Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 103 Pheasant on the chopping board

Wilbur Whateley is a strange wizard who walks in mystery and reality. He has the face of a goat, rough and curled hair, yellowish skin, and tentacles and a tail on his lower body.

Of course, compared to his bizarre appearance, his more well-known identity stems from the brand in his blood - it is said that his father is Yog-Sothoth, one of the most powerful outer gods in the depths of the stars.

Yog-Sothoth's most famous title is 'Omniscient and All-Seeing'. Although this title is a bit exaggerated for wizards of legend and above, for ordinary people and low-level wizards, this title is No moisture at all.

It's really surprising that the Rat Fairy can come up with the magic potion prepared by Wilbur.

"Is there Wilbur's blood in it?" The wandering wizard stared at the 'eyeballs'-shaped bubbles on the glass wall of the bottle with interest, and whispered: "It is said that he was bitten by a group of rabid dogs. There is no residual poison in the blood, right?" …”

"It's Wilbur's brother's blood," the Rat Fairy corrected: "Wilbur just prepared this potion using the ancient notes passed down by the Whateley family. I spent a lot of money to get it... These are not the point. … Do you use it or not?”

In the last sentence, it was obviously a little angry.

The other three wizards immediately followed the advice, took the flask, and each placed a drop of magic potion on their eyelids.

Looking around again, the whole world has become different.

The originally cold and dry alpine climate disappeared in an instant. The sky above became dark, and the afterglow of the setting sun was scarlet, as if there was blood surging in the sky.

There are some fragile dimensions that collapse in such an environment.

In a flash of light, tiny fragments passed in front of several wizards, and no one tried to reach out to grab those pictures. Because everyone knows that it is the last phantom sound left when the dimension line is broken.

Opposite everyone.

The towering mountain still stands there, but it is no longer silent. From the thick heart of the mountain, there was an ominous humming and rumbling sound, which seemed very unnatural and made people feel uncomfortable.

The giant skeleton leaning on the mountain is probably the only thing in this world that has not changed. Even so, its left hand is very different from before.

After changing their perspective, everyone finally saw clearly that there was an extremely thin black silk thread protruding from the void and tied to Ju Lingsan's finger bones. The tailbone and ring finger have just been bound and are being extended to other bones.

The throbbing of life spread along the silk thread, allowing the dead giant to regain the power of turmoil.

Everyone stared at the thread.

After a while, the wandering wizard was the first to speak: "I heard in the store... that many children in school have become fond of drinking goat's milk recently. I thought it was an accident. Now it seems that the situation is much more complicated than what I heard."

"Last weekend, Korma expelled a shadow in the North District." The Rat Immortal also added: "It is said that a wizard in the North District lost control and was invaded by an unknown entity... That shadow had dozens of branches dancing randomly. The tentacles, the huge pieces of meat like black clouds, and the big mouth dripping with mucus.”

"The little genius who grew up on the pedestrian street lost a black goat."

Fei Rui subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The gloomy clouds above our heads seemed to be becoming more and more like pieces of meat as the Rat Immortal said.

He rubbed his little paws and finally said the forbidden name: "Is it really Him... Nicholas... Si?"

"The Black Goat of the Forest that gave birth to thousands of descendants?" Terry Duzem finally understood the words of several seniors and frowned: "Why would a being like Him get involved in such a trivial matter?"

For most wizards in the wizarding world, an incident involving a large number of top registered wizards, many great wizards, black prisons, and demons is undoubtedly a big event.

But to the legends who exist deep in the starry sky, this is just a child's play.

"Maybe they find it interesting and want to make a joke for us?" The wandering wizard laughed dryly.

"A joke? There is no such thing as humor in the sky... They don't need a reason to do things." The Rat Immortal pinched the armrest of the agarwood chariot, and his voice became much lower: "For them, whatever they want to do or don't want to do, it doesn't matter. No reason is needed…”

This answer silenced everyone.

The cold wind blew across the stone platform on the mountainside again. Fei Rui blinked his eyes. At some point, the black clouds above his head had dissipated again, and the falling afterglow added a golden edge to the horizon. The mountain became quiet again. The disturbing thin black line on the left hand of the giant skeleton also disappeared.

It touched its eyelids.

The potion's potency has worn off.

"Perhaps," the shortest member hesitated and raised his paws to suggest, "Perhaps, we should ask the school to handle this matter..."

"School?" Terry Duzem shouted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "You want the school to know that I violated the ban and re-refined the 'Artificial God'? I will be thrown into the black prison. !”

The wandering wizard also glanced at the little mouse at his feet.

"You remind me of a pheasant I killed when I was a kid." The old wizard said in a nostalgic tone: "Did you know? When the pheasant felt its head being placed on the chopping board, it stretched its neck even longer. Some... maybe it's just their instinct, but it makes it easier for me to chop off its head now."

Fei Rui touched the skin of the back of his neck and muttered: "...But, my neck is very short. I can't stretch it long."

The joke was cold.

The Mouse Immortal was holding a wine bottle in his hand. He bit the cork at some point and drank a few sips for himself. Then he sighed: "Humor... is not a pleasant word."

The wandering wizard's expression changed greatly. He reached into his pocket and touched it a few times. Then he looked at the wine bottle in the Mouse Immortal's hand with a dark face: "When did you steal it?"

"A sense of humor!" The Mouse Fairy raised the wine bottle and did not answer the wandering wizard's words. Instead, he sighed heavily again: "Just like Mark Twain once said... Humor comes from sadness rather than happiness. What can be done in the sky? There is no humor."

"I have no intention of telling the school about the existence of Ju Zero Three." Fei Rui also raised his little paw and added his own suggestion: "What I mean is... we can help spread the existence of 'that one' and give the school priority. Get rid of this problem...the school has the power to keep Him out of the world."

Terry Duzem's eyes suddenly lit up.

The wandering wizard smiled and tugged on the brim of his pointed hat, indicating that he was also very interested in this suggestion.

Several wizards blew a gust of cold wind on the boulders on the mountainside. It was not until the sunset completely disappeared in the sky and the moonlight began to smear the white snow on the mountaintop that the elves on the arch woke up from their sleep again.

They rubbed their eyes, dug out olive branches and laurel leaves, and made the arch larger with the sound of hymns.

Four figures disappeared into the doorway one after another.

Only a few broken words were left and drifted away in the wind.

"Doctor, why did you name it 'Giant Zero Three'?"

"Giant means gigantic... refers to an existence that is beyond 'big' but not yet 'legendary'... Zero Three, at a glance, is just a number..."

"Sure enough, this is the usual style of an alchemist..."

"In other words, before Ju Zero 3, there was Ju Zero 1, Ju Zero 2... or even Ju Zero 0?"

"Shut up! That's a silent clause! It's not something you should know!!"

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