Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 135 An unexpected guest at the class meeting

In addition to Zheng Qing having to accept the booing and ridicule from his peers because of the 'self-study room incident' in the afternoon, another presence that made the young public-funded students uneasy at the class meeting was Professor Yao.

Since knowing Professor Yao's identity, Zheng Qing felt that he could no longer look directly at the smiling professor. This feeling not only did not ease over time, but became more intense.

There are less than ten minutes left before the class meeting starts.

Zheng Qing was already a little restless.

He even felt that Fatty Xin, who had put his arms around his neck a few minutes ago and "tortured" him to tell him what he was doing with Jiang Yudu in the afternoon, looked so kind-hearted at the moment.

"What are you looking at?" The young public-funded student had nothing to say and poked the fat man's arm with the tip of his quill.

Banner gasped.

"Betta Town Post!" His face wrinkled up because he was pricked by the pen, but the arm holding the newspaper remained motionless, and his attention was still focused on the content of the newspaper: "... Some wizards believe that the 'Northern District Wizards' 'The existence threatens the Wizards' Council and the Moon Council, and they plan to launch an agenda in the alliance to review the legality of the existence of the 'Northern District Wizards'... This is a very dangerous move."

Hearing that it was related to the North District wizard, Zheng Qing suddenly became interested - this made his nervousness about Professor Yao's arrival subside a little - the young public-funded student leaned forward and came next to the fat man's arm, squinted his eyes and began to identify Those tiny prints in the newspaper:

"...The crisis in the wizarding world is at a crossroads - not because we are approaching the limits of the "Non-Proliferation Treaty of Forbidden Curses", but because the emergence of wizards in the North District may overturn hundreds of years of wizards and the Moonlight Clan. relatively stable state."

"Since the great wizard Albert published "The Four-Dimensional Properties of Magic" in 1925, the Wizards' Council and the Moonlight Council have been at odds over the authority of the dimensional fluctuation experiment. But now, this kind of thing was originally in the 'Yin-Yang Fish' balance model, challenged by 'Barbarians from the Door'."

"According to reliable information, a dangerous proposal is being circulated in the North District Wizarding Society, which was born less than a month ago, that is, the North District wizards also have the right to possess forbidden spells. This is a major challenge to the current order of the entire wizarding world... regardless of whether this proposal is If true, it will pose a threat to the fragile balance of 'Wizard-Yuexia', and may also encourage the dangerous ideas of some wizard societies, making them more bold in practicing some of the experiments strictly prohibited by the alliance..."

The wizard in the North District also wants to do forbidden spells? Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows. Senior Sister Kolma had never expressed any thoughts related to this. He very much suspected that this news was another piece of fuss made by the Beta Town Post to gain attention.

It's a pity that Zheng Qing didn't have time to express his emotions.

Before I finished reading a piece of news, the little stick figure at the door of the classroom screamed:

"Old Yao is here! Old Yao is here!"

"Continue chatting and sleeping without fear of death!"

Zheng Qing sat back down in his seat with a whoosh, sitting upright. This positive attitude made several companions around him look askance. In the past, after hearing the reminder from the stick figure, although the students would show a certain degree of respect, they would still be a little procrastinating.

The classroom door was pushed open with a whoosh.

Professor Yao was as usual, chewing his pipe and striding onto the podium. He held the handout under his arm, raised his arm, and gestured to the young wizards to be quiet - even though the classroom was already very quiet.

"Today is the last day of May, and it is also your fifteenth regular class meeting this semester." The professor bit his pipe, puffed out the smoke, and said to the young people in the hall with a smile: "Before starting the regular meeting, I need to remind you again. , less than two weeks until the final exam, that is, including Saturday and Sunday, there are still about ten days..."

Under the podium, most students only listened to the professor's clichés with one ear. Everyone pays more attention to the review questions in front of them. If you have time to listen to Lao Yao's nonsense, it would be more useful to brush up on the magic potion formula.

Different from other students, although Zheng Qing also lowered his head, he raised his eyelids from time to time to glance at Professor Yao on the podium, trying to distinguish the subtle difference between an old demon and Professor Yao - he didn't know that his little movements were making a difference. Lao Yao on the podium looked extremely obvious.

Just when Zheng Qing was carefully spying on Lao Yao, the sound on the podium suddenly stopped.

The students raised their heads one after another and looked at the podium curiously.

Zheng Qing also pretended to raise his head and looked at Lao Yao openly.

I saw Professor Yao holding the pipe with one hand and pressing the podium with the other. He leaned forward slightly, and his small and dark eyes were widened, as if he had seen something surprising.

Without him needing to speak, everyone followed his gaze and looked to the corner of the classroom.

It was the corner where Zheng Qing and others were sitting.

The young public-funded student had the urge to throw his head back and fall backwards.

"I didn't do anything." He murmured, looking around for help, and then noticed the surprised expression on Jiang Yu's face sitting in the front row.

Zheng Qing could clearly tell that Jiang Yu's eyes were not on him, but behind him. After realizing this, the young public-funded student who was frightened by Professor Yao finally calmed down a bit. At this moment, he began to realize that everyone's eyes were not on him.

"Scared me." The wizard twitched his lips and showed a difficult smile to Fatty Xin who turned around.

Beside him, Xiao Xiao gave him a tug.

Zheng Qing took advantage of the situation and put away his smile. Like everyone else, he turned around and looked at the back row.

A puppy was squatting on the window sill in the corner of the classroom, its ears pricked up, its tail fluttering, sweeping up a piece of dust. Several elves were surrounding the puppy, somewhat at a loss. Seems not sure what to do with this uninvited intruder.

Although the yellow and white colors of this puppy are much duller than before - making it look gray, as if it had just rolled in an ashtray - but based on its eyes and expression Based on his appearance, Zheng Qing could easily tell that this was the dog that escaped from him and Jiang Yu not long ago.

The cat learned from the meowing dog in the fruit tree.

He finally understood why Jiang Yu's expression was so surprised.

It was only at this moment that Professor Yao's slightly dissatisfied voice sounded in the classroom:

"Who brought the dog into the classroom? Didn't you know that this is not allowed in the school?"

As if noticing the surprised looks of the classmates, the dog wagged its tail happily, opened its mouth, and called out obediently: "Meow~~!"

The whole class was stunned.

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