Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 114: Picturesque features

Wizards' studies are rarely purely theoretical, so even in Shushan Hall, there are laboratories equipped by First University for students. Of course, compared with the comprehensive laboratory in the teaching building or the professional testing ground like Baicao Garden, the laboratory in Shushan Hall is relatively simple, but it is enough for students studying in the library to simply verify the inspiration that has just burst into their minds. .

Moreover, because the usage fees for Shushan Hall’s affiliated laboratories are included in Shushan Hall’s service directory, in order to save some credits, many freshmen will try their best to use the experimental equipment here to complete their studies.

So most of the time, the downstairs lab is crowded.

When Zheng Qing stood in front of the test bench, his mind was confused for a moment - because he did not remember to apply to the librarian for use of the laboratory today - but soon, the scent of the gypsy witch made him ignore it. That bit of confusion.

At this moment, the two of them were standing in front of a test table by the window.

The table is already filled with yellow talisman paper, red cinnabar, clear and transparent sand-making spirit liquid, and brushes of different thicknesses and models.

"I always feel that these gloves are full of resentment."

The gypsy witch muttered quietly as she put a pair of translucent long-sleeved gloves on her hands. Zheng Qing carefully helped her pull the cuffs behind her elbows, patiently smoothing out every wrinkle, and then tied the buttons on the back of her apron.

Not far away, there seemed to be faint chuckles coming from behind other test stands.

The wizard felt his cheeks heat up.

He squinted and took a careful glance at the surrounding test benches. But my vision felt a little blurry. It seemed as if there were tears stuck in the eyes, and it was like an old-fashioned picture tube TV. I could only see the shadows of the people around me, but I couldn't see clearly.

"Did you listen to me?!" came the witch's annoyed voice.

The wizard immediately came back to his senses and agreed repeatedly:

"Of course, of course... you can detect the resentment on the gloves, maybe because you are highly talented in divination and have a sensitive spiritual sense... But in theory, these protective gears in the library have been repeatedly inspected by professors, except for the protective patterns on them. There can be no negative energy left."

Depending on the experiments conducted, wizards will also use different protection methods. For example, when doing alchemy experiments, wizards will wear dragon skin jumpsuits, deerskin gloves, and sometimes ugly protective masks; when doing potion experiments, wizards usually wear ice silk robes, Wear flat-light goggles. When conducting experiments on talismans and formations, wizards would wear silkworm skin gloves and fish skin aprons.

The silkworm skin is light and thin, and you can clearly feel the subtle differences between the pen tip and the talisman paper, while the fish skin can prevent most of the 'dye' from falling on the beautiful robes of the young wizards.

Over the long history, wizards have discovered that excessive exposure to experimental materials and excessive experimental behaviors will seriously affect the health of wizards and accelerate their aging and sub-health. Just like those great wizards in ancient legends, many of them have old faces and stooped bodies.

With the development of modern magic theory and the continuous improvement of knowledge structure, wizards are paying more and more attention to their own protection. Various exquisite protective ornaments and spells were developed, which greatly ensured the safety of wizard experiments.

After fastening the sash button, Zheng Qing raised his head, and happened to see Elena smiling, turning her head, casually tying up her big burgundy waves, and clamped them with clips, exposing her fair neck.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but reach out and touch the few strands of black hair hanging by her ears, which earned her an angry look.

"As delicate as a flower, with picturesque features."

Zheng Qing shamelessly praised him, but Elena laughed at her again:

"Don't you know that eyebrows are like picturesque words?"

"A curse word?" The young wizard felt confused. No matter how you heard this word, it was a flattering word.

"You know the faceless monsters, they are also called painted skins in China." The witch raised her hand, pushed back the few strands of green hair beside her ears, and glanced at the wizard: "The word for describing them is picturesque... …”

"The faceless demon..."

This word was like thunder, exploding in the wizard's ears, and the shadowy classmates around him all turned their heads and looked at Zheng Qing, revealing their furry cat faces.


A uniform cat meow suddenly sounded, awakening the wizard from his sleep.

He turned over and stood up from the chair. The desk he pushed made a loud creaking sound. Other students in the library who were reading seriously looked at him with dissatisfaction.

Zheng Qing wiped the thin cold sweat from his forehead and smiled apologetically at those around him.

Only then did he notice that Xiao Xiao had sat across from his desk at some point.

"When did you come?" The young public-funded student sat back in his chair and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why didn't you wake me up just now?"

"Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, drooling and giggling... I can't bear to wake you up." Xiao Xiao shrugged and curled the corner of his mouth downward: "I didn't expect that it would turn into a nightmare... You are a dream Are you going to fight with Jiang Yu and Senior Sister Kolma?”

Dr. Zheng Qingchong rolled his eyes and did not answer the ridicule.

"Let's take a cigarette candy to cheer up." The doctor threw a piece of hard candy to Zheng Qing: "It's mint flavored, light cigarette type, it won't make you cry."

Zheng Qing took the candy, tore off the green wrapping paper, and took a cautious look. A chubby panda head is engraved on the candy, and a few runes can be faintly seen flashing through the translucent candy.

"I remember you said that this kind of candy is quite irritating and is not good for our spirits." Zheng Qing reminded - the last time he came into contact with this kind of candy was when he entered the homeless bar for the first time. At that time, he was pranked by Zhang Jixin and ate it. He bought a chili-flavored cigarette candy, and he could never forget the taste to this day.

Hearing Zheng Qing's reminder, Xiao Xiao sighed heavily.

"Alcohol damages the liver, oil damages the lungs, staying up late damages the mind... I don't see you drinking less Green Bee's and going to bed earlier at night." Dr. Xiao Da's reasoning is always very sound: "It is right to eat less cigarettes and sugar, but You have to eat when you need it.”

As he spoke, the quill in his hand swirled on his fingertips and pointed around.

"...for the final exam, which student doesn't prepare a few refreshing things. Relatively speaking, cigarettes and candy are very mild things." At this point, he seemed to wake up and looked at Zheng Qing: "Or, do you want to use it? Dragon claw powder or Hu Meizi’s dried feces? Although that stuff can make your mind brighter in a short time, it’s addictive and not a good thing.”

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to stuff the candy into Xiao Xiao's mouth.

"I don't want to use anything." He mumbled something vaguely with the candy in his mouth. The coolness of the mint mixed with the sweetness and sourness of the candy bloomed on the taste buds on the tip of his tongue. The fatigue that he had just woken up from was instantly dispelled. .

Zheng Qing took a gentle breath.

Finally another question came to mind.

He raised his head and looked at Xiao Xiao: "Didn't you say you were going to the study room? Why are you here in the library again?"

"Because I don't want to be kicked to death by a horse," the doctor replied.

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