Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 116 Lost in the Museum

There is an old saying at Daiichi University, 'One can always find Kuyou students in the Shushan Hall, see the Alpha Club in the lounge, meet the injured students of Starry Sky Academy in the hospital, and hear the words of Atlas under the statue of the gods. pray'.

This passage vividly sums up the characteristics of the students from the four colleges.

But gradually, as time goes by, these sentences have new developments.

'People can always find Jiuyou students lost in the bookshelf corridor in Shushan Hall, see the Alpha Club holding a home party in the lounge, encounter students from Starry Sky Academy fighting on the hospital bed, and hear Atlas students asking The indescribable prayer of existence'.

In these sentences, the supplementary predicates very appropriately describe the risks that students from the four colleges will face due to their respective characteristics. For example, the pursuit of faith by the students of Atlas may lead them to be tempted by evil gods, and the paranoia of victory among the students of Starry Sky Academy will make them not give up fighting in the hospital bed-even if it is just a duel with playing cards.

In the process of pursuing knowledge, students of Jiuyou College can easily get lost in the ocean of knowledge.

Zheng Qing got lost in the library.


He originally just went to return the copy of "Yun Lu Jiu Seal" and find a few review books to help him with the final exam.

But when he held several books in his arms: "Final Exam Review - High Score Breakthrough", "Talk, Divination and Magic Texts, First-grade Knowledge Recitation and Key Points Analysis", "First-grade Potions Simultaneous Tutorial and Detailed Exercises", from As he walked out of the bookshelf maze, his eyes unconsciously slid past the bookshelf beside him.

Then he saw a book called "Half Moon Talk - On How to Become a Perfect Student in Two Weeks". He couldn't help but put down the exercises in his hands, sat on the floor, and couldn't wait to read.

The book provides a wealth of test-taking methodologies. For example, for multiple-choice questions, do not choose the option whose first response is correct; for short-answer questions, you must memorize several sets of templates a week before the test; for the magic practice test, if you are not proficient in the spell being tested, then You must pay more attention to the details - such as complete etiquette before casting, clear and loud spell chanting, and neat writing of spells without smearing - so that even if you finally set off the binding spell as a firework, the invigilator will give you more as appropriate. A few points for hard work.

Of course Zheng Qing couldn't even cast a binding spell.

However, the various test-taking methods mentioned in this book made him feel enlightened and eye-opening.

For a few minutes, he even had the urge to challenge Liu Feifei or Dr. Xiao Da. He felt that if there was a test paper in front of him at this moment, relying on the teaching method of "Half Moon Talk" and his own knowledge reserve, it would be easy to get an excellent score.

When he rubbed his sore thighs, stood up and stuffed "Half Moon Talk" back on the bookshelf, another book "Handwritten Notes - Lei Zhe's Class" next to him attracted his attention again.

That's it, one book, two books, three books.

When Mr. Octopus, who acted as the librarian, waved his eight fists and woke up the young public-funded student who was addicted to various 'shortcuts', 'secrets' and 'tricks' from his fantasy, one hour and ten hours had passed. fifteen minutes.

There is less than half an hour before the afternoon elective class starts.

"I was only there for more than an hour!" The young public-funded student complained, holding his red and swollen forehead and grinning: "According to regulations, even first-year students must disappear for an hour and a half before triggering the alarm..."

Mr. Octopus opened his mouth and spat out a string of standard Song-style characters. Because there were too many words, Zheng Qing could only catch a glimpse of a few bolded keywords: "...entrusted by companions...need to apply in advance...a quarter of an hour earlier than the standard regulations..."

At the end, the librarian sprayed out a few big cursive words: "This is the fifth time you've gotten lost in the library...can't you just follow the shelves?!"

The black spots under the question mark and exclamation mark are almost bigger than Zheng Qing's head.

Perhaps these words exhausted the ink in Mr. Octopus's stomach. From the moment he dragged the wizard away until he threw Zheng Qing out of the bookshelf corridor, the librarian never said a word to Zheng Qing.

Xiao Xiao was already standing at the exit of the library holding a book, quietly watching a certain public-funded student fall to the ground face down in embarrassment.

"According to the school bell ringing, there are still nineteen minutes left," the doctor reminded.

Zheng Qing climbed up from the ground in a hurry. He didn't have time to dust off his robe. He took the textbook that Xiao Xiao took out for him and hurriedly ran towards the teaching building. At the same time, he complained: "...don't you blame me for this? …It’s the school’s fault, why is the library built like a maze?”

"Because knowledge is the easiest way for people to lose themselves." The doctor replied calmly.

This answer made Zheng Qing quite bored, and the dull hair on his head hung weakly in his hair. No matter how teased by the warm wind, he refused to be high-spirited.

After taking a few breaths.

"How did you know I'd get lost in there?"

"Because you lack faith."


Xiao Xiao ignored Zheng Qing's sneer and asked: "Do you know there is a motto in front of the library? It's the one engraved on the marble."

"Faith is Simon who swims in the ocean of knowledge." Zheng Qing finished his answer immediately, and then glanced at the doctor proudly: "Is there anyone who doesn't know this kind of thing? I'm just trying to learn the way giants think."

As he spoke, he briefly told Xiao Xiao the story of the Griffin Giant.

The reason why he told it briefly was because he thought the doctor must know this story. Sure enough, after Zheng Qing finished telling this story in a few words, Xiao Xiao let out a mocking laugh.

"Before Wizard Griffin possessed the size of a giant, he first accumulated the ability to become a giant... You think you are learning the thoughts of a giant, but that is just too high a goal... The First University has a very, very large library. , there are books from ants to giants, but not both ants and giants can read these books.”

"I understand, I understand... No one understands these principles better than me." The young public-funded student waved his hand, raised his arm, and suppressed the dull hair on the top of his head: "I can eat as much as I want... I I’ll take care of it.”

"No, you don't know." Xiao Xiao unceremoniously exposed the truth: "Once or twice, you can probably use 'not sure' as an excuse... Four or five times, it's a knowing offense. You can see the smallest things, even the little things in front of you. If you can’t grasp it, how can you expect to use the giant’s eyes correctly?”

"This is called 'building on a high roof', huh." Zheng Qing gasped, and his steps became a little faster: "It's clearer from high down. A large frame is easier to understand than a small structure... Huhu... Just like the discord among wizards, only by understanding the contradiction between nobles and commoners in a macroscopic way can we understand the subtle atmosphere among the clubs in our school. "

Xiao Xiao muttered a few words, but finally did not answer.

The teaching building is already in sight.

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