Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 248 Raise your hands

Zheng Qing discovered Li Meng behind a bush not far from Linzhong Lake.

At that time, the little witch's head was on the ground, her limbs were spread out, and she was lying softly on the grass, like a turtle without a shell. The only difference from the turtle was that she lay motionless on the ground, as if dead.

The wizard's heart suddenly rose to his throat, he even forgot to breathe, and ran towards the little witch.

But just after running three steps, he suddenly came to his senses. He reached into the gray cloth bag at his waist with his right hand, took out a bunch of talisman papers, and scattered them in all directions and on the little witch. At the same time, he also took out the Dharma book with his left hand and held it up. chest.

Talisman paper mainly plays the role of protection and early warning, and Zheng Qing happened to record a very useful spell at this moment in the Dharma book:

"It's clear that it will go up to heaven and shine on the earth below!"

A soft and bright light suddenly lit up in the dark forest, as if a small sun was rising slowly, illuminating everything in all directions, and even the ants crawling across the grass could be seen clearly.

For a moment, there seemed to be two moons in the sky, and the moon created by magic looked more like the moon than the real moon.

While reciting the incantation, Zheng Qing clearly felt that his voice was trembling.

This is not a good sign.

The wizard immediately turned to the second page of the Dharma book, calmed down, and read: "Not shaken and immovable, not cunning (nǎn) not cunning!"

In an instant, the panic in his heart subsided, and his spirit regained its composure.

Zheng Qing did not stop and walked towards the direction where Li Meng fell to the ground, while looking around vigilantly, flipping the Dharma book in his hand. Because just relying on the short-term bright light to satisfy his sight observation could not completely reassure him.

God knows if there is some venomous snake that spits out nectar hidden among the bushes or meadows.

He took two more steps and finally found the appropriate spell. He cleared his throat and whispered:

"There are four directions in danger, and everything is clear!"

"Heaven has punished Jiao Gu, and the Jiao thieves are fighting among themselves!"

The former spell strengthens the wizard's observation and perception ability, and can keenly detect any disharmony around him. It is one of the most commonly used spells of the three-pronged sword among law enforcement detectives; the latter spell mainly affects the enemies of the wizards. The net of crime descended from the sky and the internal strife among thieves was as straightforward as the mantra described.

These two mantras are really useful.

The moment the light green light rippled, the bushes beside Li Meng began to shudder. Before Zheng Qing could react, two hairballs jumped out of the bushes, wrestling and tearing them apart. Biting it, he ran away.

Only then did Zheng Qing belatedly realize that they were two two-tailed squirrels that had suffered an unreasonable disaster - they were supposed to be hiding in the bushes doing shameful things, but they were maliciously disturbed by an unscrupulous wizard.

Sin, sin, the wizard muttered in his heart, and reached out to touch the back of his neck.

Just for a moment, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his back. At this moment, when the cold wind lingered at night, he suddenly got goosebumps.

It was still five meters away from Li Meng, less than ten steps under normal circumstances.

Zheng Qing slowed down again, and while paying attention to the left and right with his peripheral vision, he flipped through two more pages of the Dharma book in his hand and found a very uncommon spell: "Those who are beautiful and beautiful will use words to draw their thorns!"

This spell is suitable for places where weeds and thorns are thick in the wild, and its function is to clear the weeds and thorns in the wild. With the sound of Zheng Qing's spell, the weeds within three meters of Li Meng seemed to have been hit by a replayed spell, and quickly retracted into the mud at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving behind a patch of pits and fresh soil.

The dark red earth dragon with two finger-thickness rolled its smooth body and penetrated deep into the soil; a rat woman followed a few ants and hurriedly got into a small hole. Unexpectedly, the hole was too small and the rat woman was trapped. Stuck halfway, the remaining half of the body was raised in the air, and the four or five short legs were kicking helplessly in the air.

Zheng Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief and no longer hesitated. He rushed forward and rushed to Li Meng. He quickly took a few pictures of her to ward off evil, remove curses, purify, and protect. When he saw the slowly rising After Qing Yan found nothing unusual, he turned the little witch over.

Under the moonlight, Li Meng's face looked a little pale, as if he had lost too much blood.

Zheng Qing stretched out two fingers and pinched her pulse. He paused for a few seconds and finally relaxed completely and sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, fortunately.

The little witch is still alive.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

A series of crisp sonic booms sounded before and after Zheng Qing. Four or five figures in black and gray robes arrived belatedly, but they all raised their Dharma books without hesitation and aimed them at the man holding the little witch. A certain wizard.

This is not surprising at all - imagine that in the dark, a series of violent magic fluctuations suddenly appeared deep in the campus, alerting the guardian circle. The school staff and teaching assistants who came to inquire found that a little witch was in trouble. Lying peacefully on the ground, he was held in the arms of a sneaky wizard.

To be honest, the teaching assistants and school staff who came over did not immediately cast a curse on the wizard because the wizard was too close to the little witch, and they were worried that the magic would cause secondary damage.

"Drop your Dharma book! Raise your hands!" A majestic voice yelled at Zheng Qing: "Open your fingers and don't make any movement!"

Zheng Qing was dizzy when the magical light stirred up from the Dharma book. He raised his hands and shouted repeatedly: "This is an accident! I used those magics just now! She will be lying here when I come! I am Zheng Qing !”

"Zheng Qing?!" A surprised and annoyed voice sounded in the wizard's ears: "Why is it you again? Aren't you supposed to be in the library at this time?!"

"I was in the library before and saw Li Meng sneaking out through the window - she must have sneaked out. Her cousin Jiang Yu should have asked her to do her homework at this time - and then I wanted to help bring her back. So I came out and followed her to this location, when I saw her falling to the ground. I was worried about the danger around me, so I used several detection and protection magics, which you can all check!"

Worried about the misunderstanding between the school staff and the teaching assistants, Zheng Qing spoke very fast, pouring out all his mental activities from beginning to end. Because he spoke too fast and the process he described was too simple and true, several school staff members were immediately confused. Neither he nor the teaching assistant said anything.

Of course, the Dharma books in their hands were still held up in front of their chests, aiming at Zheng Qing.

It's just that the magic waves that were originally surging on the book shrank a lot, turning into a halo of light that shrouded the book. And many reds that originally exuded a sinister atmosphere have been transformed into safer green spells.

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