Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 143 The Second Witness

When he went home during the winter vacation last year to worship his ancestors, a stray dog ​​turned into a demon and wandered around Zheng Qing, spying on his family.

At that time, Huanghuali, who lived at home, helped Zheng Qing deal with the trouble.

"Students were attacked by demons at home during the holidays? Why haven't I heard similar news from the alliance?"

"Three-Chased Sword people said they had no evidence and did not formally file the case. They only made a simple registration." Every time he thought about this incident, Zheng Qing felt a little depressed: "...The dog demon was eaten by Brother Huang at that time. So the evidence is gone... Brother Huang, you know it, it was the yellow civet in Sanyou Bookstore... It was also nearby at the time, and helped me drive away the dog demon and ate it. "

As he said that, Zheng Qing tried very hard to look at the witch, hoping that she would see the sincerity in his eyes.

The witch raised her eyebrows nicely. She was not sure whether she was dissatisfied with the bureaucratic atmosphere of the three-pronged sword, or she was interested in the yellow fox that eats monsters.

The wizard immediately averted his eyes in embarrassment.

Sure enough, his moral conduct was still too low. He recited the Duoxin Sutra silently in his heart, twisted his body and sighed.

"When does that puppy usually appear?" Su Shijun continued to ask.

"Not will always break into my sight inadvertently."

"No pattern?"

"I haven't noticed it yet... It has become smarter now and will always reveal its traces in corners that others cannot see."

"No wonder you are suspected of hallucination. This kind of thing that cannot be falsified or confirmed is usually more likely to be false..."

At this moment, there was a rhythmic knocking on the office door.

Zheng Qing glanced at the door quickly, turned around, and happened to see Su Shijun's slightly raised chin: "Did you hear that? This is a polite visitor... Please come in!"

The person who opened the door and walked in was Su Man, the head maid of Qingqiu Mansion.

But Su Ya's little head also rubbed against the hem of the maid's long skirt, and she got in, looking around as if she wanted to see what some nasty guy was doing in the lady's office.

"Today's regular meeting is over. I just asked everyone to get off work." Su Man came to report to the two owners of the evolution laboratory. She spoke in a serious manner, without squinting, as if Zheng Qing was a ball of air. :

"The Two-Dimensional Evolution Laboratory has a total of 284 task worlds in operation throughout the day on June 1, with 1,017 reincarnation teams and 4,301 reincarnations, including five new reincarnations. Thirteen people were eliminated, 179 people were eliminated, and the elimination rate increased by six percentage points from the previous month..."

Although the content is interesting, boring data can kill all interest in the listener. As if he was in a math class a long time ago, Zheng Qing's attention was quickly lost in a series of numbers and rules explanations - at the previous thought, he was still sighing that today was June 1st, and he didn't pay attention at all. With the arrival of Children's Day this year, with the latter thought, he began to think about what his former shadow, the big black cat, had experienced in those reincarnated worlds.

Just as distracted as him, there was another little fox girl.

Su Ya's head first came out from the left side of Su Man's skirt, then quickly retracted, then came out from the right side, then the left side, and then the right side again - as if it had emerged from a hole in the ground. Gopher - Zheng Qing quickly noticed Su Ya's little movements and immediately became interested.

He simulated the game of 'whack-a-mole' in his mind, using the blinking action as a 'hammer'. If when he blinked his left eye, the little witch's head popped out from the left side of Su Man's skirt, it was a hit. On the other hand, if when he blinked his left eye, the little witch's head came out from the right side of Su Man's skirt, it meant he missed.

This simple and fun game quickly revives the wizard's spirits.

Left, left, right, left, right, right.

The wizard played endlessly, but the little fox girl seemed to be under a hyperactivity spell and refused to stop for a moment. Su Shijun could pretend not to see her at first, but as Su Ya got in and out of Su Man's skirt more and more frequently, it interfered with the head maid's normal reporting work, and she had to tap it with the tip of the pen in her hand. desktop.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"What are you doing?" The owner of the office looked at the little fox girl with a majestic expression: "This is a laboratory, not a playground... Can you be quiet for a while?!"

Su Ya seemed to be under a immobilizing spell and immediately stopped where she was.

After a long while, she defended in a low voice: "That dog started it first..."

The other two witches in the office were still a little confused, but Zheng Qing was the first to react. He suddenly turned around and looked where the little fox girl was looking. Sure enough, in a hidden corner of the office, a gray dog ​​was flashing around a bonsai.

After noticing the gaze of the young public-funded student, the dog stuck out his tongue, wagged his tail happily, and disappeared in a whoosh.

Only a small amount of dust was left, slowly falling in the sunlight.

"Dog! Dog!" Zheng Qing was like Fan Jin after winning the lottery. He was a little embarrassed when he spoke: "The dog... is there! You saw it too, right! You saw it too!"

He rushed towards the little fox girl and seemed to want to grab her shoulders and shake her twice, but finally gave up the plan under the stern eyes of the head maid. He just put his hands on his knees and half-crouched in front of Su Ya, looking at her eagerly. Hope she says something.

Su Ya was frightened by the wizard's terrifying aura. She tightly grabbed the hem of the maid's skirt, only half of her face was exposed, and she remained silent.

Su Shijun was the third person in the room to realize what had happened.

She glanced at the bonsai with interest.

Then he looked at Su Ya, with a hint of encouragement in his eyes: "Tell me, you just saw a puppy in this office? What does it look like? Why is it missing?"

Encouraged by the young lady, Su Ya finally stood up from behind the head maid, exposing most of her body.

"A gray puppy with floppy ears and a face that looks like it's been punched." Su Ya described the dog's appearance, then pointed at the bonsai with a trace of confusion on her face: "It stood just now. He was playing hide-and-seek with me...and then suddenly he was gone."

Su Shijun pondered, opened the Dharma book on the table, took a quill pen and began to write and draw on it. He didn't know what spell he recorded.

When she stopped writing, Su Man, who had been standing at the desk, said softly: "Miss?"

Su Shijun woke up from a dream and raised his head to look at his head maid: "Put down the regular meeting and the lab report. I'll look at them later... You go back to the library first, don't wait for me. Su Ya stays."

The little fox girl jumped out from behind the head maid, holding her hands and standing happily in front of the desk, her back straight and her belt moving slightly. Zheng Qing suspected that she couldn't control her inner happiness and shook her tail.

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