Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 112 Final Class

When it was Zheng's turn to wash his hands, it was already more than half an hour later.

The Mulan soup in the copper basin is still steaming slightly as it was on the podium. The white magnolia flowers and green cattails and mugwort leaves roll up and down in the clear noon water, like fish swimming in them.

On the podium, Professor Li was emphasizing that everyone should not confuse "Wu Shi water" with "Dragon Boat Festival water".

"...I would like to emphasize again that Wushi water is the well water obtained at noon on the Dragon Boat Festival; rootless water generally refers to water from the sky; Dragon Boat Festival water has nothing to do with the previous two Chinese medicinal waters. It is a large-scale and continuous water. Heavy rain. You must understand the difference between the three."

"During the final exam in 2007, Liu Xiaoyue, a student from Xingkong Academy, wrote 'Wushi water' instead of 'Dragon Boat Festival' in the test paper. A twelve-point essay question was deducted a full six points! Because of Wushi water, That potion plays the most crucial role in neutralizing it... This mistake almost caused him to fail the entire paper!"

"Everyone must keep this lesson in mind..."

Zheng Qing pricked his ears, listening to the professor chattering about the cases, and secretly laughed in his heart. In the final class, the professors always talked about the same topics, constantly using the mistakes of the senior students to remind them that the junior students should not make them again.

But the effect of this approach is questionable.

Because many times, they repeat it too much, and everyone can't remember the correct answers, and they always inadvertently write down the impressive wrong answers.

The Mulan soup in the copper basin looks scalding hot, but is actually very comfortable.

Zheng Qing estimated that the water temperature was only forty degrees at most, and the rolling hot steam was most likely a magical reaction between certain medicinal materials in the basin and the noon water.

"...It's just a dog meowing like a cat. It's actually not that unusual." Fatty Xin muttered in a low voice. At this moment, he was rolling up his sleeves and huddled with Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao, and Zhang Jixin. Wash your hands in front of the copper basin.

Zheng Qing is still worried about the dog pretending to be a cat on the cat fruit tree.

"It's really not unusual. I know a cow cat named 'Sheriff' who specializes in imitating dog barking. The barking is quite similar." Zhang Jixin agreed while applying medicated soap to his wet hands and rubbing them out. Come hold Momo in high arms.

"Pay attention and observe." Xiao Xiao gave the final judgment: "If there is a problem with it, it will show its flaws sooner or later. Just ask your cats to pay attention."

"By the way, how is your brother's campaign work?" Zheng Qing asked Zhang Jixin casually, cleaning his fingers one by one.

"It's very boring." The red-faced wizard shrugged, his expression a little depressed: "There are no exciting scenes. I mean, I have to follow him to attend those endless seminars and listen to people who are not much older than us. Year-old guys sit together and discuss some drowsy topics... But you can see many hunters at those symposiums, even seniors who have graduated, such as Albert Hertris of the Golden Shell ·Kim, and Flamingo de Flamingo.”

"De Flamingo?" The medicinal soap in Fatty Xin's hand slipped and almost fell to the ground: "The best assistant hunter in last year's World Cup?"

"That's right." There was a reserved smile on Zhang Jixin's face: "It is true that he always likes to wear an exaggerated pink cloak woven with feathers, as the newspaper said... But I always think he is quite nice. , the smile is contagious.”

"Can I treat him to a cup of tea?" The fat man rubbed his hands, with a flattering smile on his face, like a steamed bun: "Elder, we are in a hunting team, and I am helping you... "

"Attention, students who are washing their hands, it's still class time!"

On the podium, Professor Li tapped the blackboard with his slender pointer and made a warning sound: "...If you want to chat, you can chat after class."

The four young wizards hiding in the back corner of the classroom suddenly fell silent.

Zheng Qing washed the foam off his hands in mulan soup and wiped them clean with a white towel hanging on the edge of the copper basin. Then he smiled kindly at the elves who had been floating in the air.

The elves screamed and happily left this corner, dragging the copper basin.

Zheng Qing's attention finally turned from the chat among the boys back to the classroom. Professor Li had shifted from the classic wrong questions in previous final exams to the more specific process of making potions:

"Last week in the laboratory, I noticed that some students cut the cinnamon branches without moistening them thoroughly before cutting them. The cut cinnamon branches were broken into pieces and thick... If you are on the final practical exam, If you can get a passing grade by doing this, it’s a sign of your usual hard work!”

"As the saying goes, when preparing medicinal materials, one third depends on knife skills and seventy percent depends on moisturizing. Moistening medicine is a better test of potion preparation skills than cutting medicine. Now, who can tell me how many ways to moisturize medicine?"

The witches sitting in the first row of the classroom all raised their hands.

Xiao Xiao is on the same frequency as them.

Zheng Qing, Fatty Xin and others also raised their hands after a moment's hesitation - in a short time, most of the people in the classroom raised their hands. On the contrary, those students who did not raise their hands became somewhat conspicuous in this atmosphere.

On the podium, the professor nodded with satisfaction, looked around, and finally landed on Nicholas in the other corner: "Classmate Nicholas, please answer this question."

The students all turned around and looked at the classmate who had become a wizard in the North District. Zheng Qing's eyes were a little worried, but when he saw the confidence in Liu Feifei's eyes, he couldn't help but smile.

Nicholas took a gentle breath, stood up slowly, closed his eyes, and began to answer:

"Moisturizing medicine is divided into traditional moisturizing method and special moisturizing method."

"The traditional moisturizing method uses rootless water or deep well water as the base. Commonly used methods include drenching, washing, soaking, bleaching, and infiltration. Different methods have different requirements. For example, in the immersion method, the water needs to be submerged. Only one inch of medicinal material is qualified.”

"Special moisturizing methods have different bases, including wine moisturizing and other magical medicines; special moisturizing techniques include steaming (steaming) moisturizing."

"To check the emollient effect, you can pinch it with your hands, bend it, pinch it with your fingers, puncture it, split it open, etc."

"Medicinal materials that need to be treated with moistening include rhubarb, white peony root, angelica, knotweed, yam, and the cinnamon twig that the professor just mentioned. In some cases, tortoise shells and animal bones will also be treated with moistening..."

"Okay, okay... one hundred people will be stunned and one hundred people will be stunned." Professor Li smiled and gestured for Nicholas to sit down: "With this answer, if you can't pass the promotion exam, then I bet that the rest of the class will No one can pass!"

There was warm applause in the classroom.

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