Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 115: Bad things in the library

There is a saying in the wizarding world, 'If you hinder others from falling in love, you will be kicked to death by a horse.' The origin of this saying is unknown, but it is widely circulated. Even Zheng Qing has heard of it - he once suspected that this saying was It was spread from the centaurs tribe.

So, when Xiao Xiao said, "I don't want to be kicked to death by a horse," Zheng Qing just turned this sentence around in his mind and thought about it.

"You mean, if you are in the study room, you will hinder others from falling in love?" The young public-funded student raised his eyebrows.

"Uh-huh," Dr. Xiao Da said with a straight face, "I am a wizard who is young and in his prime, and I don't want to have any negative contact with the horse's hooves."

Zheng Qing held back his smile until his face turned sore:

"Are there many couples in the study room?"

"It's all around, and I'm the only single one." Dr. Xiao Da said with a gloomy expression: "...From the time I entered the study room to the time I came out, those guys kept talking to each other and didn't pay attention to other people at all."

"It sounds really bad... but don't you have a girlfriend?" Zheng Qing corrected the doctor's wording mistake and suggested: "You can definitely take your Sima to review his homework in the study room... I believe that Several couples will definitely study hard in front of the teacher, so that everyone will not interfere with each other. "

Xiao Xiao stared at him, his eyes full of pity: "Is this why you came to the library? Do you think you won't disturb others if you stay alone in the library?"

Zheng Qing blinked.

He was a little confused. He was obviously giving Xiao Xiao advice, so why did Xiao Xiao's answer sound like he was comforting himself?

Thinking about the meaning behind Xiao Xiao's answer, Zheng Qing turned the brush between his fingers.

The brush coquettishly shook the tuft of soft hair on his head, specifically picking out the gaps and corners of the pages of "Yun Lu Jiu Seal", making this old-fashioned and solemn book uneasy to open and close, and even the few words on the cover that were originally in accordance with the Strict formulas and angles, and runes that operate in a formal and orderly manner can't help but escape and hide in the appendix of the book.

Xiao Xiao watched the small movements of the runes, remained silent for a moment, and said slowly: "Sometimes, escaping is not the answer... Boys, even if they are sad, they have to grit their teeth and keep moving forward. Just like the words in the book A few runes, running around, will eventually return to the cover. "

Zheng Qing became more and more confused.

"What are you talking about?" The young public-funded student opened the attached page, revealing the shadows of several runes, looked around, and then pointed at himself with the tip of the pen: "...are you talking to me?"

Xiao Xiao looked at him steadily for a few seconds and sighed deeply.

"Stop pretending in front of me." The doctor adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes full of understanding: "Others have also told me about this... everyone understands. You are a boy and you are still young. , this kind of thing will always happen... What obstacles are there to overcome? "

The more Zheng Qing listened, the less he liked it.

"I always feel... there is some misunderstanding here." He looked at his sincere companion with empty eyes.

"Have you been dumped by Elena?" Xiao Xiao finally stopped trying to be pretentious and asked directly: "Everyone has actually seen it. Especially Fatty... Although there is no comfort in his words, have you noticed that he has been there recently? I often give you snacks..."

"Stop, stop!" Zheng Qing stretched out his left index finger, poked the palm of his right hand, and made a pause gesture: "Wait a moment, let me slow down... Where did you come from this inference?"

"You've been a little depressed recently." Xiao Xiao raised his finger and started to rebuke one by one: "For example, during the hunting team training last week, you were napping alone in the pavilion..."

"That's because I didn't sleep well the night before and I was almost exhausted!" Zheng Qing explained with a dark face.

"You always come to the library alone recently... and you always sit in this seat. We all know that this is the seat where you and Elena used to sit."

"That's because..." Zheng Qing was a little stuck for a moment - he did miss Elena when he was sitting in this position, but he came to the library more recently because his husband told him last time that he could work hard to learn all kinds of magic knowledge. Strengthen the 'dam' in his body and put a 'valve' on that uncontrollable force.

But there was no way to tell Xiao Xiao about this kind of thing.

"That's because the final exam is approaching, right." Xiao Xiao thoughtfully thought of an 'explanation' for Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

The pity in the doctor's eyes became more and more obvious.

"So, everyone understands." Xiao Xiao stood up halfway, leaned out, and patted Zheng Qing's arm: "When people are sad, they always make various excuses for themselves... But you can't It’s always been so depressed.”

Zheng Qing pushed the table away and stood up suddenly.

"Nonsense!" He shouted in a low voice: "I have no idea what you are worried about...Elena was called back because of something going on with the Gypsy Witches! We didn't break up!"

"Oh... what's going on with the little white cat on the cat fruit tree?" Xiao Xiao looked at the public student calmly: "The book says that people can only develop empathy after a certain relationship is missing..."

"That, that's, that's just a cat!" Zheng Qing averted his eyes in a panic, and defended without confidence: "Even if it's empathy, I won't have any thoughts about a cat, right! Ah? Ha ha!"

"If that's just a cat." Xiao Xiao looked at him thoughtfully.

Zheng Qing held his breath and his mind was spinning wildly. He didn't know what the doctor knew or how he knew it.

The damn thing was that Xiao Xiao did not continue the conversation on this topic.

The air froze for a few seconds.

"No matter what you have in your mind, it's all wrong." The young public-funded student said dryly, stood up, and walked towards the depths of the bookshelf with the "Yun Lu Jiu Seal" in his arms: "... …I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you here…I’m going to find some reference books to prepare for the final exam…”

"You don't need to explain to me, really!" the doctor shouted behind him.

A paper ball whizzed out from behind a bookshelf and hit the doctor hard on the face, knocking off the glasses on his nose.

"This is the library!" A voice with suppressed anger came from behind the bookshelf: "If you have anything to say, go outside and say it!"

Zheng Qing threw the unfamiliar warning behind him and slipped into the depths of the bookshelf corridor.

Dr. Xiao Da was left, touching his nose where he was, and showing an embarrassed smile to everyone around him.

The librarian quickly noticed the commotion in this corner. The pink octopus waved its eight long tentacles, emerged from the cracks of a bookshelf, and sprayed a series of cursive characters in mid-air:

"keep quiet!!"

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