Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2 Sleepwalking

When I went out in the morning, I hummed and sang. The sun was so bright and life was so beautiful.

When I go home at night, the warm breeze blows. The world has not changed, but my mood is completely different.

In just one day, too many things happened and he learned too many secrets. Although he had a renovated brain, Zheng Qing still felt that it was not enough - maybe it was because the brain was refurbished and could not be used. Not quite used to it yet.

In short, following the yellow raccoon dog back to school, he found his dormitory, climbed into his bed, and buried his head in the pillow. During the whole process, Zheng Qing felt numb in his mind.

It’s either a blank, it’s not too thoughtful, it’s just dull.

Maybe it would be better to just sleep. With this simple thought in mind, the young public-funded student drank a sedative, put on an eye mask, forced his thoughts to sink slowly, and reluctantly entered his dream.

In his sleep, he seemed to hear the thunderous roar and the low explosion again; he seemed to see the red light in the sky and the endless white world.

Then he woke up from his sleep.

The dazzling sunlight shined directly on his face through the glass window, making the young wizard groan softly.

"...Today's sunshine is free..."

"I don't know if Sunshine wants money, but you should save some money for yourself." Fatty Xin's familiar voice sounded behind Zheng Qing, startling him.

He turned his head very hard, and a greasy, chubby face immediately appeared in his sight.

The two faces were almost touching.

"F*ck!!" The young public-funded student screamed in shock. He subconsciously leaned back and hit the desk behind him heavily. "Fat man, who are you trying to scare?! Don't just hide behind others, okay?!... Hiss! It hurts like hell!" Damn it!"

The hard edge of the table struck the bones, making a tooth-piercing sound. Zheng Qing felt like his ribs were broken.

Fatty Xin looked at him resentfully.

"Am I scaring you?" He stretched out his stubby finger and tapped the tip of his nose. The strong resentment in his tone burst out, "You were sleepwalking at night, and you were drawing talisman on my bedside with red eyes all night. I have What are you talking about? I’m scaring you!”

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was not on the bed, but sitting at the desk in his pajamas.

On the table, a dry daisy is placed sideways in a vase. Under the daisy, the fat cat is curled up, its head resting on its paws, looking at the young wizard curiously; the elves are hanging on the fat cat, worried. Looking at their master.

Across the table, Dr. Xiao Da was holding a notebook and staring at him motionless; not far above, Dylan's head was drooped on the edge of the coffin, also staring at him eagerly.

Behind him, Fatty Xin’s sad and indignant accusation came: “…it was already a hard day’s work correcting the manuscript, but it turned out that I couldn’t sleep well at night… Do you know that you look like an evil ghost when you are sleepwalking? Don’t scare me like this. Human!"

"More scary than ghosts." Dylan said confidently, "I have seen many evil ghosts, and they are just a little disgusting at best... none of them are so scary."

Zheng Qing swallowed a small mouthful of saliva.

He felt that he needed to smooth things over.

"In other words, I sleepwalked last night?" The young public-funded student stood up, but felt a little dizzy, and immediately sat back down. His thoughts finally became clearer. "...Just doing things with eyes open and unconsciously?"

The three roommates nodded in unison, like chickens pecking at rice.

"...You didn't say anything weird." He confirmed in a low voice.

The roommates shook their heads in unison again.

Zheng Qing breathed a heavy sigh of relief - he almost thought he had said something terrible in his sleep just now - he didn't want to be regarded as a freak by his companions on the first night when he knew the truth.

"It's just sleepwalking. It's not that scary." The young public-funded student waved his hands with an expression that said, "You're making a big deal out of this and don't care." "It's just a sign...Have I ever said that when I was a child, I sleepwalked, one night? Drawn more than a thousand symbols?”

Xiao Xiao coughed slightly, interrupting the young wizard's self-comfort.

"If you just draw a talisman and write a spell, no one will say anything." He pointed to the small piles of ashes on the table and reminded, "The key is that what you write is not an ordinary spell, and what you draw is not an ordinary talisman. "

Zheng Qing looked intently.

The gray-white embers were like small graves, big or small, leaving ugly scars on the table. Outside the 'grave', there is Zheng Qing's Dharma book, tightly closed.

"Last night, you suddenly got up in the middle of the night. Without turning on the light, you lay down on the desk and started writing and drawing." Xiao Xiao didn't wait for Zheng Qing to ask and started describing.

"It's just an ordinary meditation talisman drawn with ordinary cinnabar ink, yellow paper, and a brush. But after drawing one line and burning another... it's as if the talisman paper cannot bear the power of the pen and can't withstand the infusion of magic power."

As he said this, Xiao Xiao pointed at the smaller 'graves' on the table, indicating that those were the burned talismans.

"After drawing more than a dozen talisman papers, you seemed a little angry, so you took out a Dharma book from the gray cloth bag and copied incantations on it... At first, you used the soft-cover Dharma book provided by the school for publicly funded students. The pen used to copy the spell is an ordinary quill pen, but like the previous talismans, the spell books will automatically smoke and turn into ashes after the spell is copied halfway."

He pointed at the slightly larger 'graves' on the table.

"I have been burning five or six Dharma books - I guess you don't have a spare Dharma book in your bag now - and finally I just used your own Dharma book to copy it down."

Fatty Xin interjected and emphasized, "While I was copying, your Dharma book kept shining and making a creaking sound, as if it was about to explode at any time... Do you think we dare to sleep in that situation?" "

"It's very possible that when you wake up, you will find that only one of your souls is left, floating in ashes." Doctor Xiao said quietly.

"It's not safe in the coffin either." Dylan felt sad.

Zheng Qing carefully looked at his companions, and as expected, saw thick bags under their eyes.

The young public-sponsored student smiled awkwardly and picked up his Dharma book, "What kind of spell is written in it... I think it will scare you, ha, ha, ha..."

When Zheng Qing opened the Dharma book and took a first look at it, he closed it again with a 'pop' sound.

At that moment, he saw countless complex and profound spells tumbling through the book, flowing between the pages like living things, and the whole body was emitting a frightening dark red light.

Zheng Qing could guess with his toes that those spells were related to forbidden spells.

Looking up, he happened to see Dr. Xiao Da's arm slowly retracting.

"I just wanted to remind you that the Dharma book cannot be opened," Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, with a curious expression on his face, "I didn't expect you to be able to open it... But this is understandable, after all. It's your own Dharma book, the incantation you just read it, what's the incantation in it?"


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