Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 119 The truth about the wizarding world

The sun is shining brightly outside.

It is in sharp contrast to the gloomy atmosphere in the museum. Perhaps the negative atmosphere in the museum was just Zheng Qing's illusion. But he did feel the calming warmth of the sunlight outside.

The husband took him to a secluded meadow.

Sit on the floor.

"Everyone has his own morning in his heart," the gentleman half-leaned on a large bluestone, and found a small red clay teapot from nowhere in his hand. He sipped the tea and said slowly: "...When the time comes, people will Will wake up on its own."

"Sometimes, this morning is an alarm bell, a rooster crows; sometimes, this morning is a wake-up call, an enlightenment; and sometimes, this morning is after you know the 'truth'..."

Zheng Qing began to sit on the side of the teacher, with his hands on his sides, squinting and looking at the sun lazily, listening to the teacher's lecture. But soon, he realized that this posture was not very respectful, so he changed to a kneeling posture.

"Lie down. Lie down and feel more comfortable." The husband waved his hand to indicate to the boy to feel more comfortable: "Don't worry about these details..."

Zheng Qing blinked, resigned to the situation, held the back of his head with both hands, and lay down comfortably on the grass.

Several butterflies danced around the two wizards, an old one and a young one.

On the treetops not far away, orioles and larks sang loudly.

The grass in May has begun to enter the most lush season of the year. The soft lawn is like an expensive Persian carpet. Lying on it, the natural breath rushes into the young wizard's nostrils. Together with the warm sun and soft Wind, Zheng Qing found the feeling of sleeping again.

The sir’s voice seemed to come from an extremely far away place:

"...What is the truth? The truth is the fact. It is the most real existence in this world hidden under countless appearances and illusions. The truth is that one plus one equals two. The speed of sound propagates in the air at 15 degrees is 340 meters per hour. Seconds, space will be warped by mass pressure, and two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom can form a water molecule, etc. "

"These don't sound so scary." Zheng Qing interjected.

The gentleman smiled.

"Yeah, it doesn't sound scary." He murmured: "This is the scariest part. Because it is common, and you are used to it, and you don't take it seriously... Just like no one thinks that eating hot pot and singing songs is a thing. Scary things are the same. A cricket doesn’t know the past and a mayfly doesn’t know the world. What does a person know outside of his own world?”

"The universe is empty and the world is crowded."

From a certain angle, Zheng Qing could understand the "terrible" in his husband's words - there were too many coincidences in the birth of this world, and countless horrors and horrors were intertwined to create a delicate balance, which allowed life to survive.

But from another perspective, Zheng Qing felt that his husband's words were a bit subtle.

"It sounds like you are discussing the horror of 'ignorance'," boys are always inexplicably braver at this time, and boldly asked: "Since we don't know what is outside and feel terrible, that means ignorance is It’s terrible!”

The gentleman sighed softly: "Ignorance makes you fearless, so you can bravely explore various possibilities. It is the driving force for all civilizations to move forward. But the truth is different. Because we cannot change the truth... It always stays there, cold. Watching us struggle coldly."

Zheng Qing held his breath.

His intuition told him that the gentleman would tell some very important 'truths' today, and these 'truths' would be difficult to accept. This curiosity was like a cat's claw scratching his heart, making him feel a little uncomfortable even when he was lying down. He simply sat up again, hugged his legs, and leaned against his husband.

The gentleman glanced at him.

"How much do you know about demons?" Mr. asked abruptly.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds.

"Demon?" He hesitated and answered cautiously: "Demons and wizards are natural enemies, and they live on the flesh and blood of wizards. According to different birth methods, demons are divided into three categories: original blood inheritance, demon invasion, and demon infection; according to their activities, The scope is divided into Kraken, Lich and other forces; the Wizards Alliance has a wanted notice for monsters, which lists thousands of monsters, large and small, among which the Kraken King and the Lich King are the two most powerful guys. There are also four sea monsters under the Siren King, namely Mist, Iceberg, Whirlpool, and Poseidon... Oh, and it is said that the monsters have an ancestor who is worshiped by all monsters. He is the source of the birth of all monsters. "

The answers sounded messy and confusing, lacking focus.

But this is not Zheng Qing’s fault.

Although he has had several encounters with demons in the nearly one year since he entered school, most of them were one-sided hunts. The only time I had verbal communication with the demon, the beautiful succubus kept repeating creepy words like 'you smell so delicious' in a scary tone.

The school library has many books related to monsters.

When the Forgiveness Hunting Team was training, Zheng Qing read through it frequently. It's just that those books are more related to the analysis of monsters, finding traces of monsters, the weaknesses of different monsters, how to hunt down a monster as quickly as possible, etc. There is very little difficult content involving the nature of monsters.

As for Professor Monteria's laboratory, the focus is on the research and utilization of demon bloodline - there may be information related to the origin of bloodline in the laboratory, but Zheng Qing has no access to it. He is just a little assistant who is proficient in talismans.

The gentleman held the small red clay teapot, squinted his eyes, looked at the sun above his head, and listened to the young wizard beside him talking about the 'truths' that were widely circulated in the wizarding world.

for a long time.

The sun above his head seemed to be staring at him with a guilty conscience, and he quietly hid behind the clouds.

The environment on the grass becomes more and more pleasant.

Zheng Qing finally poured out all the ink in his stomach and closed his mouth.

"Monster, demon." The gentleman repeated the word in a low voice, paused, and then slowly said: "A demon is a demon when something goes wrong; a demon is a demon when someone is obsessed with it. Demons, demons... were originally just some obsessions. Due to abnormal... existence, there is no difference between wizards and monsters. Wizards are also a type of monster."

The young public-funded student swallowed quietly.

If Mr. Sir's words were heard by outsiders, it would definitely cause an uproar. After entering the wizarding world for a year, he had never seen similar views in any books, and no wizard had said anything similar to him.

Is there no difference between wizards and monsters?

Zheng Qing did know that lichs were a group of wizards who had fallen under the aura of demons. But that's all. When those lichs started eating people, they became them.

"Wizards don't eat people!" The young public-funded student sat up straight and couldn't accept it: "We are different from them!"

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