Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 150 Another Paper Crane

The discussion about the Hounds of Tindalos continued from the end of get out of class until they returned to the dormitory in the evening.

Zheng Qing and his companions made various guesses.

For example, Banner believed that the dog was a spy sent to the school by Mhisha, who came to disrupt the big events of Sathokuya or Nicholas; Zheng Qing had reservations about this speculation because he felt like a dog A spy as stupid as Zi would not be able to achieve success, and normal people would not entrust it with important tasks.

Xiao Xiao thought this was just a coincidence, because it had never been heard that Tindalos City would send a dog with extremely low blood concentration and 'unprofessional' to perform the task for the target it was targeting.

Especially this dog who does nothing but wag his tail and stare at his target and giggle.

But whether it was a conspiracy or a coincidence, the common opinion was that this matter must be reported to the school.

"It's one thing for the school to take care of it. We knew that the puppy had something to do with the outside gods, but we didn't report it. In the end, it was us who were in trouble." Xiao Xiao was particularly determined on this matter: "And it's about those people deep in the starry sky. The existence of this place is not something that we first-year students can handle.”

It's rare for the fat man to stand on a united front with the doctor.

"Too dangerous, too dangerous." He repeated this word from beginning to end: "Have you not seen the information stored in the school newspaper's editing room... How many talented young wizards, in order to pursue advanced magic, Being bewitched by those beings in the depths of the starry sky, you may only suffer a few flesh injuries or suffer from mental problems, but if you are serious, your flesh and blood and soul will be taken away, you are lucky to be able to leave a skeleton behind.”

Zheng Qing felt sad when he thought about what he had experienced in the secret world.

Not everyone has the luck of Colma-senpai.

"What does it mean to be mentally ill?" he asked curiously.

The fat man sneered twice: "Personality mutation, emotional disorder, strange behavior, sensitivity and suspicion, memory impairment, behavioral disorder...referred to as mental illness, commonly known as 'crazy'."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly and skipped the topic.

He didn't want to become crazy.

Therefore, after leaving the classroom, his two roommates accompanied him to the school working committee office to report the matter.

This is the third time Zheng Qing has come to this office in the past month.

"The black goat hasn't been found yet...the pet snake, I mean, there's no news about the faceless demon." This was the first sentence of the wizard on duty at the school working committee when he saw Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student twitched his lips, wondering if he should feel honored.

"I didn't come here for those two things." He replied tactfully.

"Oh..." The wizard on duty's face visibly darkened, and a strong bureaucratic atmosphere immediately filled the entire office: "In other words, do you have another missing pet?"

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to pick up the 'work feedback book' hanging on the back of the door.

"It's not my pet." His tone became a little stiff: "It's a stray dog. After testing, it has the blood of the foreign god Mhisha. It has been following me recently. We think we need to report it to the school working committee... "

"Hmm, Msisha?" The wizard on duty lowered his head and thought for a few seconds: "Is that the guy who likes to raise dogs?"

"The Hound of Tindalos is not a dog." Xiao Xiao corrected from the side.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." The wizard on duty patted the young wizard on the shoulder, seeming to comfort him. At the same time, he picked up several forms from the table and handed them to Zheng Qing:

"Here are some application materials. You need to fill them out. You know the process... Let me tell you, it's not a big deal. Every year, there are countless young wizards in the school who are haunted by evil spirits or cursed memes. But as long as you stay here At First University, those dangers will not really come to you..."

"What if we need to leave school?" Fatty Xin took out his notebook and quill and interjected, "We are still in the first grade."

"Perhaps you have some misunderstanding about what I said," the wizard on duty spread his hands, showing a rare patience: "What I said about 'staying at First University' means that you are still students on the roster of First University. Whenever you leave the school, you will be "blessed" and "protected" by the school. It is a very great magic... As for you leaving the school, you should have graduated. Who among the first registered wizards who graduated from the university will be cursed and imitated? Because of trouble?"

Until he left the school working committee office, Zheng Qing was still a little aggrieved.

"The complaint letter you wrote to the school before has no effect at all." He complained to Xiao Xiao: "Those guys in the office were still the same as they used to be... and they are not even willing to make any superficial changes."

"If complaints were useful, the world would not be sick." Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders and let out an inexplicable sigh.

While talking, the group passed by Linzhong Lake.

Zheng Qing raised his leg and kicked a pebble at his feet into the lake water. It hit a little frog on the head, causing it to roll its eyes and sink to the bottom of the water with bubbles spitting out.

This made the young public-funded student feel a little bit more comfortable.

"You don't know, looking at him like that, I really wanted to put a dead frog in his mouth." Zheng Qing stared at the place where the little frog sank and continued to complain.

Then he suddenly caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye.

When he turned around to look, as expected, the gray dog ​​was hiding in the grass and peeping at him. The young wizard stamped his feet and shouted loudly. The dog was startled and disappeared from his sight with a whoosh.

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao noticed Zheng Qing's movements and asked with his eyes.

"Yeah." Zheng Qing sighed heavily, his shoulders slumped, and he was listless when walking.

When I returned to the dormitory, it was getting dark.

Outside the balcony window, there was a snapping sound, like the sound of raindrops hitting the glass.

"What's the sound?" The fat man's ears were sharp.

Zheng Qing walked forward and came to the balcony.

Outside the window, a light red paper crane was fluttering its wings and pecking at the glass window. The snapping sound was made when it pecked at the glass.

"There is a paper crane!" He shouted into the room, opened the window and put the paper crane in.

The paper crane circled the dormitory, hovering above several wizards for a moment, and finally landed on Zheng Qing. The other two people made disdainful noises together.

There is a slight fragrance on the letter paper.

Zheng Qing hid on the balcony with a guilty conscience, and started reading in the dim sunlight outside the window.

The paper crane came from Jiang Yufei.

The witch said that she went to the Cat Fruit Tree to investigate again this afternoon and did not find the strange wizard appearing. And the cats on the cat fruit tree behave normally.

Although she didn't know that Gouzi's blood test showed traces of alien gods, she made the same suggestion as Xiao Xiao and others, suggesting that Zheng Qing report the matter between Maoguoshu Gouzi and the strange wizard to the school.

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