Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 141 The Witch's Manual

"Your office is quite cool...are the cooling charms provided by the school?"

Zheng Qing touched the goosebumps that appeared on his arms and laughed dryly, without thinking at all about the words in his mouth. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to promote the standard talisman paper sold in his store and liven up the atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties. However, after seeing Su Shijun's eyes the next second, the boy shut up decisively.

Although he is not very good at talking, he still has some eyesight and knows when to shut up.

"What's wrong with you coming today?" Su Shijun lowered his eyelids and asked word by word, the quill in his hand being drawn into a terrifying arc. Zheng Qing seemed to hear the pen screaming.

The wizard didn't know where he had said the wrong thing, but he knew he had to do something to make up for his previous mistakes. Otherwise, what he wants to ask for help will not only be fruitless, but will also bring him new troubles.


The wizard suddenly thought of a new reason: "Poseidon has been in school for a long time... You said before that you wanted him to sign up and audit the courses at First University... I think it should be possible next semester. ”

After saying that, Zheng Qing burned three sticks of incense for the little fox in his heart.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist. It was never my intention to put you into the classroom in advance - Zheng Qing could already imagine the sadness, anger and despair in the little fox's eyes after knowing that he was going to school. Its dream life is to flutter butterflies and catch squirrels every day, gnaw on chicken legs, and urinate everywhere when no one is around... instead of sitting in a classroom with a textbook and listening to the old wizard on the podium telling those commands. If a person is drowsy.

Su Shijun's originally cold eyes finally thawed a bit.

The voice is also a little warmer.

"Well... Indeed, it's rare that you have some conscience and remember Neptune's schooling." When talking about the children's education, the members of the Yuexia Parliament seemed to have finally forgotten the unhappiness a moment ago, but the conversation inevitably became A lot of verbosity:

"Have you thought about what courses you want her to take? If you are not sure, I have a 'parenting manual' issued by the clan, which mentions the subjects that a one-year-old fox needs to study."

As she spoke, she pulled out a pamphlet from the drawer and threw it into the wizard's arms.

Zheng Qing took it hurriedly.

The booklet was still stained with a little fragrance from the witch's hand, but it didn't stir up a ripple in the wizard's heart. He opened the cover in confusion and saw several little foxes of different colors playing hide-and-seek between the strokes of the big characters "Young Fox Tutoring Series" on the title page. Those furry little tails were like the tip of a brush, sweeping the big characters straight. Shivering.

Zheng Qing glanced at the catalog and vaguely saw a few lines of words, including 'Young fox hunting skills', 'Cultivation of social interactions and social awareness of the Yuexia clan', 'Standardizing life and work and rest time' and so on.

Poseidon always sleeps when he is tired and plays when he wakes up. If you want him to sleep according to the schedule, you will need a lot of hypnotic charms or similar magic potions. Zheng Qing rolled his eyes in his heart. On the surface, he obeyed Su Shijun’s arrangements honestly:

"... Talismans, divination, and magic. These three subjects are compulsory. You can learn them without knowing it, but you must learn them. Potions are a bit difficult to ask for, so you can choose the prerequisite subject Herbology first... At least she will go to the forest in the future. When running around, you need to know which mushrooms you can eat and which insects you can bite.”

"In addition, as a fox of the Qingqiu clan, she should also master the two courses of heraldry and moonlight etiquette... Well, magic philosophy is still relatively difficult for a fox of her age, so she can learn it in a few years. "

Zheng Qing was stunned as he watched the witch take out a small notebook and lay out a study plan for Poseidon for the whole school year - it was obvious that the witch was very well prepared for this matter.

Relatively speaking, the young public-sponsored student just mentioned it in passing. He didn't even know if he wanted Poseidon to observe the course, whether he needed to apply to the school working committee or the professors' joint meeting, or what application materials he needed to provide and how much he needed to pay. .

Fortunately, Su Shijun also made arrangements for the expenses.

"...You don't have to worry about the tuition fee. I will arrange for Qingqiu Mansion to contact Jiuyou College directly and fund it in the name of scholarship. Qingqiu Mansion has always generously supported talented foxes and will not attract others' attention."

"Also, have you considered which academy he should go to? According to his bloodline, it is best to go to Alpha. But we are both in Jiuyou Academy, so let him stay alone in Alpha Castle. It’s not very safe, and I can’t send someone to look after it…”

"Lin Guo, the manager of the Excuse Hunting Team, is a student of Alpha." Zheng Qing finally had the opportunity to provide some advice and show his diligence - at least to show that he had thought about this matter: "If you go At Alpha Academy, Lin Guo can help take care of Poseidon.”

"Ling Guo?" Su Shijun closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly for a few seconds. After a moment, she reopened her eyes and her tone became stern again: "That twelve-year-old genius alchemist from Alpha Academy? He is still just A child... not even as old as Su Ya!"

Lin Guo has been living alone since he was seven or eight years old. At that age, Su Ya might only drag her tail to catch grass sperm in the garden or carry a kettle to water the flowers. Zheng Qing complained in his heart, but on the surface he had to feel sorry for himself. Choose to tell one or two:

"Ling Guo is thirteen years old this year."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wizard had an inexplicable feeling - at that moment, he felt as if he was possessed by Li Meng. Classmate Li Meng often says this to other people.

This feeling made his cheeks feel warm.

The owner of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory didn't seem to hear the wizard's explanation.

"More importantly," Su Shijun said with a slightly stronger tone: "Classmate Lin Guo's pet has just been lost... As far as I know, you reported this matter to the school working committee. Do you feel free to hand over Poseidon to him? "

This is indeed a problem.

It is difficult for people to convince themselves to hand over their money to a fund manager who has been losing money all year round. Similarly, Zheng Qing did not have much confidence to persuade Su Shijun to hand over Poseidon to a thirteen-year-old child who lost his pet.

Even in Zheng Qing's heart, Lin Guo has always been serious about his work.

"We can..."

Just as Zheng Qing finished saying these four words, out of the corner of his eye he suddenly caught a glimpse of a fluffy tail peeking out from behind the pot of green radish in the corner of the office. Immediately, he saw the hateful dog face and its blinking little eyes.

His expression suddenly changed.

Su Shijun noticed the change in the wizard's expression and followed his gaze, but only saw a pot of green radish, swaying slightly in the sun.

The witch looked back.

The wizard's face looked extremely ugly.

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