Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 130 The Uninvited Guest of the Cat Fruit Tree

Nicholas noticed the quiet but heated discussions among the guests.

He glanced at Zheng Qing with curious eyes. Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment and thrust the copy of "Brahma Times" into Nicholas's hands. The report was terrible, so it was even more important that he be informed so that he wouldn't be caught off guard when Alpha's people attacked him with the news in the newspaper.

But it was beyond the expectations of the young public-funded student.

After Nicholas hastily scanned the report, he didn't show any signs of anger and showed an unexpected calmness.

"The wording in this newspaper is very careful." The eyes of the new North District wizard with a ponytail trembled slightly, and there was even a smile on his face: "There was a newspaper two days ago... I forgot where it was. One copy... It swore that the Great Sage of Korma was colluding with the outside gods, planning to sell out Phuket Island and subvert the First University... This newspaper just used a little "thug" fanaticism and "suspiciousness" The word "kind" is already considered friendly. "

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, then noticed the page Nicholas was looking at, and then he woke up.

Nicholas was reading the article about Colma and the wizards of the North End.

"Not this one," the public-funded student squeezed next to the North District Wizard, turned the newspaper forward a few pages, and then pointed to the article titled "Idiot Nicholas or 'Shub Nicholas'" and reminded: "This is this article... This is definitely slander. We can't let them off so easily. We have to complain to the alliance!"

Nicholas saw the exaggerated and weird cartoon in the newspaper at a glance.

He tilted his head back exaggeratedly, looked left and right, and raised his right hand: "I swear, I just used frogs to cast magic... I have never eaten such a reptile alive!"

After he finished speaking, he realized that he was still holding a yellow-skinned frog in his right hand, and the amphibian creature that was destined to turn into ashes was trying hard to move its hind legs, struggling in despair.

Nicholas laughed dryly and threw the frog into the bamboo basket at his feet.

This is not funny at all.

But Liu Feifei covered her mouth very cooperatively and laughed wildly along with Nicholas's exaggerated movements. The public-funded student who was originally filled with indignation suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling of fullness, and the thought of losing interest suddenly arose in his heart.

"Okay... I'm just making a suggestion." He angrily took out his textbook and walked to the desk next to the window. Then he saw Xiao Xiao using a quill to poke the grass sticking out of the flower pot. sperm.

The grass sperm was motionless, it turned out to be a stone model.

"Finally I saw something that is not strange," the wizard muttered, sitting heavily on the chair, and the armchair made a low groan: "I thought everything in the school would move..."

Before he finished speaking, the stone model suddenly opened its mouth and bit into Xiao Xiao's pen tip.

Click, click.

The tip of the quill turned into dregs in the little stone monster's mouth.

"What did you say?" Xiao Xiao turned around, holding the scrapped quill in his hand.

"No, it's nothing." Zheng Qing numbly moved his eyes away and focused on the reference book in front of him: "I mean, we should seize the time... review our lessons quickly."

The efficiency of reviewing homework in the study room is indeed much higher than that in the dormitory.

But we must also admit that writing homework and reading textbooks are the most hypnotic ways in the world, bar none. Especially after a period of high-intensity and concentrated study, if you continue to force yourself to focus on the textbook, your body will most likely go on strike and your brain will release the illusion, making you think you are still studying - in fact Your soul has already left your body and gone to an unknown place to play chess with Duke Zhou.

Just like Zheng Qing.

One moment, he was lying on the desk, analyzing several ways of using Yang Meiqing as medicine. The next moment, his thinking involuntarily spread out and became ethereal and ethereal.

Yangmeiqing is a unique mineral that improves eyesight, sharpens the orifices, and activates blood circulation and heat. Its other name is "Kong Qing". This kind of stone was mentioned in the Tang Dynasty's "Liang Sigong Ji", saying that "dragons are afraid of wax, love beautiful jade and empty blue, and are addicted to swallows." The general idea is that dragon creatures like beautiful jade and empty blue.

Zheng Qing thought from Yang Meiqing to Kong Qing, and then thought that Long liked Kong Qing, which naturally diverged to Long liking Shaoyan. He couldn't help but think of a night a long time ago, when a little wizard and he were patrolling Linzhong Lake at night. He wants to hunt dragons.

Then he remembered the big black goat Lin Guo was riding that day.

In the distance, the gentleman's voice could be heard faintly, as if he was lecturing him, or talking to himself:

"There are three states of human existence in the world."

"The living, the dead, the living dead."

“It is a living person who has a heart, energy, thoughts, thoughts, can see things, hear things, and speak things.”

"Without mind, without breath, without thoughts, without thoughts, we call it a dead person."

"With heart and energy, but no thoughts or thoughts, you are a living dead."

"Most of the time, when a person is awake, he is alive; when he is asleep, he is dead; when he wakes up and can still wake up, the sleeping person is a living dead; when he cannot wake up from sleep, the sleeping person is a living dead. Dead people...the concept between life and death is so simple..."

Zheng Qing ran into the distance chasing his husband's voice.

Suddenly, he crossed the darkness and appeared beside the cat fruit tree.

Then he saw a handsome wizard wearing a moon-white thin robe and a shiny mustache, climbing up the cat fruit tree like an octopus.

The large and small cats on the cat fruit tree have no sense of ownership and ignore this strange guest, hanging on the branches like ripe fruits and refusing to move. Occasionally, a few curious people would poke their heads to look at the wizard, then quickly retract and hide among the leaves of the cat again.

Only the dog pretending to be a cat had not lost its instinct in a corner of his soul. He jumped up, stood in front of the wizard, and barked a few times:

"Woof!! Meow meow!! Woof! Meow meow!!"

The strange wizard was startled by the animal with a strange cry. It took him a while to recover. He cursed softly and released a few vines with his hand, hanging the dog in the air.

Then he continued climbing.

Climb all the way up to the black cat's 'throne'.

The strange wizard took out a carving knife, jade powder and a small bottle of viscous red liquid from his pocket, and started carving on the throne. Zheng Qing wanted to get closer and see what that guy was doing in his seat.

But the closer he got to the cat fruit tree, the further away the cat fruit tree got from him.

Zheng Qing felt anxious. He exerted force on his feet and accidentally stepped on a smooth pebble, causing his body to fall forward suddenly.


The quiet study room made a loud noise.

Zheng Qing covered his forehead and stared blankly at the reflection on the glass in front of him, unable to recover for a long time.

After a while, the indignant voice of classmate Li Meng sounded in the study room:

"Did you sleep secretly! We are all doing's so unfair!"

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