Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 3: Suspicions about the Dharma Book

"It's spell!"

Zheng Qing answered through gritted teeth, took out a belt from the gray cloth bag, and began to tie up the Dharma books in his hands. Three horizontally and three vertically, the binding is so strong that no words can be revealed.

Worried that the binding would be unsafe, he took out a few more sealing charms, spat on them, and covered every corner of the book.

Until the sealing talisman emits a reassuring light green halo.

Then he raised his head and saw the scrutinizing and curious eyes of several roommates.

"Ahem, the Dharma book is out of order, the Dharma book is out of order." The young public-sponsored student coughed dryly, and threw out the excuse he had just made up indifferently: "...This Dharma book has been used for a long time, and it has some... temper. Well, Yes, he has a temper. Just like Dylan’s full-length mirror, he likes to talk nonsense.”

After using the magic full-length mirror for a long time, I often use harsh words when commenting on clothing and provide bizarre clothing matching suggestions.

In the eyes of ordinary alchemists, this is a magic malfunction, but in the eyes of many users, it is just a little temper of the magic mirror, a growing pain, and a manifestation of the strengthening of the magic mirror's "self-awareness" - which is why many people rely too much on it. This is because magical wizards wear slightly weird clothes - so these young wizards who have lived in the magical world since childhood reluctantly accepted Zheng Qing's words.

Of course, Dr. Xiao Da has never been so easy to fool: "There is no inevitable connection between the malfunction of the Dharma book and the fact that the Dharma book did not turn into fly ash. Are you secretly changing the concept?"

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, showing some distress: "You said you are a magician, why do you care so much about logic?"

"Logic and magic are not contradictory," the doctor said calmly.

"Where did you buy your Dharma book?" Dylan interrupted at the right time, which made the young public-funded student breath a great sigh of relief, but Mr. Vampire Werewolf raised his confusion from another direction:

"I've been meaning to ask before, but I always forget... This Dharma book of yours looks very good. The copper nails, paper pages, and inscriptions are made of ordinary materials, but the workmanship is very sophisticated... There is nothing like this on the market. Is the current version of the Dharma book passed down from family to family?”

Wizarding families with a bit of history all have family traditions, passed from grandfather to grandson, from husband to wife, and so on. Such books are not available in the market, and most of them are restricted by bloodline and surname. Wizards who do not have the corresponding bloodline or surname cannot use them. But correspondingly, this type of book has great benefits for wizards and is very popular among family wizards.

Dylan had this speculation because others could not open Zheng Qing's Dharma book before.

"I am the only wizard in my family."

Zheng Qing has never concealed this point: "Like you, this Dharma book was also bought at Xiayuan Bookstore, but there was a discount for public-sponsored students at that time, and it was privately ordered by the calligrapher."

When he said the last sentence, the young wizard still felt a little guilty.

When he ordered Dharma books at Xiayuan Book Store last year, he chose to order them privately for the lowest price of one gold bean. As a result, the Dharma book maker named Old Payne seemed to have misunderstood and made a Dharma book for him.

This always made Zheng Qing feel like he was taking advantage.

However, when using this book, it feels really good. The spell copying is smooth, and there will be no situation where many Dharma books cannot display certain key spells (for example, the Paris binding requires the blessing of the church, so it is forbidden to copy spells involving the devil; the Ashmore binding uses sharkskin paper, It is difficult to retain fire spells), and there will be no ink swallowing (when writing spells, the book absorbs a large amount of magic ink to reduce the pressure of spell operation), and the magic power consumption when using it is also low.

Dylan mentioned the origin of the Dharma Book, which made the young wizard couldn't help but recall the purchase of the Dharma Book last year, and also recalled many scenes at that time. He suddenly realized an issue that he had ignored.

But before he could think about it carefully, his train of thought was interrupted by Fatty Xin's voice.

"Private customization... It's such an unequal society." A sour voice interrupted Zheng Qing's memories, and the fat man complained grumblingly: "Government-funded students only have better grades, why are there So many benefits!”

"Good grades are enough. I want a Persian magic carpet." Zheng Qing was very dissatisfied with the guy who interrupted his thoughts and replied angrily.

"This is the system." Dr. Xiao Da pointedly commented.

This slightly cruel answer caused the entire dormitory to fall into silence.

Zheng Qing cleared the ashes on the table, combed the long hair on the fat cat's back, and wiped the wings of the elves before finally coming back to his senses and turning to look at Fatty Xin.

He remembered the fat man's suggestion when this conversation first began.

"Why do you want me to save money?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at the fat man.

When he just woke up, Fatty's first suggestion was to ask Zheng Qing to save money.

"Save some money, so that when others come to you for compensation for personal injuries, mental compensation, or property damage, or you go to a senior therapist to treat sleepwalking, you don't have to borrow money from us." The fat man replied a little irritably. As he stood, the notebook in his hand clattered.

He was packing away his quills and scratch paper, wondering if he was going to the library or the editing room.

Dylan had already quietly retreated into the coffin.

After hearing the fat man's answer, he popped up half of his head and reminded in a low voice: "To be clear in advance, I am also very poor... The worst thing about being a vampire is that it is difficult for you to wait until the day you inherit the inheritance. Unless you’re selling antiques.”

This is a very cold joke.

Zheng Qing laughed dryly in cooperation.

"Speaking of the hospital," Xiao Xiao didn't smile. There was a thoughtful expression on his face: "Nicholas is still in the campus hospital. Should we go and visit him?"

The dormitory fell into silence once again.

The fat man's hand loosened his grip on the notebook, and the notebook fell to the ground with a clatter. And Dylan seemed to have forgotten about retracting into the coffin.

A moment later, Zheng Qing's slightly confused voice sounded in the dormitory: "Campus hospital? What is Nicholas doing in the campus hospital? Is he sick?"

He was out of school all day yesterday and went to bed when he came back. He never knew what happened at school.

"We can discuss this matter during dinner." Fatty Xin roughly pushed Zheng Qing and stuffed him into the bathroom: "After you clean yourself up, we will go have lunch... while eating Let’s talk about this again.”

"You have such a good appetite." Dylan sneered, swooping back into the coffin and closing the lid of his coffin very hard.

The fat man looked at the black coffin angrily and began to think about whether to paint some suns on it.

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