Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 35 Birthday

When Zheng Qing regained consciousness, he found that he was not sitting in the classroom, but standing in a white mist.

Based on experience, boys can easily tell that they are still dreaming.

He looked up and down.

The surrounding fog was not very heavy, just reaching his ankles, and it was like a gurgling stream, flowing under his feet, cool and slippery. Stepping on it feels like stepping on a plastic track, Microsoft does not hurt your feet.

The dream seems to spy on the boy's thoughts.

Just as he thought of the words 'plastic track', the fog in front of him rolled, revealing a dark red plastic track. In the middle of the runway, there was a black cat standing, turning its head and looking at him with a pair of yellow eyes.


The black cat barked softly, turned around and ran forward briskly.

The strong sense of déjà vu gave the boy a huge sense of security. Without too much hesitation, he raised his steps and followed the black cat. Familiar running, familiar black cat, familiar plastic track.

After running not far away with this familiar feeling, another familiar figure appeared in the boy's eyes.

It's Mr. Wu!

The black cat kicked and stomped, reluctantly strolled to the gentleman's feet, and hooked the gentleman's ankle with its tail.

"Oh? Are you here?" The gentleman looked down at the black cat, then looked back at the young public-funded student, raised his hand and waved: "Since you are here, come and stand for a while."

After that, he put his hands behind his back and looked quietly into the distance.

Zheng Qing ran a few steps and came to the side of his husband. He followed his gaze and saw that there was still a vast white mist in front of him, with no scenery to enjoy.

Perhaps these mists hold some surprising secrets?

The boy folded his hands and stood obediently behind his husband. He also looked at the white mist seriously, as if he wanted to see a flower in the mist.

"What are you looking at?" The gentleman's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"What are you looking at?" - Zheng Qing almost asked this question, but fortunately, his reason controlled his mouth at the last moment and changed the rhetorical question into a more urgent wording: "I am following Look in the same direction, sir.”

This position is very interesting.

Mr. Wu couldn't help but smile, pointed at the boy, and finally shook his head: "You, you... If you want to break through the fog of fate, it's not enough just to rely on the forbidden spell on your body. You still have to be in school. Learn more."

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement.

"I came today to bring you something." The gentleman looked back at the fog again.

But Zheng Qing felt that his hands suddenly became heavier.

He lowered his head and unknowingly picked up a wooden box with both hands. The box was filled with various greeting cards and gifts wrapped in plastic floral paper, including more than a dozen large and small.

"Today is May 4th, your birthday." The gentleman's voice rang in his ears: "Your grandfather, your parents, and your former friends have gifts for you... According to the normal way, it is estimated that It will take ten days and a half for these things to pass the inspection and be delivered to you. I happened to have some time, so I brought them to you."

Zheng Qing flipped through the top greeting card with a picture of a beautiful girl. Inside was the familiar handwriting of his former best friend: "Happy birthday!"

The two words are very concise and concise, which is indeed the consistent style of that guy.

Next, there is a greeting card from father, the content is very serious - 'Happy 19th birthday to my son! After today, you are one year older. You are no longer a timid little boy, you will become a brave man...'

Zheng Qing felt a little bit sour when he saw those words, and quickly closed the greeting card.

There were only about ten greeting cards in total, and it didn’t take much time to flip through them one by one. As for the gifts, there was plenty of time to open them after returning to the dormitory. Zheng Qing had no intention of finishing them here.

"This is my gift." Mr. Wu handed over a cyan card.

Zheng Qing felt excited, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face - think about what kind of gift it would be from a being who transcended the ancient wizard!

Is it a transfer contract from a mage tower somewhere? Or a powerful magic spell? Or maybe a precious magic potion prescription? Maybe even the combination to the wizard's bank safe!

These thoughts were solidified in the deepest part of his mind after seeing the content on the cyan card.

On the card is a lesson note.

"When you were upset a few days ago, I told you about private tutoring." The gentleman always spoke slowly and unhurriedly, like a pot of old soup that had been simmering for a long time:

"...In the past two days, I have made a list of homework that you should study for, and I plan to start from this week."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth - giving class schedules as gifts is really his usual style. He couldn't help but think of the first time he went to Hui Ziji a long time ago, when his husband said he wanted to give him a birthday gift.

He has always been obsessed with raising a little mermaid in the bathtub.

"This week...when?" Zheng Qing looked through the card back and forth - it only contained learning content and outline, and no specific time schedule.

"When I have time," the gentleman replied simply.


"Well, let's see, on Tuesday... the Central Continent hunting group destroyed half of the world again while hunting. I'm going to sort out the rules, otherwise the world won't be sold at a good price. You know, the school and those hunting groups Signed a share-sharing agreement.”

No, I don't know - the boy complained secretly in his heart.

"...Then, Wednesday is also a business trip. Alas, the two super hunting groups of 'Xian Qin' and 'Shengtang' are mobilizing their troops again, planning to fight... I have to act as peacemaker. We can't let them call. Fight. All love will be wiped out."

"On Thursday, I have a few old friends from deep under the stars who need to be entertained."

“On Friday, I’m going to write my memoirs.”

"Saturday...well, I think we can put off the matter on Saturday? There are so many people in the school, and if I am more than one, I will not be too much, and if I am missing, then it is not less...that tabby cat will do some dirty work for me." The gentleman touched his sleeves, raised his head and murmured to himself.

Hearing those scary words, Zheng Qing shrank his neck in awe.

But he still had the guts to object.

"I'm going to Professor Monteria's laboratory on Saturday afternoon. I've been absent three times." The boy defended in a low voice: "There is also a night patrol mission at Linzhong Lake in the evening..."

The gentleman lowered his eyelids and glanced at him.

"You are the most troublesome student I have ever taught." He commented, but he did not interfere with the school's punishment as the boy wanted, but changed the time: "...Sunday, Sunday noon, Come to Sanyou Bookstore on the pedestrian street and find me. The tabby cat will show you the way."

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