice was as soft as a whisper: "There is no doubt that this was an accident, and you failed. Whether it is the Exoneration Hunting Team or Serprano, there are smart people behind it. …”

"Smarter than you?" Sir Friedman let out a short, harsh laugh. This is completely different from his usual image. But at this time, he couldn't care about this detail.

Sima Yi chuckled and did not answer the question directly.

"Remember how you knew me?" he asked.

Sir Friedman frowned slightly, a little impatiently: "Because you did a good job of cleaning up the mess left by this idiot Arthur Ness last time."

He was referring to last semester, at the beginning of the semester, Arthur Ness, Zheng Qing and other freshmen had a conflict on the pedestrian street, and were shamefully suppressed in the mud. This incident almost became the laughing stock of the entire school.

Sima Yi resolved that crisis very well by raising the status of the freshmen. Taking advantage of that opportunity, Sir Friedman also secretly released a kappa demon in the academy in an attempt to more thoroughly resolve his embarrassing situation. It's just that the wild monster didn't help, but instead made the new student look even better.

After hearing Sima Yi's question, Sir Friedman's first reaction was that Sima Yi wanted to remind him in a subtle way that the two people were like grasshoppers tied to a rope.

But then Sima Yi's next words made him realize that he was thinking a little too much.

"Same as last time, similar problem, same solution." Sima Yi was still staring at the crystal ball in front of him, but his speech speed was slightly faster: "You have lost points in this matter, so you should stop it in time. The losses will be recovered from other places.”

"People's attention is scattered and constantly changing. They can easily move from one thing to another. As long as you do the next thing well, who else will remember you today? What about this little defeat?"

Sir Friedman's expression improved slightly.

"But," Jazz still frowned: "What should we do next?"

Sima Yi finally moved his eyes away from the crystal ball and looked out the window. There is the rolling canopy of the silent forest, and the occasional flock of birds jumping on the branches.

He whispered: "I heard that there is a centaur camp outside the castle that has been uneasy recently."

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