Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 105 See the big black cat again

"What does this mean?" Zheng Qing stopped Xiao Xiao from continuing.

"Obviously." Xiao Xiao was used to Zheng Qing's slowness. He shrugged and explained: "You and I know about Nicholas's existence because of prophecies or various coincidences... The school may know, but according to their previous practices , most likely because he wants to calm things down."

But those reports just now are promoting the existence of alien gods from all angles.

"You mean, someone doesn't want the school to suppress this matter?" Zheng Qing somewhat understood what Xiao Xiao meant.

"Obviously." Xiao Xiao raised his hand to stop Zheng Qing from speaking, and continued his analysis: "The problem is not 'whether you want it or not' - in fact, those guys are already doing it... The problem is, what will the school think?"

"how to think?"

"The school will be angry with such an ignorant guy. Find him and punish him."

"What does this have to do with us?" Zheng Qing was confused.

Xiao Xiao sighed heavily and looked at him with pity.

"If I remember correctly, you reported the loss of the black goat to the school working committee twice in a row." He was always very patient in such matters:

"...But the school keeps delaying, and you are very annoyed, and even complained to the student union... If the school wants to find the person behind these messages, they only need simple divination magic, and they will find that you appear in many pictures . Coincidentally, you were interviewed by the Beta Town Post, and there was a school newspaper reporter among your companions.”

"I have nothing to do with those reports!" Zheng Qing screamed like a cat with exploded fur.

"It doesn't matter whether it's related or not. What's important is that you, we, have already fallen into it." The doctor put away the newspaper, stopped the topic, and patted the young public-funded student on the shoulder: "Do you want to go to the library after class? Do you want to? Save a seat for you?"

"I need to be quiet." Zheng Qing looked at the newspaper held under the doctor's arm with a dark face, resisting the urge to grab it and read it a few more times: "Occupy the seat for me too..."

"How can I find you if something happens?"

"Flying Paper Crane... No, forget it, you know the Maoguoshu. If anything happens, you can go to the Maoguoshu to find me after class in the afternoon."

"Wait... why are you going now? It's only half an hour before Lao Yao's spells class!"

"Lab mission."

Zheng Qing answered vaguely, waved his hand without looking back, and disappeared deep into the path.

The so-called 'laboratory mission' did not come from Professor Monteria's laboratory, but from Su Shijun's Dimension Ascension Laboratory. When doing morning classes in the morning, the young public-funded student received a paper crane from the beautiful Su, and asked him to go to the laboratory to find her after finishing his morning classes.

There was also a leave request note tied to Zhihe's foot, which was signed by Professor Yao from the Charms class and Teacher Zhang from the Talisman class.

It's a full day off.

From the beginning of the school year to now, Zheng Qing has never taken such a long leave - except for the days when he was lying in the school hospital. And even if you are hospitalized, most of the time it is on weekends and rarely takes up normal school time.

Zheng Qing was very curious about what Su Shijun wanted to do with him.

The campus is very refreshing today. Perhaps because the weather was too hot yesterday, the weather monitor received too many complaints. Today they have adjusted the temperature to a suitable temperature. Thin clouds covered the morning sun, and the air was filled with comfortable water vapor. Shrubs and lawns took advantage of the opportunity to grow wildly. It took Zheng Qing longer than usual to find Su Shijun's laboratory.

"I'm not looking for you." Behind the desk, Beauty Su was checking several experimental reports. When she saw the wizard, she pointed to the side with the quill in her hand: "It's him looking for you."

Today, the witch wore a coat similar to a doctor's white coat, with her hair tied into a simple bun on the back of her head. A few strands of long hair hung down from the sideburns, revealing her fair and slender neck. She wore hexagonal gold-rimmed glasses on her face and her lips were a little red. The blinds behind her were not closed tightly, and sporadic sunlight filtered through the cracks in the window and fell on her body, making her whole body seem to glow.

It took a lot of effort for the young public-funded student to look away from Su Shijun.

"Who, who's looking for me?" He murmured, looking towards the corner of the office.

A big black cat was lying on the sofa boredly, with a plate of goat's milk in front of it. Perhaps because it had been left out for a long time, a thin layer of milk skin had formed on the goat's milk. The black cat was folding the milk skin bit by bit with his tongue, as if he wanted to fold it into a flower.

The wizard was startled.

"Why did you come out?!" he exclaimed.

The big black cat rolled its red and shiny eyes and dropped the milk flower from its mouth.

"Why can't I come out?" It snorted.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt lost and quietly glanced at the desk next to him from the corner of his eye. Su Shijun was staring at the experimental report in front of him with a serious face, seemingly not noticing what the boy was talking about just now.

"I mean," Zheng Qing calmed down and finally found some confidence: "Didn't 41 say that you will be placed in a safer place?"

He emphasized the word 'placement' a little more, hoping that the black cat would understand the meaning. Ever since the secret world was blown up and Mr. Wu told Zheng Qing that there was a forbidden curse seed in his body, the young wizard had become more aware of the power of the black cat.

There's no way the school would let such a dangerous guy roam around.

The boy glanced around subconsciously, thinking he would see a figure wearing a bun and a green robe.

The beard at the corner of the black cat's mouth curled downwards, looking a little annoyed.

"Is this what you asked after meeting?" it shouted at the wizard, and then shouted to the witch behind the desk: "How can you safely entrust your child to a guy like this? His head is full of mush, except for himself. He doesn't want to think about other people either... he seems very generous, casually buying things for his friends and taking care of unrelated elves, but in fact he is extremely selfish and can throw away things that are of no use to him without hesitation, and waste things that are not his. I don’t feel bad when I wake up.”

Zheng Qing was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't know where Black Cat came from so much resentment.

"Calm down, calm down." The boy took a step back, fearing that the black cat would get excited and flick him with its big arm-thick tail - it would definitely break the bones, the boy thought worriedly.

Hearing Zheng Qing speak, the black cat immediately stopped barking, lay down on the sofa again, and licked the nipple twice.

"I was always calm, before I met you." It muttered, seemingly confused by its rudeness just now.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Looking back, Su Shijun was holding his chin, watching the interaction between him and the black cat with relish. After noticing the wizard's gaze, the owner of the laboratory coughed dryly.

"You go on, don't pay attention to my work." She reassured in a nonchalant tone, and then turned the pages of the experimental report in her hands loudly, as if it was Zheng Qing's illusion that she just held her chin to watch the show.

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