Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 118 What makes people scared

[Burning at the stake (disappeared)]

[A kind of torture instrument popular in Europe from the 10th to the 15th century of the White Din calendar. The White Diners thought they could use this tool to burn wizards to death, but this was just wishful thinking. Some wizards who don't like bathing are happy to let white men prepare warm fire baths for themselves. There are also many innocent female white cats killed by their companions in this way. 】

[There is a wooden high platform in the glass cabinet, with three wooden pillars standing on it. The pillars are tied with oil-soaked hemp ropes. On the middle pillar is tied a struggling man with an exaggerated and fake smile on his face. wizard. Under the high platform, there is a mass of black heads. From Zheng Qing’s perspective, only the backs of heads of different shapes can be seen]

[North American bison (extinct)]

[Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae; Fierce temperament; Attacked American Indians for thousands of years; Barbaric cattle known as tent mouths; Adult bison can weigh up to one ton and have a pair of hard horns, but cannot resemble The real minotaurs walked upright on their hind legs and had low intelligence; the Indians fought with stones, bones and witchcraft, and suffered heavy casualties; until the Europeans came across the sea and used muskets and plague to prevent them from further harming the local natives. . 】

[There is a tall American bison standing in the glass cabinet with fierce eyes and several slender javelins hanging on its back. Blood is slowly dripping down the cow's back. It is surrounded by several hunched-over figures wearing leather skirts and revealing their faces. A scared-looking native, and a white man riding a tall horse and holding a musket, with a lingering smoke from the muzzle]

【Ape Man (Survival)】

[(Scientific name: Baiding) Humanoid, body length 1-2 meters, weight 40-100kg, brain capacity (approximately) 1500ml±300ml; body appearance, shape and brain structure are similar to wizards, with less body hair, smooth and hairless fronts of hands and feet, There is a small amount of sparse short hair on the back; the juvenile ape-man behaves irregularly and is destructive; the adult ape-man is depressed and suffers from severe loss of energy and blood.

The individual survival period of ape-men is 30-90 years, and they are short-lived species. Because of its high intelligence, it has served the wizarding world for millions of years and is a qualified experimental subject. However, its reproductive capacity is too strong, and it is one of the four major pests along with goblins, goblins, and trolls. Because it cannot use magic, it is easy to die from disease and aging, so the threat level is minimal.

Apes have strong survivability and can inhabit various environments such as plains, mountains, and rainforests; they live in groups; small groups have about 1 to 1,000 individuals, which are called "villages", and large groups have hundreds of thousands to hundreds of individuals. Wankou Ding is called a 'city', and there is also a special combination of city and village, which is divided into regions and is called a 'country'. There will be life-and-death fights between apes belonging to different countries at any time, similar to the unlimited fighting arena of Starry Sky Academy. Apes from different countries will use all means to fight (including muskets, metal knives, plagues, etc.). Many apes are in the battle. die. 】

[In the glass cabinet, a white man wearing a suit and leather tie, smiling with eight teeth, is looking into the distance with empty eyes. He also holds a leather briefcase under his arm. Next to the white man, there is a dark-skinned lady wearing a strange grass skirt, exposing the sensitive parts of her chest and wearing a silver ring; beside the legs of the two adults, there are several children over one meter tall with yellow skin. , brown skin, and red skin are different, and their clothes vary from robes to leather armor; the yellow-skinned child holds an exercise book in his hand, the brown-skinned child holds a shell in his hand, and the red-skinned child holds a dagger.

Like the white men, both the dark-skinned ladies and the children all had strange but bright smiles on their faces. It was like seeing an angel. And time happened to be frozen at that moment. 】

"Absurd, really ridiculous."

Zheng Qing stared at the shiny metal explanation board in front of the glass cabinet, then looked up at the 'specimens' displayed in the glass cabinet, muttering and repeating one sentence: "It's so ridiculous!"

This is the First University, the Museum of Magical History.

Zheng Qing was standing in the ancient wizard exhibition hall.

The ones displayed on the booth were not chimpanzees or monkeys, or the ‘ape-men’ in Zheng Qing’s impression marked on the nameplate, but real people.

Those living humans in the world that Zheng Qing lived before.

But now they have become specimens. After being killed by poisonous gas, a magical potion was used to create a specimen that was lifelike but as stiff as stone. Zheng Qing had no doubt that the wizards must have made more similar specimens, selecting the best and the best, and selected the ones with the best smiles before placing them here.

Displayed in the museum exhibition hall of the highest institution in the magical world.

This was a little hard for him to accept.

He has always felt that the wizarding world is a more advanced and civilized world.

After the husband took him out of the dormitory, he went straight to the exhibition hall of this museum. Although Zheng Qing knew that the school had a museum with rich collections, he had never been here because he was always busy with his studies or had various troubles.

So he didn't know there was such a scary corner in the school.

After a visit, he felt depressed.

He never knew how the wizard originally observed Baiding or the mortal world.

"Do you know what scares people?" When walking out of the 'Ancient Wizards' exhibition hall, Mr. asked this question again.

This time, Zheng Qing felt that he had found a clue to the answer.

"Prejudice," the wizard sighed, but replied confidently: "Prejudice is too terrible... Wizards have such powerful power and have so many smart brains, but they have so little regard for a civilization that is so close at hand. What a ridiculous misunderstanding. This kind of thing is really terrible... Correspondingly, ordinary people also have too many prejudices against wizards. "

The gentleman nodded, then shook his head.

"Prejudice can make people confused, but it is not scary." He was more casual and listed two words in the void: "Using the logic of your own world to explain what happened to other civilizations is a sign of extreme lack of confidence. . I prefer to extend the meaning of 'confused' to 'poor' rather than scary."

Zheng Qing frowned slightly and looked back at the direction of the ape-man booth.

"Is that 'ignorance'?" When he answered for the second time, he was already a little unconfident, but he still said the second word that came to his mind: "Wizards are ignorant of ordinary people, and ordinary people are ignorant of wizards. of ignorance..."

He deliberately used the word 'ordinary people' rather than 'white men'.

Because the visit just now gave him such a bad impression.

This time, the gentleman did not analyze his answer further.

"It's the 'truth'." The gentleman directly said the answer he wanted, and then suddenly smiled and snorted: "Betrayed my love and forced me to leave. When I finally learned the truth, I shed tears..."

The depression that was originally hovering in Zheng Qing's heart suddenly disappeared in this slightly funny ditty.

He couldn't help but laugh.

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