Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 139 Dog Skin Plaster

"It's that dog again!"


"Next to the trash can, do you see it?"

"I didn't see it...are you sure? I only saw a stone."

"It's not that's too late, it's already gone."

"Look, look at the dog!"


"Behind that little privet cluster... look, isn't that its tail?!"

"Where, where? Didn't you see it?"

"...already ran away!"




When Zheng Qing pointed to a corner for the nth time and swore to his companions that he saw the dog, but everyone found nothing, Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help it and pulled the young public-funded student's robe to signal him to stay.

"My neck is cramping." Xiao Xiao rubbed his neck with a look of helplessness on his face. Zheng Qing had reminded him to turn his head faster before, but no matter how fast he turned, it would not be as fast as the dog would disappear.

"More quickly!" Zheng Qing had no choice but to say, "In other words, do you have any suitable detection magic that can detect the surrounding environment anytime and anywhere?"

"That would waste a lot of magic power, a lot." Dr. Xiao Da first rejected the young public-funded student's proposal, and then reminded him very tactfully: "I don't know if you have heard of a story called 'The Wolf Cried'... …The story tells about a shepherd boy who was tending sheep. Because he was very bored, he thought of a way to make fun of everyone…”

"Do you think I'm teasing you?" Zheng Qing angrily interrupted the doctor's 'story'.

"My feelings are not important." Xiao Xiao appeased the public-funded student's annoyance, paused, skipped the well-known storyline, and jumped directly to the end of the story:

"The important thing is the end of the story... because the shepherd boy lied to the farmer one after another, so when he really met the wolves for the last time and asked for help, the farmer thought he was lying again, and everyone ignored him and no one helped him. …Then the shepherd boy was killed by wolves.”

"The shepherd boy was not bitten to death, but his sheep were bitten to death." Zheng Qing corrected with a gloomy expression.

"That's not the point." Xiao Xiao did not argue with Zheng Qing about whether the sheep was eaten by the wolf or the shepherd boy was eaten by the wolf: "The point is that you can't just huff and puff when you encounter a small thing... This will consume everyone's enthusiasm* **Furnish everyone’s trust in you.”

"That's not a trivial matter." Zheng Qing said sullenly.

But he also knew that what the doctor said was reasonable. Although in his opinion, what he did was fundamentally different from that of the shepherd boy. What he told was the truth, while what the shepherd boy told was lies. But to others, the difference may not be that big. Because his words cannot be verified, and he continues to waste everyone's energy.

"If you really feel uneasy, you can go to Lao Yao and report the situation to him." Xiao Xiao gave a suggestion that he thought was very appropriate: "After the spell class in the morning, he said that he would be in the office all day today... …You will definitely find him if you go. After all, he is our dean and our counselor, and this is his job.”


Zheng Qing laughed twice.

He would rather turn into a cat and greet his own cats to catch dogs than go to Lao Yao's office.

"Have you been avoiding Lao Yao a little lately? Did you smash the flowerpot in his office, or soaked his tobacco in the water?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and glanced at the young public-funded student.

"That's Li Meng you're talking about, not me." Zheng Qing complained about the doctor's wild ideas: "Am I that unreliable?"

"Judging from what happened to this dog today, it's very unreliable."

Zheng Qing could not refute this.

"I'm not hiding from Lao Yao."

"But you were in Charms class this morning, and you barely raised your hand the entire class...that's not your usual style."

"I just... just because the final is approaching and I need some time to review." Zheng Qing answered vaguely. In fact, he also felt that his reaction was a bit exaggerated, but his instinct-perhaps the seed of the forbidden curse-deep in his heart Remind him to be cautious: "I just need a moment."

He swore that the last words came from his heart.

It was not difficult for Xiao Xiao to judge this.

"Okay... but I need to remind you, there isn't much 'little time' for you to waste before the final exam... Banner has occupied a seat for us in the library. When will you come over? Today is still a review period. Pharmacy?" Xiao Xiao skipped the previous topic and asked about Zheng Qing's review plan for today.

"Originally I planned to review Potions." At this point, Zheng Qing touched the gray cloth pocket on his waist and sighed: "But in the afternoon I suddenly received a paper crane from the school laboratory... I may have to work on it for a while. Seat You guys hold it for me first."

Xiao Xiao stopped and looked at Zheng Qing with a scrutinizing gaze:

"From lunch at lunch, to the talisman class in the afternoon, and now, you have been following me trying to show me the invisible dog... When did you receive the paper crane?"

Zheng Qing was caught off guard.

He just made an excuse casually, but unexpectedly the doctor caught him.

Soon, he found a reason to defend himself: "You can't even see a dog, can you see me receiving paper cranes? There is a reason to say you are blind..."

"Where's the paper crane?"


"Where was it thrown?"

"...I was a little hungry at the time, so I threw it in my stomach."

"Haha." Xiao Xiao sneered again and again.

Zheng Qing explained seriously: "Don't mention it, paper cranes really taste a bit meaty...Have you ever eaten them before? Well, I think I heard Fatty say that Tuantuan has eaten paper cranes..."

Xiao Xiao was not distracted by the lame talk of the public-sponsored student. He gave Zheng Qing a warning look: "Anyway, you have to know what you are doing..."

"What do you think I want to do?" Zheng Qing was a little confused - his plan just emerged from his mind a few minutes ago, so he had the poor excuse before. He didn't think the doctor could guess it.

"There are still about ten days until the final exam," Dr. Xiao Da raised his voice slightly, overpowering Zheng Qing: "You are still carrying the school's probation penalty... If I were you, anything other than the exam would Things will be put under pressure and dealt with after the exam period..."

"Except for that dog." Zheng Qing's expression looked like he had eaten a mouthful of shit. He looked over Xiao Xiao's shoulder and paused in his voice.

Xiao Xiao noticed his gaze.

"Did you see it again?"

"Anyway, you can't see it." The young public-funded student sighed deeply and repeated what he said before: "...Other things can really be postponed, except for the dog. It has tortured me. I have a nervous breakdown. Otherwise I won’t be able to eat, sleep, or study properly.”

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