Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 121 The tacit understanding of the great wizards

"What's the truth?"

"The truth is a synthesis of countless prejudices and a reflection of reality."

"The vast majority of demons believe that this world originated from a great true spirit, and every life is a blood descendant of that true spirit. The true spirit controls the misfortunes and blessings of every blood descendant. Wizards are thieves of the true spirit. The fireman is a traitor and a thief; while the demons are the filial sons of the true spirit, safeguarding the glory of the true spirit... Every piece of flesh and blood they seize from the wizard is an offering to the true spirit. "

"Most wizards believe that the world is a combination of chaos and rationality, a music played by dimensions in the void. Every life is the result of countless coincidences and inevitable consequences. Monsters represent the negative emotions of the world, and wizards are the negative emotions of the world. The light of justice. Every monster the wizard hunts is a correction to the trajectory of the world."

"Are these the truth? Yes and no."

"Wizards and demons are not everything to this universe. Therefore, the 'truth' they observe is incomplete. Even I dare not say that I have seen the entire world."

The starry sky slowly recedes in the darkness.

Darkness falls.

Then it was pierced by a ray of sunlight.

The chirping sounds of larks and sparrows accompanied by the sunshine reached Zheng Qing's ears; the afternoon grass exuded a lazy atmosphere, which made people feel intoxicated.

Zheng Qing and his husband returned to the small patch of lawn.

From behind the bushes not far away, the sounds of young wizards laughing and playing as they passed by were heard, which was in sharp contrast to the empty and lonely universe. Plus the gentleman’s definition of a monster.

Everything is cast a shadow of unreality.

The young public-funded student lowered his head and rubbed his Qingming point to relieve the pain in his eyes caused by looking directly at those light balls. At the same time, he tried his best to turn his chaotic brain.

"The Moon Council...where are the creatures under the moon?" Zheng Qing asked in a low voice.

The gentleman glanced at him and smiled with satisfaction.

"Monsters, fallen wizards, dark wizards, the Yuexia clan, wizards...all come to the same destination by different routes." The gentleman said softly: "Vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc., the birth of these alien races are all products of wizards imitating the abilities of monsters and transforming themselves. . But some succeeded and some failed.”

"Successful ones, such as the ancestors of vampires, werewolves, foxes, etc., were once very great wizards. In the process of fighting against the erosion of demons, they used the power of their hearts and wills to resist demonization and successfully escaped from corruption. Although the form has changed greatly, and there are occasional bloodthirsty impulses... but overall, it is still within the deviation range. "

"A very remarkable success. Because of their existence, the current Yuexia Clan was gradually born."

"And those who didn't succeed...such as Ulrich, who is known as the fallen mentor, they also slowly developed new demon families."

The young public-funded student was silent.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind - such as Professor Monteria's laboratory; such as low-level werewolves and vampires can mass-produce blood servants and wolf servants through biting; such as the outer gods deep in the starry sky, praying whispers in the ears of readers; and even a huge amount of memetic contaminants sealed in the legendary foundation.

Taken individually, many things may not seem surprising.

But taken together, it's terrifying.

"Has no one ever noticed this?" Zheng Qing couldn't help but ask: "Just like the way vampires create blood servants is so similar to the way demons pollute wizards...don't any ordinary wizards question this?"

The gentleman raised his eyebrows.

"You still don't understand," a strange smile appeared on his face: "Ordinary wizards have no right to speak in this world. No matter how loud their voices are, it is difficult to arouse public recognition... And those who have the right to speak Those wizards have a tacit understanding of this matter."

Tacit understanding can be understood as silent cooperation or silent contract.

Zheng Qing didn't know which meaning Mr. used.

This is not the point.

"Tacit understanding? Why do everyone have a tacit understanding on this kind of thing?" The young wizard was a little surprised. He still clearly remembered the cloudy eyes and the dirty smell coming from Seprano's brother after he turned into a pig demon in Damingfang.

There is no worse outcome than that.

"It's very simple, because a society without opponents lacks the motivation to move forward. For example, the Forbidden Curse, the demon played a certain catalytic role in the birth of the Forbidden Curse... Wizards continue to grow and develop in the confrontation with demons, and demons create Many methods are also very useful after the wizarding world is bleached, just like the vampires develop descendants."

"But that's not the most important thing."

"The most important reason is hope..."

Zheng Qing stretched out his fingers and dug his ears. He felt that he had not heard what his husband said clearly: "What do you think is the most important reason? Hope? Is it that beautiful wish?"

"Yes." The gentleman nodded affirmatively and signaled the boy to calm down: "Whether they are corrupted or not, the wizards who survive the erosion and transformation will cross a large level... Ordinary wizards will transform into great wizards. Wizards; great wizards will cross the boundaries of legend... Of course, as of now, the greatest extent known to be able to transform is only legend. "

Just legendary.

Zheng Qing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He finally knew what his husband meant by 'hope'. For most wizards in the wizarding world, registered wizards are already human beings, while great wizards are just dreamy babbles. As for the legend? The reason why legends are called legends is because they are also strange things in legends.

A ‘way’ into legend.

Zheng Qing was curious as to how the wizard who knew this could suppress the restlessness deep in his heart. To be honest, even though he already had the seed of a forbidden curse deep in his soul, when he suddenly heard that if he was bitten by a demon, he would have the chance to become a legend if he carried it over, he couldn't help but put his neck forward and let the demon bite him. Impulsive.

The gentleman easily noticed his thoughts.

"It's not that simple." He shook his finger, signaling the young wizard to regain his composure: "The wrong path means danger and difficulty. It's not as simple as taking the right path steadily."

"There was a time when many talented young wizards thought that they could get rid of the erosion like their predecessors, so they deliberately accepted the erosion of demons... The octopus in the library, the rat in the sewer, and the one you have raised for more than ten years The hamsters are all lucky guys.”

"As you can see, they weren't very successful."

"So later the alliance modified the history... also to prevent more people from going astray."

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