Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 132 The spiritual rain is gone

"Speaking of which, do you know why cats allow a dog to climb a tree?"

Zheng Qing murmured and walked around behind the cat fruit tree, looking for traces of the dog.

"You don't know, how could I possibly know... I'm not familiar with other cats!" The witch snorted, and then added: "It's not uncommon to make friends across races."

Zheng Qing touched his nose: "Well... the origin of that puppy is very suspicious. The doctor has been investigating for a while, but he still can't find where it comes from. Besides, don't you think it's strange for a dog to meow like a cat? ?"

"It's not surprising." Jiang Yu folded his arms and stood not far away, looking around casually: "It is not difficult for wizards' pets to learn one or two foreign languages. My cousin has a big white goose, and he speaks it every day. It barks like a one thinks there's anything unusual about it."

Under normal circumstances, Zheng Qing would always ask a few questions after hearing such an interesting topic.

But this time, Jiang Yu waited for a long time, and Zheng Qing didn't say a word.

The witch couldn't help but took a few steps forward, bypassed the shadow of the tree, and found the boy's figure. Zheng Qing was standing behind the cat fruit tree, raising his neck and looking blankly at the crown of the tree.

Jiang Yu followed the wizard's gaze and looked up.

Among the lush leaves, a puppy with yellow and white fur was holding its paws, hanging from the crown of the tree by a few vines, swinging back and forth as if on a swing. Several kittens were squatting aside with eager eyes, reaching out their paws to scratch it.

As if aware of the gaze of the guests under the tree, the puppy stretched its neck and glanced down.

Then it saw Zheng Qing.


The dog shook his little tail excitedly and barked softly.

The young public-funded student shuddered and suddenly woke up.

"That is indeed more than just a dream." He looked at Jiang Yu with a serious expression in his eyes.

Jiang Yu did not speak, but quickly took out the Dharma books, various talismans and magic potions from his handbag, and made various preparations neatly.

Zheng Qing, dumbfounded, pressed an 'evil-proof charm' that Jiang Yu patted on his arm, and opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say that he had such a thing in his gray cloth bag, but her reaction seemed a bit too intense.

But considering the recent turbulent situation inside and outside the school, and thinking of his previous encounters with the witch in the North District after going out with the witch a few times, the wizard finally swallowed his words, put his hand into the gray cloth bag, and took out the book of magic and a A lot of good talisman paper.

"You are responsible for covering." He separated half of the talisman paper and stuffed it into Jiang Yu's hand, then closed his eyes and began to visualize the structure of the talisman gun in his mind.

Jiang Yu hesitated for half a second, then took the stack of talisman papers and gave a short answer: "Okay."

Zheng Qing carefully opened the Dharma book in his hand - the free Dharma book provided by the school for publicly funded students was of poor quality and the pages were thin and brittle, so one must be very careful when using it - and found the spell he was most familiar with: "Ge Zhi Tan Xi" !”

Several slender vines poked their heads out of the void, flexibly shuttled through the lush canopy, and extended towards the location of the dog. There are several dark yellow talisman hanging on the tip of the vine.

At this moment, a small gust of wind suddenly passed through the forest.

The surrounding tree crowns made a rustling sound, shaking off the rainwater accumulated on the leaves. Jiang Yu had quick eyes and quick hands, but she didn't have time to release the rain-avoiding spell. She only had time to shout: "The spiritual rain is zero!"

Before the chaotic raindrops even hit the ground, they turned into water vapor in mid-air and disappeared completely.

The wind passed and the rain disappeared, but Jiang Yu did not put away the Dharma book.

"There are four directions in danger, and everything is clear!"

The witch held the Dharma book, turned back a few pages, and cast the second spell. This is a magic used for monitoring and exploration, which can quickly feedback to the wizard all the unstable factors around him.

Weak magic waves passed by his side and spread in all directions.

Zheng Qing didn't pay attention to this little episode, and kept his eyes fixed on the puppy in the canopy, directing his vines to spread upward.

The thick vines look like the wizard's outstretched arms, and the thin vines at the end of the vines look like the wizard's fingers.

For a highly skilled wizard, commanding these canes is no more difficult than commanding his own arms and hands. Although Zheng Qing did not dare to say that he was a master of binding spells, he still had considerable experience in using them.

The onlookers were led away by a few vines, and the remaining vines dexterously shuttled between the knots that tied the puppy, and in three strokes, five divided by two, it was freed from the predicament.

"Recipe, Shining!"

Zheng Qing had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately used an escape spell on the puppy. A burning peach blossom suddenly appeared under the puppy. At the same time, another flower bone appeared at the foot of the big tree in front of the two young wizards.

The peach blossoms on the tree burned out in an instant and turned into smoke, and the flowers under the tree bloomed.

The ignorant puppy squatted among the flower stamens, sticking out its tongue and wagging its tail happily. He had no idea what he had just experienced.

"You could have just used 'Peach Yaoyao' to free it from the tree." Jiang Yu asked curiously.

"Just in case." Zheng Qing carefully stared at the little thing at his feet and explained: "I don't know if that guy did anything to 'escape'... and there are more cat fruits on the crown of the tree, just in case." Peach fire' scares them or sets the cat fruit tree on fire, that's bad."

As he spoke, the peach blossoms under Gouzi also withered in the wind, turning into a layer of flower mud that mixed into the wet grass.

The puppy stood up shakily, lowered its head and sniffed the decayed flower mud, then raised its head, wagging its tail, meowing, and nuzzled towards Zheng Qing's feet.

"do not move!"

Zheng Qing yelled, and the light blue gun barrel appeared out of thin air and pressed against Gouzi's forehead.

The puppy blinked its dark eyes, raised its head and nibbled the barrel of the gun curiously - the four characters 'suicide by swallowing a gun' and a piece of scarlet and white jam instantly appeared in Zheng Qing's mind.

"No matter how smart he is, he is just a dog." The witch smiled, poured the potions she had prepared into the food box, and pushed them in front of the dog - they were some magic potions for warding off evil spirits, detoxification, anti-curses and transformation. medicine.

Because it was mixed with minced meat, the dog ate it happily without any resistance.

Taking this opportunity, the witch stretched out her hand, scratched the base of its ears and chin, hung the remaining talismans and talismans on its body, and then pulled out a few dog hairs.

The dog snorted, still lowered his head and kept eating.

Zheng Qing's wariness finally dissipated a lot.

Seeing Jiang Yu playing with the dog, he felt a little itchy and couldn't help but squat down and pat the puppy's head. The dog's tail wagged happily, and the food box was licked clean in a blink of an eye.

Then it raised its head, whimpered, and licked the wizard's fingers.

"Remember to wash your hands later," the witch reminded.

Zheng Qing turned around and smiled. Before he could agree, he felt a pain in his hand:

"Hey! Damn it!!"

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