Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 144 Charm (Part 2)

"A puppy with yellow and white skin, 40 to 50 centimeters long, unknown bloodline, suspected to be a hybrid. It is good at meowing. Due to a special reason, the fur is hazy, so it looks like the whole dog is gray."

"High intelligence, strong vigilance, and able to distinguish the danger level of wizards. With magical abilities, you can come and go freely around the great wizards, and can selectively show your presence to different wizards. The memetic effect is similar to [SCP-1499] (Note ①). It is speculated that the dog has space, shadow or other special talents.”

"It was first observed on the 'Cat Fruit Tree' of Jiuyou Academy. It has a good relationship with the cats. Later, for unknown reasons, it chased you closely, similar to the memetic effect of [SCP-Chasing Snails] (Note ②), but The dog did not display any aggressive hostility."

"Do you have anything to add to the above summary of the situation?"

After listening to Su Shijun's introduction, Zheng Qing immediately shook his head. He has said everything he can say. Su Shijun's summary was very detailed, even beyond his cognition - for example, he didn't know the specific concept of that SCP hunting snails.

"Then the next question is about the pattern of dogs appearing." The witch put down her quill, opened her arms, stretched her arms, and sighed contentedly: "According to previous experience, the puppy will always pick when you don't expect it. , appearing in a place where no one else can notice it, and just in the corner of your sight...except Su Ya."

Hearing her name, Su Ya quickly stopped her back, as if she wanted to appear more solemn.

But her short stature makes this effort pale a lot.

"Su Ya, how did you find that puppy?" the owner of the office asked kindly.

Su Ya immediately forgot the rules that a maid should abide by, subconsciously raised her hand, bit her finger, frowned and tried to recall the previous scene, and then replied:

"...It came out from behind the flower pot and glared at me... Then I thought that I couldn't weaken the lady's authority, so I stared back... and then scared it back behind the flower pot... Then it came from The other side came out and glared at me again... Then to be fair, I also got out of Sister Su Man's other side and stared back at it... That's what it looked like."

A few explanations, using a series of 'thens', fully demonstrated the little fox girl's lack of vocabulary. And even Zheng Qing's logical thinking could not understand why Su Ya chose to keep poking around and staring back at the little kid 'equally'. He very much suspected that the little fox girl had used the "Spring and Autumn Writing Technique" in this description, swapping her identity with that of the dog.

In other words, she was the one who was hiding from the glare of the dog.

Of course, this description does not affect everyone's ability to restore the facts. Zheng Qing was very tolerant and did not point this out on the spot.

The more important reason is that as Su Ya answered, the two furry little fox ears that were originally hidden in her hair quietly came out, like two furry hairpins, shaking slightly. Zheng Qing just wanted to reach out and pinch them. A pinch.

But because Congressman Su was just a few steps away, he finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

The cat's claws will be chopped off.

"That's it," Su Shijun nodded slightly after listening to the little maid's long-winded answer: "In that case...just do whatever you have to do, Su Ya, can you help me see if there are any flowers growing in those flower pots?" Bugs, catch them...and you, have you brought your review questions? Sit on the coffee table and go do your homework."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, then he took out his final exercises from the gray cloth bag, sat down at the coffee table and started doing his homework. Su Shijun's method is very simple and crude. Since the dog is chasing after him, sooner or later it will show its tail again.

The more normal everyone behaves, the higher the likelihood of a dog tail appearing.

As for the owner of the office, after arranging other people's tasks, he picked up the quill again and began to draw on the experimental reports just submitted by the head maid Su Man.

From beginning to end, her Dharma book was spread out in front of her hand, with a faint cyan halo on it.

That halo made Zheng Qing full of confidence.

In theory, full confidence will bring a huge sense of security and allow people to be very focused when doing things. This is true in most cases. But when theory is put into practice, there will always be some small errors.

What Zheng Qing placed on the coffee table was Professor Emma's magic text translation assignment, which was to re-translate a certain official document once issued by the Wizards Alliance through magic text.

This is a very boring job.

When Zheng Qing was translating, he always felt uneasy for some reason. Soon, out of the corner of his eye, he found the cause of the 'restlessness' - it was Su Ya squatting in front of the flower pot, looking for bugs with her eyes wide open.

Because she squatted down, the little fox girl's tail involuntarily dropped down. About half a foot of the tip of her tail exposed her skirt. She was pulled by gravity and wanted to fall to the ground, but every time she touched the ground, the tip of her tail It bounced up again and got back into the skirt of the little fox girl.

Like a restless fish float.

By the way, most fish floats are also furry like this.

Zheng Qing was thinking wildly about these thoughts in his mind, but out of the corner of his eye he was subconsciously chasing that 'fox-tail float', rising and falling again and again. Under the theory of Titty Tainment (Note 3), he unknowingly lost his ability to think about reality.

Then the dog showed half of his head.

This time, it appeared behind Su Ya, in the shadow of Su Shijun's desk, squatting diagonally in front of the young wizard, sticking out its tongue happily, and flapping its tail from side to side like a feather duster.

Because he was addicted to the tip of Su Ya's tail, the dog wagged its tail in front of Zheng Qing for a long time before the wizard realized what had happened.

His pupils shrank, and as soon as the idea of ​​'dog' appeared in his mind, he heard Su Shijun's clear voice coming from behind the desk: "Ge Chan is tired of it!"

This is an advanced and advanced version of the Binding Spell.

Four slender illusory green vine shadows emerged in the air, wrapping around the dog's limbs lightly and quickly. With a pull, the dog's belly was firmly stuck to the floor. At the same time, several more dark green vines came out of the floor and wrapped around the dog's round body.

In just the blink of an eye, it was tied into a Tesla coil.

Different from ordinary binding spells, high-level binding spells can not only bind entities, but also phantoms, illusions, and certain magics with special escape capabilities. They are often used even in head-on confrontations between great wizards. It can be said that a great wizard used this spell to catch a dog, which has already given it a lot of face.

The dog was knocked to the floor by the spell. His body changed shape and form several times, but he never escaped. This made him stunned for a few seconds, and the tongue that had been sticking out also retracted into his mouth.

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