Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 134 Kolma’s plan

Although the disappearance of Gouzi made the two young wizards a little confused, they didn't get too entangled.

Compared with it, the strange wizard who secretly climbed up the cat fruit tree and tampered with the black cat's throne was even more worrying. After checking the branches and confirming that the dog had disappeared, Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu focused on the throne.

But after careful inspection, the two were surprised to find that there was no vicious curse or dangerous magic circle on the throne as expected. Someone just smeared a layer of cat juice on it.

The unripe cat fruit is ginger-yellow and is one of the raw materials for preparing demulcents; the ripe cat fruit is purple-black and highly toxic, which can cause intestinal rot and corrode the soul.

The cat fruit, which is between immature and mature, is red.

Poisonous, but slightly toxic; can be used as medicine, but has few uses. Overall, Maoguo at this stage is like a young man of 17 or 18 years old, lacking the innocence and liveliness of a teenager, and the tact and sophistication of an adult. He always expresses the connotation of the word "contradiction".

"This little bit of cat juice can make the cat lying on it have diarrhea for a day at most." Zheng Qing shook the test tube and watched the small dot of red slowly blooming in the translucent reagent. He was puzzled: "Then Guys climbing up and down just to give a cat diarrhea?"

"It's not a cat." Jiang Yu corrected.

Immediately, she seemed to realize that her statement was a bit subtle, and a blush appeared on her face. After coughing slightly, she added: "What I mean is... you are a wizard, and he is premeditated to attack the students of First University. "We should report this to the school."

Zheng Qing thought of the lazy expressions of the wizards on duty in the school working committee office, and the corners of his mouth drooped.

"The school working committee won't care about such a trivial matter...especially if it looks more like a prank." He sighed, with a lot of resentment in his tone: "When we report to the school, in addition to being asked to fill in a dozen forms in different formats, Apart from the forms and explanatory materials, there will be no other effect. They are not even willing to spend more effort to help Lin Guo find his black goat!"

The witch nodded in agreement and sighed as well.

"In short," Zheng Qing reached out and poured the liquid in the test tube at the foot of a bush outside the blanket. At the same time, he cheered up and reminded: "...from now on, unless we find that strange wizard and figure it out, His reason for doing this, otherwise we will never climb the cat fruit tree again!”

"It's best not to come here casually...I mean after you transform." Jiang Yu added, taking the test tube that Zheng Qing had cleaned up, and stuffing it back into his handbag.

Zheng Qing took out his pocket watch, looked at the time, and raised his eyebrows.

"Well... the class meeting is about to start in half an hour." He glanced at the witch and said, "Shall we go directly to the classroom?"

Jiang Yu raised her head and glanced at the sky outside the forest through a small piece of sparse tree crown: "It's really dark now... When we had the class meeting last year, it was dark. Now it's still like this Bright."

As she spoke, she lowered her head and began to collect the scattered magical materials on the blanket. Including unused talisman paper, jade ornaments to build a simple protective barrier, cinnabar ink prepared in the dish, glass bottles and jars used to hold potions and reagents, and several reference books for checking information at any time.

Zheng Qing nodded in agreement and helped the witch clean up the debris on the blanket.

Suddenly there was a whisper in my ear.

He looked up at the witch.

"Where are those dog hairs?" Jiang Yu held an empty test tube in her hand, her tone full of surprise.

When feeding the dog a magic potion to remove poisons and ward off evil spirits, the witch once pulled out a few short hairs from the dog's head and stuffed them into a glass test tube, ready to take them back to the laboratory for testing.

But just as she was packing her things, she discovered that the dog hair in the test tube was missing.

"Are you sure it's this test tube?" Zheng Qing searched the other glass tubes on the carpet, trying to find other possibilities.

"Only this test tube is sealed with a cork." The witch showed the cork to Zheng Qing - the cork still stayed at the mouth of the tube - she emphasized: "It was always on hand... inside Nothing will fall out!"

This is another head scratcher.

Even if they scratch their heads, the two young wizards will not waste any more time under the cat fruit tree.

On the way back to the classroom, Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu had a series of discussions on the identity of the strange wizard, where the dog had gone, what happened to the dog hair in the test tube, and other related issues, but they did not get any more information. Valuable guess.

Perhaps these questions should be thrown to Xiao Xiao.

Zheng Qing was thinking about these things absently, and followed Jiang Yu into the classroom. He was met by the booing sounds of his peers in the corner. The witch lowered her head and hurried to her seat, while the wizard froze in place for a few seconds before remembering the situation when he left the study room. His feet suddenly became a little panicked. Without paying attention, he almost trampled to death a beast that was crawling around. Little frog.

"Be careful!" Nicholas shouted while holding up his bamboo basket: "Look at your me catch that frog, thank you!"

This time for help could not have come at a better time.

Zheng Qing hurriedly squatted down and grabbed the little frog very hard. He bent over and caught it for a long time, until he drove the frog to jump from the classroom door back to Nicholas's bamboo basket in the back row of the classroom. The young public-funded student hissed softly. tone, quietly stood up.

Finally, he escaped the sight of most classmates.

"You should tie some ropes around their legs." Zheng Qing vigilantly looked at the atmosphere around his seat, and made a perfunctory suggestion to Nicholas: "Although their brains are only the size of peas, they are still a kind of creature after all... …The smell of frog death on your bamboo basket is so strong that it will make them run away instinctively.”

"It's just for temporary use." Nicholas covered the bamboo basket with a smile: "The Great Sage Kolma is researching an alchemical gemstone. It is said that it can materialize life force by referring to the production process of the 'Philosopher's Stone'... This way When we use magic in the future, we won’t need to bring a lot of frogs.”

Sounds like a good plan.

"Can she get the craftsmanship of the 'Philosopher's Stone'?" Zheng Qing expressed doubts. As one of the top products of magical alchemy, the production method of the Philosopher's Stone has always been treasured by major wizarding forces. Even the finished product rarely appears on the market, let alone the production process.

"It must be possible." Nicholas showed a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, and his expression was very firm: "The Great Sage can change the fate of the wizards in the North District, which even the alliance cannot change. What else can't he do? We believe in her, more than Art. The hypocrites of Lars.”

Zheng Qing looked into his eyes, feeling a hint of uneasiness quietly slipping through his heart.

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