Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 104: Public Opinion Preparation

“…When Jesus was sitting at a long table with his twelve disciples, He already knew that someone had evil intentions. He knew it was Judas. But He still sat with him, broke bread and poured wine for him. ”

"It's not kindness, it's not generosity, it's not about compassion."

"This is faith... Belief that fate will make a just decision. Believe that sacrifice will wash away sins. Believers who believe in Him can also be evil in addition to good people..."

On the shore of Linzhong Lake in the early morning, an Atlas student wearing a yellow robe was holding a Bible and preaching loudly on the shore, proclaiming the glory of the Lord to the fish people.

The people in red robes passing by looked at him with strange eyes.

Zheng Qing is also one of them. He was very worried that the yellow robe would be stoned to death by the angry fish people in the lake. Because several pairs of dark yellow, fierce eyes have appeared on the lake.

But Xiao Xiao told him not to worry so much.

"Most fish people don't think about such profound words," Xiao Xiao flipped through the school newspaper in his hand and explained smoothly: "Jesus, kindness, compassion, sin, faith... I doubt that a few fish people can understand it. The meaning of several words.”

"The fish people have sacrifices, and they also have beliefs." Zheng Qing did not agree with the doctor's point of view.

"That's not called faith, it's just worship. Ancient totem worship." Xiao Xiao was multitasking. While reading the newspaper article, he still had the energy to have a somewhat difficult conversation with Zheng Qing: "True faith is divided into There are two types, one is internal, which is the firmness of self-awareness; the other is external, which relies on the firmness of others. The worship of fish people is not firm and can be easily shaken, so their sacrifices cannot be called true beliefs. "

"Relying on the firmness of others?" Zheng Qing repeated Xiao Xiao's words, raised his head, glanced at the sky, and a thought suddenly came to his mind: "If there is no faith, then there is no way for the outer gods to come?"

Xiao Xiao finally moved his eyes away from the newspaper.

"That's understandable." His eyes looked through the smooth lenses of his glasses, seeming to see through what Zheng Qing was thinking: "The essence of external faith is 'coordinates'. Gods use coordinates to stabilize their existence; believers use coordinates to stabilize their existence. Anchor your own spirit... The real gods are high-dimensional existences that transcend time and space. Reality cannot withstand their arrival. They are unknowable and unpredictable. Only by relying on the guidance of faith can they cast their shadows in this world and manifest themselves. The presence."

"Sounds like trouble."

"Why do you think those high-dimensional beings lower their projections to low-dimensional beings?"

"Perhaps they need the power of faith?" Zheng Qing guessed.

"Those who regard faith as a foundation will eventually be poisoned by faith. There are no such stupid gods anymore." Xiao Xiao sneered: "They lower the projection, which is divided into two situations. One is pure mercy, like The pity of the rich for the poor; the other is interest... They regard everything that happens in the low-dimensional world as their own spiritual food - for example, when we read comics, do we have a sense of empathy? A projection behavior. The projection of the three-dimensional world onto the two-dimensional world.”

Zheng Qing shrugged.

"When you say that, we feel like we are very powerful." He thought of Mr. Ah Q inexplicably.

"That's true." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses: "Mr. Karl Strauss once said, 'The most interesting life is not a high-dimensional person who transcends everything, but an invincible existence in a low-dimensional one. Even if If a high-dimensional being destroys a low-dimensional world, it can also roll and fall into other low-dimensional worlds'..."

Karl Strauss is the author of the book "The Philosophy of Magic". Because this is the only textbook compiled by non-teaching professors, Zheng Qing was deeply impressed by his name.

But he didn't know what Xiao Xiao had just said.

This is normal.

Xiao Xiao concluded: "...So, just like when we find a cockroach at home, it means there are more than a dozen or even dozens or hundreds hiding in places where you can't see. When we realize that there are The arrival of a god in this world means that his followers have made many secret sacrifices and summonses.”

Zheng Qing thought of the magician whose body had been invaded by foreign gods on the streets of the North District, and of Satogua who had descended into the secret world. The thought in his mind became stronger and stronger.

"In other words, they won't come if no one calls them, right?" He asked softly.

"That's the theory." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Do you think that if we change the angle and chase Nicolas' followers, we can find Lin Guo's black goat faster?"

"Three-Chased Sword has an independent department that specializes in 'hunting' those cultists. As far as I know, their annual performance is at the bottom of the entire Three-Chased Sword." Xiao Xiao expressed his opinion tactfully: "Forgiveness is a branch of The new hunting team, we can’t be more professional than them.”

"This is a new idea." Zheng Qing insisted.

"Yes, it is indeed a new idea." Xiao Xiao said perfunctorily, raising the newspaper in his hand: "But compared with this new idea, I think this matter deserves our attention..."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Qing's attention finally moved away from the new idea he just had.

"The school newspaper reprinted several articles from the Beta Town Post and Ms. Duoduo, as well as comments... and several articles from the school newspaper." Xiao Xiao pointed out a few places with folded footers. Zheng Qing:

"For example, this article, in the 'Ancient and Modern Strange Stories' section, usually publishes stories about 'ancient corpses in mountain villages,' 'Southern witchcraft,' 'Loch Ness monster,' and 'library ghost studies'... But today, it is of great use. The article states that the 'Guardian of the Moon Mirror' is an ancient being who lives in the underground cave system in the Goat Forest area of ​​Great Britain, and is worshiped by an organization calling itself the 'Black Goat Mystery'. According to the article's speculation, the so-called 'Mirror of the Moon'. Guardian' is an incarnation of Nicholas."

"Another example is this article, in the current affairs commentary section. The commentator talks about the negative impact of evil god worship on Atlas Academy, especially emphasizing that the outer gods deep in the starry sky will affect the choice of wizards on the 'path', transforming them into Familiar. This kind of accusation is rare, especially since the commentator is from the Alpha School..."

"There is also this article, which is from the Beta Town Post reprinted by the school newspaper. It says, 'According to reliable information, there have been several small-scale gatherings of evil gods worshiping in Beta Town.'" There is news that some believers are trying to seduce them. "The influence of the owners is obvious. There are a large number of students who are fond of goat milk in the school." Some students lost their pets. "First University is indifferent to this"..."

"And this, reproduced from an article in "Ms. Duoduo", repeating the old tune of 'the black goat of the forest that gives birth to thousands of descendants' is harmful to pregnant women... It is more likely to cause witches to give birth to magicians... etc."

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