Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 36 Untitled

After receiving the gift and being assigned a new study plan, the husband fell silent.

Zheng Qing vaguely knew that he should leave.

Then he remembered something else.

"Sir, there is something I feel I need to tell you...Last Saturday, that night when I went to bed, I seemed to have something wrong again."

Zheng Qing was a little timid, but he relayed in great detail the descriptions of his sleepwalking experience by his roommates in the same dormitory. Finally, he asked worriedly: "What do you think this is? Could it be that the forbidden curse is restless... ...Want to come out?”

A picture emerged in his mind - he and his companions were laughing and playing around on campus, throwing little curses at each other, and then he lost control and exploded Fatty Xin into a pulp. Then he inflated into a balloon amidst the panicked screams of his companions, and finally turned into a brilliant firework in the air with a 'pop' sound.

Phuket Island was shaken, the school was razed to the ground, and a mushroom cloud rose slowly on the blue sea.

Hiss, the boy shook his head vigorously, trying to get this terrible scene out of his mind.

"Where is the Dharma book?" The gentleman raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised.

Zheng Qing quickly touched the gray cloth bag at his waist and pulled the Dharma book out of the bag effortlessly.

Well, it's magic.

The husband took Zheng Qing's Dharma book and, quite amused, pulled off the belt the boy tied to it and the sealing charm attached to it.

"Prepare some isinglass in your pocket next time," the gentleman reminded: "It is a barbarian practice to stick sealing charms with saliva. Even the centaur tribe in the Silent Forest would not do this."

Zheng Qing felt that his cheeks were a little hot, and he reluctantly agreed. At the same time, he opened the small notebook in his hand and recorded his first class notes in the 'private class' with a quill.

While Zheng Qing was taking notes, his husband slowly flipped through the incantations in his Dharma book, with surprise in his eyes.

Although the spells recorded in this book look complicated and huge, they are clear and orderly. It is very obvious that it is a powerful spell - although it is only one spell, it occupies the slots of dozens of spells. The entire Dharma book is packed to the brim, and even the blank space on the title page of the Dharma book is not wasted.

But what surprised the gentleman was not the exquisite construction and grandeur of this spell.

But the essence of this spell.

"This is not a forbidden spell."

The first sentence of the gentleman concluded the incantation in the Dharma book. This conclusion made the young public-sponsored student breathe a heavy sigh of relief, but the next sentence made his heart pick up again:

"This is a guiding spell, just like the spark before the explosion of gunpowder or the beam of neutrons before the fission of a nuclear bomb. You can think of it as the 'first driving force' that does not exist in the world."

"It's a trigger."

"A trigger that can induce the forbidden curse."

"Originally, this trigger is scattered in every corner of the entire forbidden curse system... There is no connection or collusion between them... Only when you are truly mature and have enough endurance will you slowly discover it."

"But I overlooked one thing...the reason why forbidden spells are called forbidden spells is because they have the power to break all the rules in this world. Whether it is a silent contract or other spells."

"Your eyes frequently turn red, which is actually a sign."

"That ray of red is the manifestation of the power sleeping deep in your soul after it broke through its shackles. Especially since you repeatedly appear in the time distortion place, this variable has been increased..."

The time distortion place is the secret world in the Silent Forest. It was originally created by Mr. Wu accidentally when he used a silver pocket watch to turn back time and rescue Zheng Qing from the brink of crisis.

Of course, this secret realm has now been destroyed by Zheng Qing's last 'self-destruction'.

Going back in time is a major violation of the rules, so it has a mysterious influence on the power that also breaks the rules. It took Zheng Qing a long time to slowly get the taste of this.

"...I'm old, I'm still old."

"I always do things with hesitation and hesitation. I should have realized this situation a long time ago..."

"This Dharma book," Zheng Qing suddenly remembered the question that came to mind when discussing the source of the Dharma book with Dylan a few days ago, and asked with some uneasiness:

"When this Dharma book was being produced, the old wizard once 'captured' something from me... He told me that it was a 'demon spirit'."

Having said this, the young wizard paused and glanced at his husband's expression carefully before continuing to ask hesitantly: "How come there are demon spirits in my body? I mean, am I not a wizard... "

The gentleman raised his eyebrows: "Old Penn? He has been suffering from dementia for more than thirty or fifty years. Why do you want to give him a job at Yuanshu Store? Aren't you afraid that he will blow up the bookstore?"

"Don't pay attention to what he said about 'demon spirits' and 'devil energy'. He is just trying to fool laymen so that he can make money... What I took away from you is a little bit of inspiration. It is used to improve the sensitivity of the Dharma book to spells."

Zheng Qing nodded suddenly - but he was not sure whether his husband told him the truth.

"What about me sleepwalking?"

"How old are you this year?" the husband asked back.

You watched me grow up!


Zheng Qing secretly cursed and reminded: "'s my birthday today."

"Wow, I'm only nineteen years old." The husband sighed appreciatively: "I'm sorry, but one of the disadvantages of living for a long time is that you lose your sensitivity to time. Sometimes it's hard to judge what happened a hundred years ago. What’s the difference between the kids you meet and the kids you met a year ago?”

"Nineteen years old... It's such an age full of vitality. Sunny, bright, like flowers in May."

"But just like those flowers. You are no longer a little boy, but you are not yet a man. You are still just a boy. Living in an ivory tower, you have not experienced the tossing and tempering of life, and you cannot feel the weight of life..."

"My life weighs one hundred and twenty-one pounds,"

The young public-sponsored student listened to his teacher's teachings and thought with some resistance: "And I have already experienced the hardships of life... Is there anyone like me who has spent more than half of the year accepting the school's requirements after enrolling for less than a year? Punitive missions, being warned and punished three or four times by the school, being hospitalized seven or eight times, and even self-exploding once?”

For some reason, Zheng Qing felt a sense of pride in his heart when he thought of this.

As if the teacher was unaware of the boy's thoughts, he still said slowly in an unchanging voice:

"...You have now become a wizard, a special wizard. Maybe in one hundred, two hundred, five hundred, or even a thousand years, your appearance will still be as young as today. But your heart , but will grow old as time goes by.”

"I hope you always remember this day when you grow up."

“Remember what it’s like to be young.”

This was not the first time that his husband had mentioned the topic of life and aging to Zheng Qing. The boy's intuition told him that there was some hidden meaning behind these conversations, but he was not sure.

The only thing that’s certain is – what does this have to do with sleepwalking? Are you changing the subject, sir? But this transfer method is too blunt!

When he came back to his senses, his figure had been submerged in the increasingly thick white mist.

"Oh, right."

The teacher's voice came out from the depths of the thick fog, and seemed a bit ethereal: "...Although it is understandable, it is always wrong to sleep during class. This time when I go back, I will stand for half an hour as a punishment."

Zheng Qing opened his eyes wide, and just wanted to distinguish between one and two, but unexpectedly, all the fog under his feet dissipated.

As if falling from the sky, a huge feeling of weightlessness rushed towards me.

Zheng Qing screamed and woke up from his sleep, standing up like a carp.

When I opened my eyes, the talisman class was not over yet.

All the students in Astronomy Class 08-1 were looking at him, their eyes full of teasing.

"It sounds like classmate Zheng Qing has different opinions on the talisman I just talked about?" On the podium, Teacher Zhang also looked at the young wizard who suddenly stood up with a smile: "Let's listen to his opinion."

The classroom immediately burst into warm applause.

Fatty Xin drummed extra hard, and at the same time he didn't forget to bar his teeth and make a mocking face at Zheng Qing.

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