Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 120: Tracing the Origin of Demons

"Is it different?"

The gentleman asked a question, and then said: "The line of wizards in the North District opened by Kolma will consume the life of a frog every time they cast a spell... They will 'eat' frogs, and they may not be able to 'eat' other wizards. life."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but suddenly remembered what happened to him and Jiang Yu after they left the Sakura Tavern a few weeks ago. The wizard from the North District lost control, grabbed the juggler with bear-human blood next to him, and drained his life force with magic power.

Right in front of him and Jiang Yu.

The gentleman took a sip of tea and glanced sideways at the young public-funded student who turned blue. He seemed to have seen the picture in his mind. He paused before speaking again:

"A little earlier...those magicians in the North District. The Wizards Alliance has recognized their status as wizards through law. But what do you think of their lives? Profit-seeking businessmen can drive them into the Silent Forest and exchange their lives for a few plants. Rare potions; wizards by name would put them on the test bench and smear their experiment reports with blood."

"The straightforward killings of demons may appear cruel and terrifying, but the deceit and ruthlessness of the wizards themselves are no less than those of the demons."

"The words are poisonous, the smile is knifelike, the white teeth are opened, and the bloody dregs are spat out... This is not cannibalism, what is it?"

"The wizarding world is a world where wizards eat wizards; the history of the wizarding world is a history of wizards eating each other... This sentence is not an exaggeration at all."

What the gentleman said does sound terrible.

It's just that Zheng Qing unexpectedly lost the frightened feeling he had before - this was not the first time he had been exposed to similar views. He once heard a certain Lu Sheng surnamed Zhou say in his diary a society where people cannibalize people.


"This is different." The young public-funded student murmured, insisting on his point of view in a low voice in front of his husband: "The monsters eat the wizards because of physiological needs... What happened to the wizards in the North District is due to social factors... What exactly are monsters? gentlemen!"

He repeated his previous question.

But obviously, he didn't want the broad answer he had before.

Mr. Wu threw the small teapot in his hand into the air, and the teapot disappeared into the void. Then he raised his hand and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder.

"What do you think a monster is?" the gentleman asked back, but without waiting for the boy's answer, he added directly: "To answer this question, we need a more comprehensive and historical perspective."

As he spoke, Zheng Qing's eyes suddenly darkened.

When he saw the light again, he and his husband were already sitting in a void. In front of them was the boundless universe and starry sky. There was no distinction between up and down, and there was no sound at all.

The silence allowed him to hear every beat of his heartbeat, and even the gurgling sound of blood pumping into his veins.

"Look there!"

Zheng Qing looked in the direction of his husband's finger. At first, he thought it was a bright starry sky, but soon he noticed that it was just billions of shining spheres, like salmon eggs stacked on top of each other.

The moment he sensed the radiance radiating from those spheres, Zheng Qing felt his eyes covered with blood, and endless knowledge poured into his eyes from the void.

And deep in his own soul, there was a seed sprouting and jointing in throbbing.

Yes, he clearly felt the growth of the seed of 'order'.

A green halo bloomed from Zheng Qing's side.

The teacher used a barrier to block Zheng Qing's sight contact with the billions of radiant spheres.

The throbbing surrounding the seeds of 'order' quietly dissipated.

Zheng Qing felt that his soul breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Yog-Sothoth," the gentleman's voice sounded in the young wizard's ears, calm but extremely clear: "The Lord of omniscience and all-seeing, the one who unites all things... has the same rank as Gauze Nicholas, and is between Between the legendary wizards and ancient wizards, they transcend this universe and known dimensions, and their true bodies span countless time and space.”

"They are wizards."

Zheng Qing nodded.

There is no doubt that although the Wizards Alliance does not like these existences in the depths of the starry sky, their wizard identities will be marked on any book published by the Alliance that can access their information.

"...Nicholas and Yog-Sothoth, when they surpassed the level of the Grand Wizard, they did not choose to control their true bodies. Instead, they stepped into the starry sky with their true bodies and gathered the endless brilliance deep in the starry sky as they further grew. From that moment on, they embarked on a completely different path from the orthodox wizards.”

"They will not restrain the brilliance of their true bodies. Ordinary wizards will be overwhelmed by the endless knowledge carried by their true bodies once they take a look at them. The better ones will become madmen. The unlucky ones will turn into ashes. "

"Who do you think is scarier than the demons?"

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth - these are not existences in the same dimension at all, how can they be comparable! It's like comparing the German Third Reich to a highwayman!

Compared with the existence deep in the starry sky, those monsters that eat some meat and drink some blood are as cute as fluffy gray wolves.

"Back to the question you just asked...what is a demon?"

"Monsters are a group of monsters struggling in the abyss and hell. There are very few truly native demons. The demons you know - Nikita, the faceless demon, etc. - are actually dependents of the real demons."

"Real demons have no form, face, or even a 'concept of existence'. They steal the identities of the living, distort their behavior, whisper in the ears of believers, and mock every rational being."

"This is also why wizards become corrupted after being bitten by those favored ones."

"That's a conceptual erosion."

"In fact, bite transmission is just the mildest way of 'corrosion'... Many times, demons will attach themselves to various inconspicuous small objects. As long as the wizard touches them and certain conditions are met, the demons will appear on them. They leave seeds on them. Then they sprout and grow when the time is right.”

"Does it look familiar?"

Zheng Qing nodded crazily. Not only did he look familiar, it was absolutely certain.

Those beings deep in the starry sky, whether Gauze Nicholas, Yog-Sothoth, or Tsatogua who had the most dealings with Zheng Qing, they all gathered their dependents and spread the word by whispering in the ears of their believers. the behavior of one’s own existence.

"They," the young public-funded student said in a hoarse voice, subconsciously glanced at the bright light: "Are they the ancestors of the demons in the rumors?"

The gentleman shook his head.

"No," he raised a finger: "They are not the demon ancestors, but the demon ancestors are one of them."

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