Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 129 Banner’s Study Plan

"'If anyone pays more attention, they will find that classmate Nicholas has already become a puppet of an alien god.' Mr. Derleth said shockingly, 'People think that the soul of Nicholas has already followed the tentacles of the goddess of darkness and abundance to the starry sky. Deep's a very terrifying black magic that only the Outer Gods can use.'

'Forty-eight years ago - that is, in 1961 - Mr. Roy Leakey once visited James at the Mount of Mercy Hospital after a brief stay in Goldswood. After being blessed by the great God Pan to become his favored one, The Doctor, and then the Doctor was also contaminated from the stars. I have a close relationship with Dr. James. ’

‘Not long ago, after I saw the report in the Beta Town Post, I recognized this symptom at a glance. (The report Mr. Dres mentioned refers to an exclusive interview published by the Beta Town Post on May 10, "The Blood-Drawing Half-Werewolf") He must have been contaminated. I could see it at a glance...the black mark, The pale face, the twisted soul like a goat, and his wooly hair...these symptoms are exactly the same as Mr. Roy Leakey! ’

‘You think that boy is a fool, but you don’t know that he sees you as a fool! ’

'Fool, fool, is the abbreviation of Son of Shub! Even if he is misunderstood, he is still proud of his identity as a black goat cub! Who is Shabu? Sabu Nicholas is the goddess of darkness and fertility, the great god Pan, the black goat of the forest who gives birth to thousands of descendants! Look at their last names, Nicholas, Nicholas... He even used his real last name without caring! ’

‘I have written a letter to the Joint Conference of Professors of First University and the Trident Sword, hoping that they will deal with this pollution from the depths of the stars as soon as possible... He is not alone, he will pollute the entire First University and the entire Phuket Island! ’”

"[Postscript to the article: During the interview, Mr. Augusta Derleth showed us many terrifying concepts in the depths of the stars, and provided more worrying evidence, such as the recent suspected outbreak at First University Regarding the incident involving the spread of alien contamination, many school students have shown some fascination with goat milk, and even the school's black goat pet has been lost, etc. The full text of the investigation report will be published in the next issue of this newspaper's "Getting to the Truth" section. ,stay tuned】"

Zheng Qing finished reading this report with a frown on his face.

After reading the report, he specifically raised his head to glance at Nicholas next to Liu Feifei - I must admit that the black curse mark in the center of his forehead gave Nicholas a somewhat gloomy temperament, and the frogs in his hands turned into fly ash from time to time. , which aggravates the temperament.

But that's all.

Looking at the wizard who was smiling and talking to Liu Feifei, it was hard for Zheng Qing to imagine that Nicholas could be a dependent puppet.

And he is also a dependent of Shub Nicholas.

Then he flipped back and saw another article with a catchy title: "Outpost of Outer Gods: North District of Beta Town—A Community Overrun with Death and Sacrifice Magic":

"...the North District Wharf of Beta Town, which was once known as the concave area due to the large number of magicians living there, has lost its former prosperity. With an expression of excitement and fanaticism on his face, the young 'North District Wizard' greeted everyone The wizards passing through this community spread the glory of the Great Sage... The full name of the Great Sage in their mouth was Colma de Guini. He once studied at First University and held an important position in the student union of Jiuyou College. He was a An ambitious witch. During her time at school, her most famous act was to use blood collapse magic to make a group of Alpha School witches unify their menstrual periods, which affected their practical exam scores. This 'almost cheating' behavior caused her to have trouble in Jiuyou. The college has earned great prestige..."

"...Korma, who was about to graduate, was not willing to go to the new world like ordinary classmates to expand the territory of the Wizards Alliance. Instead, she held a dangerous sacrificial ceremony and accepted the gifts from the alien gods deep in the starry sky. , became a great wizard (Dan Hager has prepared to hold a formal hearing regarding the legal risks of this illegal sacrifice)..."

", walking on the streets of the North District of Beta Town, we can see a false prosperity that is different from the real prosperity supported by commercial trade in the past. A fanatical atmosphere has enveloped the entire neighborhood, and signs of danger abound... ...Under this prosperous appearance, Korma is using the 'Blood Collapse Magic' she used in Jiuyou Academy on a wider range and on more innocent people..."

"...Kolma's supporters were extremely nervous about being interviewed by reporters. The interviewees who made an appointment with us were detained by the Gini Cabin (an illegal wizarding organization established by Kolma and not recognized by the Wizards' Union). ) members followed, another alchemy workshop owner who told us the truth about the North District was injured by a group of thugs. It is believed that the thugs included the so-called "North District Wizards". We have reported related cases to the Trident Sword office in Beta Town. …”

Zheng Qing did not finish reading this article.

But even if he hadn't finished reading it, he could still guess what the title said "Outpost of the Outer Gods" meant. It's nothing more than publicizing the connection between Senior Sister Kolma and Tsatogua, and maybe even involving Shub Nicholas, just like they reported on Nicholas.

This is no longer biased reporting.

This is simply slander! It's fake news!

"Are these reports serious?"

The young public-funded student shook the newspaper in his hand and said in a somewhat incredible tone: "When did Nicholas become the favored one of the goddess of darkness and abundance?! Isn't he a wizard developed by Colma? Even if he has something to do with the outer god, Let’s go to Satogua! Also, I remember that the Gini Hut is registered with the North District Management Committee, so why has it become an illegal organization?”

"What report?" Fatty Xin stretched his neck and took a look: "Brahma Times? You can't read the news on that! Do you still remember that the famous singer Bai Ling was splashed with water from the Ganges at his concert in Calcutta last year... At that time, those Brahmins claimed that water was poured on them The wizard was praying for Ms. Bai Ling, but Trident Sword’s investigation proved that it was a malicious attack! In fact, there are many similar examples!

"They can always wrap up a messed up thing, and then do a shamanistic dance, pretending that everything is fine and no problems have occurred... Just like the conflict between the Brahmins in Bihar and the monks on Kunlun not long ago, It hurt a few people, and afterwards the "Brahma Times" published a secret book, swearing that it was a trophy from Kunlun... But in fact, according to the confirmation of the Wu League, the secret book was just a recipe circulated from Kunlun Mountain. ”

"The recipe can be considered a secret." Li Meng interjected from the side.

Jiang Yu pushed her back onto the chair and smiled apologetically at the wizards.

Zheng Qing glanced at the unconvinced little witch, then turned to look at Banner: "Since you also know that this newspaper is unreliable... then why do you still carry this newspaper with you."

"Study." Fatty Xin said confidently: "I just want to learn how they use their quills to distort the truth and make everyone believe their nonsense... But not many people are willing to read the facts I wrote."

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