Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 102: Moved again

The wandering wizard was not the last to arrive.

After him, Dr. Terry Duzem also hurried to the scene, but he was not restricted by the narrow arch like the wandering wizard. On the contrary, when the doctor passed through, the arch was thoughtfully expanded several times to accommodate his body, which was much larger than that of the mice.

The little angels on the arch even emerged from the vines and leaves, waving and screaming to Dr. Duzem.

"This is discrimination!" The wandering wizard sounded a little unhappy and shouted at the two mice: "I am also your partner!"

"You are just one of the partners' agents." Fei Rui reminded the subtle difference: " are not the speaker of the Dark Parliament yet."

This sentence successfully choked off the wandering wizard's other efforts to argue.

Dr. Duzem also noticed the uninvited guests at the scene, but he didn't pay attention. He just glanced curiously at the wine bottle and wine glass in the hands of the wandering wizard.

"Why did you bring the wine?" He greeted politely.

The wandering wizard smiled reservedly: "I heard that your experiment was successful... This is a celebration wine. Well, it seems that I have missing a wine glass, but it doesn't matter, I can drink from the bottle."

The doctor shook his head: "You celebrated too early."

Next to him, the Rat Immortal who had been observing the 'Ju Ling San' finally patted the agarwood chariot under him, turned around and looked at Dr. Duzem: "Letting you come over suddenly won't bring you any trouble."

"Don't worry, I arranged for the prosthetic body to do experiments in the study, and with Constantine's help... the school will not find anything unusual." The doctor explained simply, turning to look at the giant skeleton leaning on the mountain opposite, with a smile on his face A trace of confusion: "The question is, why did it move suddenly?"

"Doesn't this mean that your work is successful?" The wandering wizard finally noticed something unusual in the atmosphere and raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's not time yet." As he spoke, Dr. Duzem took out a palm-sized blood-red stone from his pocket, showed it in front of everyone, and then put it away: "I still want to return this Philosopher's Stone. It’s not installed…how can it move without a power source?”

The wandering wizard was speechless.

This is indeed very unusual.

"Could it be a false alarm?" The wandering wizard looked around, trying to find a more reasonable explanation: "What I mean is that the wizard monitoring Giant Zero Three was dazzled for a moment and mistook the mirage on the mountain for a finger movement..."

There is an earth dragon in the mountains, which likes to eat dew and spit out mirage. The mirage condenses into various magnificent scenes. When ordinary people see it, they think it is real and spread lies, saying that there are many mansions of gods and immortals in the mountains. Many times, wizards will also see things wrong. This has nothing to do with eyesight, but a poor state of mind.

"If it were in other places, this guess is very likely." The Rat Immortal glanced at the wine bottle in the wandering wizard's hand and swallowed: "...but not here. Under the aura of the remains of the Titan, don't Speaking of earth dragons, even heavenly dragons don’t want to stay in such a place, let alone allow them to breathe out mirage comfortably.”

Dragons and giants have been mortal enemies since ancient times, similar to vampires and werewolves.

Just like vampires hate the smell of werewolves, dragons can hardly tolerate the smell of giants.

At the same time, Fei Rui jumped up from the ground and punched the wandering wizard in the knee.

"The 'dazzled' wizard in your mouth is me!" It screamed in a high-pitched voice, looking extremely annoyed: "I'm much younger than you! Not to the point of being dazzled by old age! Or do you think I am Can’t tell the difference between mirage and reality?”

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just providing a possibility." The wandering wizard apologized without sincerity, while putting away the wine bottle and glass in his arms.

Under such circumstances, it would be too disgraceful to mention 'celebration'.

"Is it possible to transform into a corpse? Or undead magic?" The Rat Immortal looked at Terry Duzem and whispered another guess. There are not many magics that can make dead skeletons move, and zombie transformation is the simplest and most direct one among them.

Dr. Duzem frowned, stared at the giant skeleton, and did not answer immediately.

Admittedly, he used a bit of a death-related spell when transforming the Titan. Those spells are more about protecting bones and condensing spiritual energy. It will never cause corpse transformation.

But if it is really related to undead magic, then the situation is a bit worse.

Transforming the corpse of a Titan into a 'god' might make the giants angry and spit at him. But desecrating the remains of the Titans with necromancy? That was something that only a fallen wizard would do, and Dan Hager was the first one not to let him go.

There is a very subtle red line here.

Terry Duzeme has to make sure everything he does is within safe limits. He is not a member of the Dark Council, nor does he intend to become a fallen wizard.


A weak but extremely clear voice came from the top of the mountain opposite, and the four wizards stopped talking at the same time, focusing on Titan's left hand clinging to the huge rock on the top of the mountain.

Its fingers moved again.

As Fei Rui said before, the joints on the ring finger and little finger of the left hand tightened slightly - it looked like some kind of conditioned reflex - but the movement was too small. If the body size difference was not too large, it would probably No one will notice this.

The cold wind blew across the mountainside, bringing a chill.

Fei Rui couldn't help but shiver and stroked the soft short hair on his belly.

"It's not a corpse transformation." Dr. Duzem immediately judged it, and at the same time breathed a heavy sigh of relief: " has nothing to do with undead magic."

"It's really not a mirage!" Fei Rui also emphasized again.

The Mouse Immortal made no sound, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper and deeper, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

The wandering wizard also showed a cautious expression.

for a long time.

The Rat Immortal turned his head and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the wandering wizard: "Did you see it?"

"I didn't see it, but I felt it a little bit." The wandering wizard tugged on the brim of his pointed hat and pointed upward slightly: "...the breath there."

Fei Rui looked up in the direction of the wandering wizard's finger.

There was a thick layer of gray clouds overhead, and the afterglow of the setting sun still lingered on the edge of the clouds, giving it a beautiful golden edge.

"What?" It blinked its small eyes, with a hint of confusion in its eyes.

The Rat Immortal raised his paws with great effort, reached into the pocket of his robe, fumbled for a moment, and took out a thin-necked bottle. The bottle contained some light yellow liquid, and some oval-shaped bubbles were bubbling. The bubbles are dotted with a little bit of darkness, like eyeballs with contracted pupils.

Those bubbles gather on the glass wall of the flask, like eyeballs stacked on top of each other, giving people a nauseating feeling.

"The magic potion left by Wilbur Whateley uses the blood of their family." The Rat Immortal poured out a drop and applied it on his eyelids: "It can give you a short-term 'eye of truth'... Legend There won’t be more than what we see.”

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