Li Meng had a small pink lady's bag slung over her shoulder. She was not holding a stuffed bear. She quietly walked through the small square in front of Shushan Hall like a thief and slipped into the small woods behind the square.

Not far behind the woods is Linzhong Lake.

There are many magical creatures that are dangerous to Li Meng in the woods near the lake.

Zheng Qing poked his head and looked at the little witch's back, hesitating a little - should he continue to sit in the library, waiting anxiously for the witch who seemed to never come, or should he go to the woods? , and brought back the little witch that had escaped.

That's right, Zheng Qing dared to make a jade coin bet, and Li Meng definitely sneaked out when Jiang Yu wasn't paying attention.

Under normal circumstances, during this period, Li Meng should complete her homework under Jiang Yu's supervision - if the homework is completed, Jiang Yu will assign some additional topics for her to practice - instead of carrying a Xiaobao went exploring in the woods.

Especially at night when there is no one to watch over the little witch.

Especially the faceless monster that murdered the little white cat is still hiding in a corner of the school. As Jiang Yu, who has been tracking the murderer for more than half a year, he will never make a mistake in such a small matter.

When he thought of the faceless monster, Zheng Qing finally couldn't sit still.

He didn't want to see the news on the front page of tomorrow's school newspaper that an unknown little wizard died in the lakeside forest. That couldn't be worse.

The young public-sponsored student flipped "The Philosophy of Magic", which he had opened for a long time without reading a single word, upside down on the table, and then touched the small gray cloth bag hanging on his belt, feeling a little more confident.

He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

8:35 p.m.

The wizard stood up and walked out of the library. Now is the peak period for night study, and the library is full of students quietly doing their homework. The hurried footsteps of boys disturbed many children who were studying hard and attracted many dissatisfied looks.

He lowered his head and walked quickly until he reached the outside of the library. He smelled the cool air outside and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

He raised his head and looked around, and after confirming the direction where Li Meng's figure disappeared, the wizard raised his feet and chased after him.

"Seprano wouldn't want to antagonize me over something as trivial as this."

Colma looked at Andrew Taylor next to him with confidence, and lowered his voice and said: "Every Lei Zhe and Augustus, in addition to gaining internal recognition, also need external support. At First University, External support falls into three categories: the Professors’ Association, the Student Union, and the New World Hunting Group.”

"Although the Professors' Joint Meeting has the most power, it also has the most tolerant attitude when dealing with student affairs. As long as members are publicly recommended within the association, they can obtain the signature support of the Professors' Joint Meeting."

"Let's just say Soprano got the vote."

"But among the hunting groups in the New World, I bet no one will support a new generation like Soprano."

Andrew Taylor listened to Colma's analysis and remained silent. Indeed, it is almost impossible for a self-made wizard like Soprano to gain the support of those hunting groups.

Both the Blood Fellowship and the Divine Will have been established for a long time.

In the long history, there have been many wizards who have left the two student societies, including countless high-level wizards. Some of them occupy many key positions in the Wizards' Alliance; while the vast majority of others will join the two societies' pioneering hunting groups in the new world.

The bonds of blood are mixed with the world's sophistication, and a huge network is intertwined between the far away hunting group and the school's clubs. Every new Lei Zhe or Augustus is a key node in maintaining this network.

Because of the bloodline of Karen and O'Brien and the title of Noble under the Moon, Friedman is naturally in this network, and very close to the center of the network. In comparison, Soprano is much inferior.

Although he also came from a wizard family, his starting point was too low. From the first day he entered Alpha Castle, this fat wizard with a strong body was the most marginalized existence on the network. This was also the most important factor in his final choice to found the Cheung Kei Association. direct cause.

It is the belief of people like him that he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. What's more, the current Cheung Kei Hui is no longer an ordinary chicken head, but a beautiful pheasant head.

"If Soprano supports me on this matter today, then the next time the student union presidium votes internally, Soprano will have already received a confirmed vote of support."

"Believe me, every confirmed vote of support is extremely valuable to him on this matter."

Andrew Taylor's lips moved, as if he had some intention, but he still did not speak.

The witch squinted her eyes behind the mask. She felt that the fat first-year boy in front of her had promised her in her heart, but she just hadn't thought of an excuse yet. So she decided to hand Andrew a ladder.

"The Wandering Wizard just mentioned that he has two new Chupacabras in his shop, a male and a female," the witch reminded in a casual tone: "Maybe you can ask Soprano if it's right. They are interested."

The Chupacabra is a rare vampire monster with the body of a kangaroo and the wings of a bat, and is covered in spikes. It currently only exists in Puerto Rico, Texas, and a few areas in Mexico and Chile.

To the true Vampires, the Chupacabra is a filthy bastard, but to other lunar nobles who like to humiliate the Vampires, such as werewolves, the Chupacabra is a very cute pet.

Because they can generously put these little blood-sucking monsters in glass insulated boxes and introduce their origins to every visiting guest - after all, no one can say for sure whether there really was a vampire in history. Being cold and raw breaks the reproductive isolation between the vampires and kangaroos.

At every werewolf gathering, these rude sons of the forest would talk about the dirty past of the Vampires with relish, and this was something that every Vampire hated deeply.

Andrew Taylor believes that if these two Chupacabras are brought out at the next family gathering or Cheung Kei Association internal gathering, it will definitely bring the atmosphere of the party to a climax, and people will talk about it for a long time, even More than the poor vampire who once suffered from dragon plague syphilis.

Thinking of this, he took a breath and finally made up his mind.

"I need to ask the president for instructions." The first-year werewolf with the heavy responsibility puffed out his chest and tried to look mature: "I will fully convey your opinions... If you are willing to tell me your name, then It couldn’t be better.”

Because she was wearing a mask, the expression on the witch's face did not change at all.

But her eyes already showed a satisfied smile.

"Korma," she didn't seem to mind at all when the other wizards in the room heard her name: "Tell Serprano, I am Kolma."

Behind the bar, the wandering wizard sighed deeply.

He felt that inviting Colma today was a wrong decision.

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