Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 111 Mulan Soup in Potions Class

Thursday morning was a Potions class.

Because the Dragon Boat Festival requires worshiping the Dragon Ancestor and praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits, Zheng Qing and his companions went out later than usual. On the way to the teaching building, many students who they knew or didn't know would suddenly come over and tie a five-color silk thread on the stranger's wrist. This is an ancient blessing that no one will refuse.

So, it took everyone longer than usual to get to the classroom today.

Just before the school bell rings.

The little stick figure behind the door unexpectedly did not say anything to ridicule everyone. Zheng Qing paid attention and found out that some kind person had painted the forehead of the little stick figure with realgar.

The orange color is extremely conspicuous in the entire simple painting, as if it is glowing.

This keeps it rolling in place happily.

Zheng Qing stopped, hesitated for a few seconds, took out a 'Noon Hour Talisman' from the gray cloth bag, hung it on the paper of a simple figure, and tied it with colorful silk threads.

The noon hour talisman is not a talisman that tells the time, but is similar to yellow or five-color silk thread, which has the effect of dispelling evil and praying for blessings. In the dormitory in the morning, Xiao Xiao asked Zheng Qing to draw a few more pictures.

"For you, this blessing to others could not be more appropriate." Dr. Xiao Da suggested.

that's the truth.

On the way to class, every time someone tied five-color silk on Zheng Qing's wrist, he would give him a noon hour talisman in return. The effect is excellent. The talisman currently hanging on the paper with a simple figure has failed to be filled with spirit. It would be rude to give it as a gift. It is more appropriate to use it to compliment this simple figure.

Sure enough, his actions won Jian Zihua's great favor.

"Merlin bless you, the public-funded student who is about to be late!" The stick figure rolled up from the ground, smoothed the few sparse hair on his head, and bowed to Zheng Qing in a decent manner: "...Professor Li also You’ll be in the door in twenty-seven seconds!”

Zheng Qing didn't have time to thank the little stick figure and ran towards his seat.

He didn't want to have class points deducted for tardiness or style issues in the last few classes at the end of the semester.

When passing by the first row of the classroom, Li Meng excitedly reached out to him and stretched out his arms, as if he also wanted a noon talisman. Zheng Qing slapped her palm, and she flew past the little witch like a gust of wind.

Behind him, classmate Li Meng's angry curses and Jiang Yu's persuasion could not help but laugh.

The wizard sat down in his seat with a smile on his face.

As soon as he took out "Standard Pharmacy: First Year College" from the gray cloth bag and placed it on the desk, Professor Li opened the door and strode in.

The classroom immediately fell silent.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the thin beads of sweat from his forehead.

"You should take a few cooling charms with you and change them as needed." Fatty Xin poked Zheng Qing's arm with his pen and suggested: "It won't cost a few coppers anyway... for you."

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and vaguely agreed to the fat man's suggestion. His eyes fell on a copper basin on Professor Li's desk.

The professor came in holding the copper basin.

Most of the students in the classroom focused on the copper basin.

Professor Li looked around with a smile, raised his head, and said in a measured tone: "Today is a good day. It happens to be the Dragon Boat Festival. It is the fifth day of May. We worship gods and ancestors. The almanac says it is forbidden to disturb the earth today, so we will follow the traditional guidance. Today Let’s not go to the medicine garden to break ground... let’s take a theoretical lesson.”

There was echoing laughter in the classroom.

The professor patted the edge of the copper basin. There was a slight buzzing sound, and the laughter in the classroom stopped abruptly.

"...This is Mulan Tang. "Sui Shi Guang Ji" says that on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, competitions are held to collect miscellaneous medicines, which can cure all kinds of diseases." The professor said, shaking the slender pointer in his hand: "Of course, we We all know that most of the rumored magic medicines that can cure all diseases do not exist in this world... Just like snake oil, it seems to be useful for many diseases, but is it no better than a placebo? The effect is stronger.”

"Besides, according to tradition, you should use Mulan Tang to bathe... Now that conditions are limited, everyone uses it to wash their hands, so that's fine."

There was joyful laughter in the classroom again.

Few professors face a serious holiday with such a humorous attitude, let alone Professor Li, who is usually serious. This made the study atmosphere that was originally dull due to the arrival of the final exam suddenly relaxed a lot, and the haze that was weighing on everyone's hearts dissipated a lot unconsciously.

A dozen elves in gray uniforms dragged a net woven with colorful silk threads and a copper basin from the podium, stopping for a moment in front of each desk.

There was a white towel on the edge of the copper basin and a small piece of medicinal soap.

Everyone put their hands in and washed their hands reverently. The difference is that the girls seem to only wash a few of their fingers, while the boys are so careless that they want to wash their entire arms.

During this process, Professor Li kept smiling and talking to everyone about the potion knowledge that was taught in previous courses and involved in today’s Dragon Boat Festival.

For example, the raw materials for cooking mulan soup are not limited to mugwort leaves, cattail grass, white magnolia and impatiens. Some wizards will add peach leaves to exorcise ghosts and cypress leaves to dispel evil spirits. Some people use gale root instead of mugwort leaves. The effect is the same.

Another example is the similarities and differences between noon water and rootless water.

Wushi water is the water drawn from the well at noon on the Dragon Boat Festival. It is also called 'extremely yang water' and 'longmu water'. It has extremely strong yang energy and is very effective in dispelling evil spirits. It can be used to neutralize the excess of many cold medicines. Cold is the first choice for many prescriptions to harmonize medicinal properties.

The origin of rootless water is exactly the opposite of the noon water that gushes out from the ground. It generally refers to all water falling from the sky, including rain, snow, frost, dew and other forms. Each form has its own magical function. Unlike Wushi Water, which contains yang energy, rootless water does not contain any 'characteristics' and can maintain the integrity of herbal medicinal properties to the greatest extent, and is known as the 'cleanest' water.

In addition, the professor also talked with everyone about the compatibility and efficacy of different medicinal wines such as realgar wine, Pu wine, and cinnabar wine.

"Because today involves too much potions knowledge, I once suggested to the school that the Dragon Boat Festival should be changed into a Potions Festival... Of course, this suggestion was rejected by the professors' joint meeting."

Professor Li smiled along with everyone, and then continued:

"The reason why there is so much potion knowledge related to the Dragon Boat Festival is because the Dragon Boat Festival has strong yang energy and is the day when many herbs have the strongest medicinal properties in a year. Therefore, collecting herbs is the most important job of many wizards today."

"I didn't take you to the Baicao Garden today. Another reason is that the school working committee is organizing manpower to carry out protective picking in the garden... If you first-year students go, it will not only cause chaos, but also cause chaos. So stay here. It is most appropriate to memorize two prescriptions in the classroom.”


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