Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 106 Transaction

"Some time ago, a small world in the Silent Forest was destroyed. Do you know about this?"

"have no idea."

"The relevant departments will give very generous rewards."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"If you can assist in the investigation of that case...or provide some valuable clues, it will be very helpful for your further study career in school."

"Excuse me, can you give me a hint?...I really don't know what you are talking about."

"I hope you will keep saying this. Whether it is in school or outside school. This matter is very dangerous for you. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at it."

The conversation between the young public-funded student and the black cat came to an end. No beginning or end. The black cat took a deep look at Zheng Qing, licked a few last bites of the goat's milk skin on the plate, swung its tail, and left Su Shijun's office.

Quietly, like a shadow, he slipped out through the crack in the door, without disturbing the busy researchers outside the office at all.

Zheng Qing wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"What a lame lie," Su Shijun's mocking voice sounded from behind the desk: "You can't even fool a cat."

"It's not a cat." Zheng Qing stared at the direction the black cat was leaving, thinking about every word it said, and corrected it in a low voice: "And I don't expect to lie to it... I just need to let it know , there are some things I can’t tell it, and that’s fine.”

"You can't tell it...can you tell me?" Behind the desk, the witch took off her hexagonal eyes, revealing a pair of beautiful big eyes.

Her pupils were like the most beautiful star in the night sky, mesmerizing. A lock of hair hangs down from his forehead, shining with a brown-red color in the sunlight. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her fingers were crossed on the table, her body was leaning forward slightly, and there was a hint of curiosity on her face.

Zheng Qing just caught a glimpse of this picture out of the corner of his eye, then he groaned and quickly looked away.

He fully believed that the owner of this office did not use any charm magic on him, but this did not affect the charm displayed by the witch at this moment.

Beautiful and unreasonable at all.

"I signed a silent contract! Even if I know it, I can't tell it!" the boy shouted - he was a little unsure about the first point. Because this year, he signed too many silent contracts at school. But on the latter point, he was sure. The seeds of ‘Order’ and things related to them must not be told to anyone.

"whispering sound."

The witch put away the curiosity on her face, put on her glasses again, and whispered: "Coward."

But he didn't know whether he was despising the boy for not even daring to look at him, or whether he was mocking the wizard's sensitivity on this topic.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief and finally dared to look back boldly.

Behind the desk, Su Shijun had already picked up the quill and the experimental report again and began to write and draw on them.

Sunshine, beauty, glasses, and quills - Zheng Qing didn't know why he had this strange synaesthesia - it was a beautiful picture.

Just like that, he stared at it for a long time.

Until Su Shijun paused with the quill in his hand and stopped sketching.

Does this seem like a sign of impatience?

The boy came to his senses immediately.

"Ahem... If there is nothing else, I will go back first?" He asked tentatively, while touching the leave note in his pocket.

Su Shijun asked him for a whole day's leave. There was no reason for him to come to her office and just chat with the big black cat for a few words, and then everything would be fine. She must have other things to discuss, the boy thought with a sense of embarrassment.

"Da da."

The tip of the quill hit the table, making a crisp sound. The elf in gray uniform floated silently in front of the boy with a fruit basket and tea tray, showing enough etiquette to the guests.

"You are a contracted experimenter of the 2D Evolution Laboratory." Su Shijun tilted his head and looked at the wizard sitting on the sofa: "But in recent months, you have not participated in the laboratory's follow-up experiments..."

Zheng Qing lowered his head and glanced at the shadow under his feet:

"I thought that after you cut off my shadow, my mission was completed."

"When the shadow returned later, you did not provide relevant reports as agreed, and you did not come to the laboratory for relevant health assessments." The owner of the office reminded.

Zheng Qing finally realized a problem he had been ignoring.

"Why did it come to you!" The wizard opened his eyes wide and looked back at the office door.


"Black cat! That black cat!... I mean, I remember it was taken away by a, some other agency... How could they allow it to come to you!"

The black cat was involved in a forbidden curse - although it was only a forbidden curse in the two-dimensional world - so it was taken away by the relevant authorities. Zheng Qing absolutely does not believe that at this critical moment, the school will relax its control on forbidden curses and allow the Yuexia Council to have access to relevant knowledge.

And Su Shijun is one of the five members of the Upper House of the Moon Parliament, the absolute core of the Moon Parliament.

Perhaps she is gentler than her other companions in her attitude towards First University and ordinary wizards, but this does not mean that the school will relax its vigilance against her. This point can be explained by strictly limiting the frequency of Su Shijun's appearance at First University and only giving her the position of deputy director.

"Are you the relevant department?" A trace of ridicule appeared on the witch's face: "Ah, a small deal. They want to know what happened in the woods when the secret realm was blown up that day... It just so happens that the Yuexia Council knows a little clue."

"Clues?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but ask: "What do you know?"

Su Shijun looked at him carefully, making Zheng Qing's heart tremble. Then he smiled and replied: "It is said that the new great wizard in the North District was doing illegal magic experiments in the secret realm that day... involving the starry sky... and you too There are relationships."

"It's impossible for the relevant departments to allow you to study it." The boy felt his voice was hoarse.

"Of course it's not allowed." The witch changed to another experimental report and continued to draw on it, looking very casual:

"But it came out of this laboratory after all... A lot of data needs its help to be perfected. The 'relevant departments' do not deny this. After all, this is still First University, and this is still a part of First University. laboratory. I am just one of the leaders of this laboratory.”

This does not reduce the risk of the spread of forbidden curse knowledge at all. The wizard thought worriedly. He really didn't know what the school's drunkards had in their minds.


The door of the office was pushed open a small crack, and then two little heads came in, one up and down. The one on top was Su Ya, and the one below was Poseidon. The four fox ears were all pointed, looking very alert.

After noticing the two pairs of eyes looking at each other, Su Ya immediately took advantage of her ability to speak and pointed at Poseidon who was hiding under her:

"She pushed the door open, it has nothing to do with me!"


Poseidon loudly protested against the treachery of his associates.

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