Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 140 Eye Disease

The entire Monday, from when he opened his eyes in the morning, to doing morning classes, to the morning spells class, and the afternoon talisman class, Zheng Qing spent the entire day battling wits with the dog under the cat fruit tree.

And Zheng Qing found that the dog was getting smarter and smarter - it had learned to avoid other people's sight as much as possible and only 'torture' him. Not noisy, but like a piece of dog skin plaster, or a shadow.

Zheng Qing felt that he finally knew the origin of the term "dog skin plaster".

But when he thought about the shadow, the young public-funded student suddenly realized that besides Lao Yao, he had another suitable consultant - a certain great wizard who had cut off his shadow.

Compared with Lao Yao's true identity, Su Shijun, who was born in Yuexia Council, can be regarded as "innocent" and "safe and reliable". And given the delicate relationship between her and Zheng Qing, the wizard can also discuss some sensitive topics with her as appropriate, without being restrained like he was in front of other professors.

It's not that Zheng Qing hasn't considered Senior Sister Kolma. But on the one hand, Kolma had only been promoted for a short time. She was only a fourth-year student before that. The wizard doubted how much help she could provide in the matter of Gouzi; on the other hand, in the past few weeks, she had been The attacks in the North District on two weekend nights gave Zheng Qing a real shadow over that area.

Everything is about safety.

After saying goodbye to Xiao Xiao in front of the library, the young public-funded student quickly ran to Su Shijun's office.

It was in the afternoon, and most of the staff in the 2D Evolution Laboratory had finished their work for the day and were gathering together for a regular summary meeting before get off work. The person presiding over the meeting was Su Shijun's head maid, Miss Su Man. Zheng Qing noticed that Su Ya was also sitting aside to listen.

This made him want to complain - just by looking at Su Ya's drooped tail and sleepy ears, she knew that this kind of meeting was a complete torture for her. I don’t know why Su Shijun would arrange for her to participate in such a thing.

Seeing Zheng Qing's figure, Su Man raised her hand and said, "Miss is in the office."

Su Ya, who was originally drowsy, suddenly became energetic. Her soft little ears suddenly stood up from her hair, and her big furry tail retracted under her skirt consciously.

"I'll show you the way!" She jumped off her seat and shouted to the wizard enthusiastically, trying to escape from the boring meeting in front of her.

Su Man held her head down.

"No one will get lost in here." The head maid warned and rubbed Su Ya's hair to tell her to be more honest. The little maid's ears that had just straightened suddenly shriveled again, and fell down in her fluffy hair.

Zheng Qing was watching all this with a smile, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the gray dog, hiding behind a stone platform under a big ball of light, quietly sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail at him. .

The wizard's expression was the same as that of the little maid, and he suddenly became a little disappointed.

"I know...thank you." He responded hastily to the head maid's words and couldn't wait to walk to Su Shijun's office. While lifting his feet, the wizard looked behind the stone platform again. Sure enough, the dog had disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, Zheng Qing began to wonder if there was really something wrong with his eyes.

Su Shijun's office is not far from the front hall where the researchers hold meetings.

When Zheng Qing opened the door and walked in, the big boss of the 2D Evolution Laboratory was putting his legs on the desk, with his bare feet exposing a section of his bare thighs. The sunlight fell softly on her body, showing an intoxicating color.

The wizard blinked and looked up along the thigh. He saw the witch with her collar loosened and her hair disheveled. She was lying on a leather chair without any image, holding a can of soda and popcorn in her arms. Ke Zhi ate happily.

Her ears, which are a bit bigger than Su Ya, also hang out of her hair, and her big tail, which is three times longer than Su Ya, is spread on the armrest of the leather chair like a fur cushion.

The breeze in the corridor happily slipped in along the open door of the room and swirled around the armrests of the chairs. The tip of Su Shijun's tail undulated with the wind, and Zheng Qing was inexplicably reminded of the dog's tail grass on the autumn grassland.

He really has a bad bond with dogs, the wizard sighed in his heart.

The two looked at each other in silence for a second.

Su Shijun chewed popcorn and there was still a little residue left in the corner of his mouth.

Zheng Qing quietly retreated out of the door.

Close the door thoughtfully.

There is indeed something wrong with my eyes. I don’t know where to buy better eye drops on the pedestrian street. The young public-funded student thought anxiously in his heart.

After a moment of pause, he remembered his purpose again and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in." A pleasant, majestic voice sounded from behind the door.

Zheng Qing carefully opened the door and went in.

The scene in the room was completely different from a few seconds ago - the furry tails on the armrests of the leather chair disappeared, the witch's messy hair became smooth and shiny, and the two furry ears were hidden in her hair as usual. In the bun, it is inconspicuous.

The bare feet and a section of bare thighs were hidden behind the desk, which was a sight to behold. The soda disappeared, and so did the popcorn. Su Shijun sat upright behind her desk, holding a lab report in one hand and a quill in the other, the tips of the feathers rubbing against her fair cheeks.

Even the sunlight in the room is a bit cleaner than before.

Seeing the wizard enter the door, the owner of the laboratory glanced at him with a stern look:

"Huh?! Is something wrong?!"

Zheng Qing frowned and glanced at the witch. She wore a dark red bat shirt today. The wide curved neckline exposed her beautiful collarbone. It was so bright that people dared not look directly at it. It seemed that one more look would make her look bad; One glance will reveal the dirty thoughts deep inside.

The wizard moved his gaze upwards.

Fortunately, Su Shijun wore the wide red-rimmed glasses on his face as usual. It is said that those glasses can hide the wizard's charm to a great extent and reduce the wizard's presence - which is what the wizard needs most.

"I just... came and took a look." The wizard ignored the witch's stern gaze and praised in a low voice: "Your clothes are so beautiful today."

"Thank you." The witch still had a straight face, and there was not much happiness in her voice: "Although I know you are stupid, I still want to correct you - are the beautiful clothes?"

Zheng Qing finally had the courage to take a closer look at the bat shirt. After a while, he asked with some uncertainty: "Is it the color of the clothes?"

The cold wind rushed behind him, and with a bang, the office door was slammed shut.

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped a lot.

Even though it was summer, Zheng Qing still felt a chill covering his body.

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