Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 122 The brave are not afraid

After listening to his husband's explanation, Zheng Qing was finally able to understand why some people would choose the path of cannibalism.

Because although the road to becoming a monster is long and rugged, it can still be walked. It can be walked for a long time and very far, so far that many people cannot walk that far on the path of a wizard.

This has nothing to do with morality.

It's just the result of the interaction between ruthless reality and cold interests.

"The brave are not afraid." The young public-funded student chewed these words with a wry smile on his face: "The person who was eaten has the same essence as the person who eats people... This is really a huge surprise."

Mr. Sitting on the grass, like a sculpture, his voice was unusually calm:

"Korma once told me that before she made the final decision, she once heard Tsathogya say something. I think that sentence is also very suitable for you...'There are many branches of extraordinary power. , we don’t have to always follow the widest river channel. Sometimes, the narrow and winding bends are our own ‘road’.”

"A long time ago, one of my students said something similar - there is no such thing as good or evil in this world. God is not benevolent. Good and evil are all judged by society. If there must be a choice, then human nature is inherently evil. Precisely because it is inherently evil, That’s why we need morality and education. We may act in accordance with human nature, but not against ethics.”

"As long as you don't stop, there will always be a road ahead."

Zheng Qing stared at the grass at his feet. On the grass blades, an ant was climbing hard. Even for an ant, that blade of grass is not big. It soon climbed to the tips of the grass blades.

The ant stood on the tip of the grass blade, its antennae trembling slightly in the breeze. After stopping for a moment, it turned over and continued to crawl forward along the back of the grass blade.

In Zheng Qing's eyes, the ant was crawling around and doing useless work. But in the eyes of the ant, it is always crawling forward. Zheng Qing is not an ant, so I don't know if it has any meaning in crawling forward.

Maybe moving forward is the whole point of crawling.

Zheng Qing thought of the hamster he had raised for more than ten years, the bad-tempered librarian in the library, and the fat and wrinkled Mouse Immortal—the Mouse Immortal that Zhu Si had been looking forward to meeting again.

"They... those wizards who deliberately accepted the influence of demons, how did they transform themselves in the first place?" the boy asked in a low voice.

"It's very simple. Those wizards transplant the flesh and blood of the monsters they hunted into their own bodies, and use talismans and spells to control the speed of the spread of the monsters. The relevant magic skills have been sealed by the alliance. I can only tell you so much."

"Do you know Professor Monteria?"

"I know, he is a young man with great ideas." The gentleman smiled: "He felt that he had opened up a new path. But he didn't know that the weeds growing on the trail were all grown from the seeds sown by the Alliance. It's just that he didn't completely step on that path. Maybe some old people in the school had some hope in his idea."

The ants on the blade of grass crawled along the grass stems and into the soil.

It stood on a small piece of white gravel, holding its head high and looking around, vaguely revealing an aura of eagerness and power. Zheng Qing didn't know if it was his illusion.

The antennae moved slightly, and the ant turned its head to look in the other direction.

Soon, it hurriedly left the gravel and crawled away. I don’t know if I smelled the fragrance of carrion or found the direction of my home.

"What if," the boy stared at the ant's retreating figure, hesitated for a while, and finally asked softly, "I mean, what if, I was bitten by a demon... How should I resist the erosion of the demon's aura? Of course, I'm sure I won’t take the initiative to put my arm over and let them bite me.”

After saying that, he turned around nervously and glanced at Mr.

He was very worried that his husband would think that he wanted to take a shortcut, so he asked this question - maybe in a corner of his heart, Zheng Qing had indeed had this idea. But the thought of the pig demon that Serprano's brother had turned into made him feel chilly in his heart.

A living person who was chatting and laughing with you not long ago turns into a wild boar with red eyes, drooling and howling.

Compared with the possible shortcut, Zheng Qing wanted to make a plan for the risk that might break out at any time.


To Zheng Qing's expectation, the husband easily told him the answer, but the answer seemed a bit too broad: "Many people want to know this method. In fact, we have told many people... that is belief."

"Looking back from the source, demonization is essentially a kind of spiritual pollution. Just like if you are bitten by a wild dog while walking on the road, a normal person will pick up a stone and hit the wild dog, but after being contaminated, He would lie on the ground and bite back... He would think he was a dog too. That dog brought his IQ down to his level."

"People's hearts are fickle. If you start from the same idea and have different experiences, your worldview will be very different and undergo earth-shaking changes."

"The stance and the butt are different, and the results of looking at the problem will naturally be different."

"This is the most basic point of resisting the erosion of demons. You need to stand firm and have firm belief. This belief can be persistence in blood and glory, pursuit of the unknown and truth, or victory. Yearning, or rock-like faith, is better than using anger and fighting spirit to repel the corrosive force."

Zheng Qing was keenly aware of the looming connection between the plans mentioned by his husband and the four colleges of First University. But he resisted the desire to ask because the gentleman had not finished speaking.

"...If your siege is breached and your faith deteriorates, your resistance to erosion will suddenly drop. So low that even a wild monster can transform a top registered wizard."

"As the saying goes, people with different paths cannot work together. The road is long and white, and there is a slight deviation under the feet. Thousands of miles away, there is a gap between the ends of the earth..."

In the last sentence, the gentleman's tone was full of emotion.

It was not difficult for Zheng Qing to understand the emotion in his husband's tone, but it was difficult for him to understand the effect of 'faith' on resisting the erosion of demons. There have been so many wizards bitten by monsters in history. How many of them were amazingly talented and magnificent, but they all collapsed under the influence of monsters.

Compared with them, Zheng Qing didn't feel that his 'faith' was stronger.

Perhaps Fatty Xin has a better chance of survival after being bitten by a demon - at least, his belief in delicious food is unwavering. Zheng Qing smiled bitterly in his heart, floating over the fat man's round and greasy face.

The gentleman frowned and glanced at the young wizard.

"Being brave means not being overwhelmed by the weight of the truth after you know it, but also being able to face the truth bravely." He warned earnestly: "You have faced many monsters, so you should be more aware of them. The dangers...what reason do you have to give in before them?"

"A true wizard will never lack courage in his heart."

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