Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 117 Sir’s Third Lesson

Zheng Qing was lying on the six-poster bed in the dormitory, with a layer of fine-grained rattan mat under his body. It was already the end of May, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Except for Dylan, everyone else in the dormitory had spread out their mats.

Dylan's coffin has many card slots that can be inlaid with runes. Warm charms can be hung in winter, and insect repelling charms and cooling charms can be hung in summer. There is no need to prepare a mat like others.

In fact, Zheng Qing always felt that it was a waste for Dylan to embed insect repellent charms on the coffin. There are no mosquitoes inside the coffin, and outside the coffin, even if the mosquitoes make a huge noise, they cannot affect the vampire werewolf students sleeping inside.

The fat cat barked lazily.

The wizard yawned heavily and looked out of the tent with confused eyes - the thick winter curtains around the six-poster bed had been replaced by summer gauze curtains, which were light and transparent, and you could see clearly inside the room through the curtains. movement.

There is no one in the dormitory.

Today is Saturday, it’s just after two o’clock in the afternoon. Dylan went to a half-vampire party—according to him there was a half-werewolf party that night—and probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning; Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin went to the library.

Originally, Zheng Qing was supposed to be working in Professor Monteria's laboratory at this time, but at noon, he suddenly received a paper crane from the laboratory. The professor said that the end of the semester was approaching and the laboratory was temporarily closed, leaving it for the students to review their homework. time.

This notification is a little sudden, but understandable.

But it was precisely because of this 'suddenness' that Zheng Qing's time schedule was disrupted. During the two days on the weekend, every desk in the library was occupied from morning to night, and the study rooms were also full. After searching for a long time, the young public-funded student had to admit that there was no other suitable place for him to review his homework except his own dormitory.

Dormitories have never been a good place to study.

After sitting at the desk for less than an hour, Zheng Qing couldn't open his eyes. The afternoon sun is warm, shining through the window, making you drowsy. The fat cat lying on the table and snoring further intensified this dilemma.

There is nothing more relaxing than a cat purring.

It wasn't until the third drop of saliva was left on the parchment that Zheng Qing finally made up his mind - sleeping on the table is sleeping, and sleeping on the bed is sleeping. You can't learn anyway, so why not make yourself sleep more comfortable? ?

Let the fall come more violently!

Just like that, he finally lay down on his six-poster bed with peace of mind.

It takes two hours to sleep.

Outside the gauze curtain, on the desk, Tuantuan roared again.

The cry was full of humility and flattery, without the usual majesty and domineering tone. Zheng Qing rubbed his eyes, his vision became clearer, and then he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of the desk.

Yes, sir!

The young wizard rolled out of bed, pulled open the mosquito net, and stumbled forward two steps without even putting on his shoes. There is no doubt that it is Mr. Wu.

The husband was bending over and looking carefully at the magic philosophy paper that was placed on the table before Zheng Qing went to bed. The fat cat closed its eyes and huddled up, like a ball of yarn, in the corner of the desk. The fur balls were covered with elves. Compared with the fur balls, the elves were much bolder. Some of them even dared to scream, flap their wings and land on Mr.'s shoulders.

Zheng Qing used his eyes to signal them to hurry up and prepare hot tea and fruits.

Those bold elves happily flew away from Mr.'s shoulders. It was only then that Zheng Qing felt his cheeks feel a little hot.

He vaguely remembered that before he went to bed, there were a few pools of saliva on the parchment containing the paper. He had planned to clean up the stains after waking up, but unexpectedly, his husband suddenly appeared in the dormitory.

This makes everything seem a bit confusing.

"You, why are you here?" the boy stammered, breaking the afternoon silence in the dormitory.

On the corner of the desk, the fat cat balled up quietly raised its ears and trembled slightly. His head was still buried under his arms and paws, refusing to show his head.

"I have some free time at the moment, so I came here for a look." The gentleman did not look back and continued to read Zheng Qing's paper carefully. At the same time, he replied gently: "It just so happens that you also have time... We can advance tomorrow's class to today. "

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly.

The title of that paper was "The Gentleman Does Not Have Utensils", which started with "The metaphysical is called Tao, the metaphysical is called tools", and summarized all the worldview and methodology Zheng Qing learned in the first grade. I haven't finished writing the paper yet, and I'm stuck on the case analysis. It was difficult for Zheng Qing to find a suitable example that not only named the main theme but also included the philosophical theories he learned.

Out of the corner of his eye, the boy saw the fat cat retracting its ears again. The elves were holding juicy fruits and hot tea, floating gracefully beside the gentleman, and entertaining guests.

The gentleman finally moved his eyes away from the paper, stood up straight, nodded slightly to the elves, took the tea, took a sip, and then turned to look at the young public-funded student.

"Looking at the title of this paper, you already have some ideas about the content of the third period?" The teacher said in a positive tone.

Zheng Qing nodded silently.

In the first class, the teacher took him to observe two scenes - the North District magician prayed to Colma for strength; the seeds of resistance in the new world turned into dust with the wave of the teacher's hand.

Then he learned that ‘a benevolent person has no worries’, a benevolent person has a clear conscience.

In the second class, the teacher took him to visit the mirror world. Although something went wrong in the middle and Zheng Qing and Zhu Si met unexpectedly, overall, the teacher's teaching goals were consistent.

In this class, Zheng Qing learned that ‘a wise person will not be confused’, and a wise person will not be confused by appearances.

Then came the third period.

With the foundation of the first two classes, combined with what his teacher once said in the first class, "Quality is better than literature, which leads to wildness; literature is better than quality, history is the foundation; literature and quality are gentle, and then a gentleman", Zheng Qing can easily find it from ancient books corresponding content.

"Confucius said, the gentleman is the third person. I am incompetent. The benevolent will not worry, the knowledgeable will not be confused, and the brave will not be afraid." Zheng Qing cleared his throat, read this sentence, and then glanced at the teacher: "The third class, You should teach me what it means to be brave."

The gentleman nodded and glanced sideways out the window.

The fat cat's head became much more rounded, and the breeze in the hall blew, and the slender cat hair moved slightly with the wind, shining with a comfortable luster in the sun.

"Do you know what makes people scared?" The gentleman raised his hand and put it on the boy's shoulder.

Zheng Qing blinked. Just as he was about to answer the question, he felt his feet suddenly become empty. The feeling of falling from a high altitude came from all directions again, wrapping him tightly.

Two figures suddenly disappeared from the house.

The little elf holding the teacup and fruit plate screamed and looked around blankly, wondering where the guests and the host had gone. The fat cat that had been balled up shook its ears. After a while, it stretched out, raised its tail, and recovered. He turned into a cat, and walked around the desk with a high air as if nothing had happened.

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