Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 133 Dog bites Lu Dongbin

Being bitten by a dog is not a big deal.

But this is the first university.

There are monsters in this world.

Seeing blood is a very dangerous thing.

The moment he saw the bloody flesh on his hand, the first image that came to Zheng Qing's mind was that of the rampaging wild boar demon in Damingfang, and then he remembered the restless figures on the hunting ground of last year's school hunting competition, and then those coveting forbidden animals. Curse the seed' of the demon. The young public-funded student's heart sank.

Jiang Yu noticed the wizard's face gradually turning pale.

"This dog is definitely not a monster," she said categorically, while comforting: "All the methods used to detect monsters have been used before, and there was no reaction... It is definitely not a monster."

Her affirmative tone and expression gave Zheng Qing a lot of comfort.

"It doesn't matter, it looks more scared than me." Zheng Qing forced a smile.

Indeed, after biting the wizard, the meowing dog immediately shrank into a ball, trembling all over, and seemed to be even more scared than Zheng Qing.

Jiang Yu glanced at Gouzi and immediately focused on Zheng Qing.

"Sit down and give me your hand." She ordered, pulling out a large blanket from her bag, spreading it on the wet grass, and motioned for the boy to sit on it.

Zheng Qing crossed his legs and sat down honestly.

The witch turned sideways and knelt down in front of him. The blanket was covered with bottles and bottles for treating injuries. Zheng Qing wanted to remind the witch that the school hospital was less than 500 meters away from them in a straight line, but for some reason, the words rolled around his lips a few times before quietly rolling back into his belly.

It's not that he doesn't want to be reminded, it's that the words in his stomach have become refined and he refuses to listen to the instructions of his brain - this is what the boy comforts himself in his heart.

Then he looked at the witch tinkering with the bottles and jars in front of him with peace of mind.

Jiang Yu took a few pieces of talisman paper for removing poisons and spells, threw them into a glass cup and burned them to ashes. Then he dropped a few drops of transparent grease-like liquid and stirred them into mud with a glass rod. He took another pure talisman and threw it into a bottle of noon water.

At noon, the water reaches Yang to ward off evil spirits. It is the best water for making such magic potions. It just happened that the Dragon Boat Festival has just passed, and Jiang Yu still has a lot of stock.

The light yellow talisman paper ignited spontaneously when put into the water, burning out a circle of fine bubbles in the originally clear noon water. Zheng Qing stared at the light blue flame rolling in the water, pulling out wisps of slender flame threads, and felt that it was extremely beautiful.

But no beauty can last long.

After a while, the blue flame went out, the bubbles in the water dissipated, and the water became calm and monotonous again at noon.

"Hands out," the witch commanded.

Zheng Qing honestly stretched out his hand.

Jiang Yu picked up the bottle of talisman water and poured it directly on Zheng Qing's wound. The wizard gritted his teeth and was already prepared for a stinging attack, but he was surprised to find a warm feeling coming from the wound, like being blown by someone, and it was extremely comfortable.

After cleaning the wound, the witch used a glass rod to stir up the talisman mud she had prepared before and applied it to the wizard's wound. The talisman mud melted when it met blood, and knotted when it met flesh. The few small pits left by the dog's bites were restored to their original appearance in an instant.

Zheng Qing tried to shake hands.

Just like the feeling before being bitten.

"It's really amazing," he praised without hesitation: "Even the school hospital can't handle it just costs you money."

"It's just a few pieces of talisman paper. You can draw whatever you want and it will come out." The witch replied lightly.

Zheng Qing looked down at his wound again: "Originally, I thought I could just put some fresh blood on it..."

"Just in case." The witch paused, glanced sideways at the dog lying outside the carpet, and then continued to explain: "Although it has been determined that this little thing is not a demon, but just in case... it is better to deal with it. That’s good. Baixian can only promote muscle growth and stop bleeding, but has poor resistance to evil spirits.”

The wizard nodded in agreement.

"I just didn't expect that the poison could be extracted." He added in a low voice: "The book said that wizards will transform into monsters after being bitten by monsters. I always thought that after being bitten, there was no hope of salvation."

The witch couldn't help but laugh.

"What the book says is correct," she packed up the bottles and jars on the blanket and stood up in no hurry, explaining in a brisk tone: "But what the book says is not complete... The bite of a monster can indeed transform a wizard. , but there are conditions... Can you imagine a little wild monster biting a big wizard and then transforming the big wizard into a big monster? "

Zheng Qing immediately shook his head.

"So, the more powerful the wizard, the stronger the resistance to the erosion of demons. In addition, long-term experience also tells us that pure wizard blood and a deep understanding of magic can help us resist the erosion of demons... these The methods of preparing potions are all taught at home.”

Listening to the witch's explanation, Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

What Jiang Yu said should be the knowledge passed down within the family of wizards. Although it is not completely consistent with what the husband taught him before, it is easier to be accepted by the family of wizards.

But from another perspective, this kind of 'experience' is not necessarily a good thing for the wizarding world.

On the one hand, the monopoly on blood and knowledge has created an increasingly profound generation gap between aristocratic wizards and civilian wizards; on the other hand, the more powerful wizard families and powerful wizards are, the safer they are, while the weaker wizards are more dangerous.

This trend of the strong always getting stronger and the weak getting weaker is very dangerous.

But this trend seems to be popular in every world - Zheng Qing's impression is that in recent decades, the gap between the big capitalists and civilians in Baiding's world is exactly the same as that in the wizarding world. It’s unclear who influenced whom.

Just when the wizard was thinking wildly, Jiang Yu suddenly let out a light sigh.

"That puppy...isn't it a little weird?" She pushed Zheng Qing's arm.

Zheng Qing turned around.

The dog's fur, which was lying on the edge of the blanket shivering, became a little dull - no, not dull, but blurry. Zheng Qing looked carefully for a moment and realized that Gouzi's figure was slowly becoming illusory and blurry.

It seems like it will disappear from the world in the next moment.

"Don't let it get away!"

The boy turned over and stretched out his arms, grabbing the puppy.

But his hand passed through the dog's body easily, as if passing through a pool of turbid liquid. The puppy raised its head, whined, meowed twice at the two wizards, and disappeared on the grass with a swish.

The two young wizards looked at each other.

"Its eyes are still black and have not turned red." The witch spoke first.

"It was shaking just now, not necessarily because it was afraid... it could also be because it was exerting strength?" the wizard guessed.

"Since it can escape, why is it bound by a binding spell between the tree crowns and unable to move?" Jiang Yu's question went straight to the point, but did not express Zheng Qing's worries.

"Perhaps, it must be able to escape when it is not restrained." Zheng Qing guessed without confidence.

But deep down in his heart, the wizard was more worried that the dog had mutated because it bit him.

He wasn't sure which guess was worse.

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