Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 113 When will the flowers in the dream fall?

Amidst the applause, Liu Feifei drummed particularly energetically.

Her palm-sized little face was flushed, her eyes were bright, and her expression was proud and proud.

The students in the class originally clapped just to express appreciation for Nicholas's answer, but gradually, someone raised their head, and some people began to slap the table and stamp their feet.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

There was no unnecessary booing or excessive noise that violated classroom disciplines, but just the rhythmic slapping and the tacit smiles that everyone shared made the two young wizards suddenly blush.

Liu Feifei turned around with a snap, rushed back to her position, and buried her head under her arms.

Nicholas stood there at a loss, looking at this classmate, then at that classmate, and finally turned to Professor Li Qihuang for help.

It was rare that the professor did not express his views on classroom discipline.

He smiled and felt the lively atmosphere in the classroom. After a long time, the rhythm of everyone's applause became a little messy, and then he raised his hand to indicate that the students could quiet down.

"The nostalgic youth will always surprise people inadvertently." Professor Li sighed as he twisted the slender pointer in his hand, which caused a burst of echoing laughter.

"...But if you take my class seriously, you should remember what I once said in class - 'The love created by magic is more like love than real love', because magic, like love, is not about talking about It makes sense.”

The professor cleverly brought the topic back to the classroom, skipping the potion preparation process just mentioned and switching to the knowledge points covered in the textbook:

"Now, let's review some of the magic potions commonly used to prevent love poisons..."

The quill pen held in Zheng Qing's hand paused, and the pen tip left a deep ink mark on the parchment. The words "love potion" made his thoughts immediately drift away from the Potions class, to the Sanyou Bookstore, and to Elena who fell asleep with the little tree.

He suddenly felt ashamed.

Because he just realized that he thought less and less about the gypsy witch with long burgundy wavy hair and a bohemian dress.

It is true that he is very busy now - he has to prepare for the final exam, help Lin Guo find the black goat, be wary of the alien god who may be lurking in Phuket Island, deal with the work in the laboratories of Professor Monteria and Su Shijun, and Going on the night patrol at Imjong Lake on a Saturday night, and so on - but something deep in the back of his mind told him that these were all excuses.

He just started to get used to it. He was used to no longer waiting for Elena's looming figure alone in the library. He was used to not pretending to be stupid between two figures. He was used to the overbearing and rude little white cat on the cat fruit tree.

The wizard's confused eyes slid across the front row of the classroom.

Immediately like being stung by a bee, he quickly dodged and returned to the parchment on his desk. The quill had left several deep stains on the blank spaces of the parchment.

Xiao Xiao, who was sitting next to him, caught a glimpse of this abnormality.

"Don't be distracted during class," he nudged the wizard next to him with his elbow, and whispered, "The professor will ask you to get up at any time to answer questions..."

Zheng Qing finally forced himself to cheer up and try to concentrate in class.

I struggled until the end of Potions class.

After Professor Li left the classroom, Nicholas and Liu Feifei also fled amid the noise of their classmates. Zheng Qing followed their figures with his eyes, revealing a trace of hidden envy.

He also wanted to have a passionate and free love like the two young wizards.

But the reality was like a quagmire, and he was stuck in it. Every move he made, there were always concerns of one kind or another that he could not express.

With this entangled feeling of guilt and envy, Zheng Qing rejected Xiao Xiao's suggestion to go to the study room to review together and went to the library alone.

I don’t know if God is really caring about his secret thoughts. When Zheng Qing came to the third floor of the library, at the seat where he and Elena used to sit, two young wizards and witches were smiling and packing their things and leaving.

The wizard smiled to himself and sat down slumped.

The sun shines brightly at noon in May.

The orange light shines through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows of the library, bringing the unpredictable cloud shadows and mottled tree shadows of the outside world into this quiet space.

Zheng Qing was sitting on a high-backed hardwood chair in the library, with several textbooks spread out in front of him, but he still couldn't concentrate. He hesitated for a moment, then stood up and found a copy of "Yun Lu Jiu Seal" from the bookshelf next to the talisman.

Elena used this book when she was learning talismans.

The wizard opened the book cover on his seat, revealing the dark black title page inside. The gilded name tag of Master Dongxuan shimmered in the sun like a rumor. Several smart Yunzhuan scripts are crowded together, hiding in the cracks of the books, lazily spreading out to avoid the dazzling sunlight and the harassment of readers.

Zheng Qing stared at the few Yunzhuan characters, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

The wizard on the desk next door was writing furiously. The rustling sound of the quill pen rubbing against the parchment mixed with the quiet background of the library was like the falling rain on a spring night, slowly relaxing his tense spirit.

Zheng Qing vaguely remembered that when he raised his head, he used a brush to tickle the Yunzhuan characters and watched them squirming between the pages with amusement, while the gypsy witch scolded him for being absent-minded in explaining.


A paper ball hit the young public-funded student lightly on the head, making him shrink back.

Looking back, Elena was looking at him dissatisfied:

"I haven't finished explaining this talisman yet, why are you distracted again?"

"I'm not distracted, I'm not distracted." Zheng Qing touched his head and said haha: "You reminded me just right. I just remembered something... You have learned a lot in theory during this period, and you need to practice it. Come and test your learning results..."

Since the last agreement, the wizard has been helping the gypsy witch to learn about talismans for more than a month.

It must be admitted that although Elena is extremely talented in divination, her understanding of talismans is always somewhat unsatisfactory. The paper ball just now made Zheng Qing suddenly think about it, and felt that maybe through practical operations, she could deepen the knowledge she had learned and consolidate the existing learning results.

"Then why did you come to Shushan Pavilion today?" The witch was still a little angry.

"There is a laboratory attached to the library downstairs, where you can do some safe theoretical tests." The wizard pointed to his feet and explained: "...We can study the theory for a while, and then go down and do a few experiments...and then go back to Come up and review the theory. I think this can enhance the learning effect.”

The witch pursed her lips and seemed to be moved.

As soon as the scene turned, the two of them were already standing in the laboratory attached downstairs of Shushan Hall.

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