If it weren't for Jiang Yu's reminder, Zheng Qing almost forgot about the strange wizard who secretly climbed up the cat fruit tree that night.

If he still remembered, he should have reported the matter of the strange wizard to the school when he went to the school work committee office in the afternoon, instead of sitting on the small balcony of the dormitory like now, with regret in his heart.

Yes, regret.

After reading Jiang Yu's letter, Zheng Qing felt regretful.

The witch did those dangerous investigations privately for his sake, but he didn't tell her when he got new news. He clearly remembered that after the magic class in the afternoon, the witch had packed up things in the front row of the classroom for a long time, and she looked at him a few times during that time - maybe she wanted to talk to him about the letter at that time - but the boy was immersed in discussing the letter from the Monteria Laboratory with his companions and ignored this.

The "disordered feeling" in his mentality brought by this regret made him a little uneasy.

The sun outside the house had not completely set.

It was still light.

There was some noise in the house.

The narrow sunlight seemed to imprison the boy's anxiety, giving him the courage to look at the letter a few more times. Then, with the afterglow of the setting sun outside the window, the wizard took out a piece of light blue letter paper from the gray cloth bag, spread it on his knees, and hastily wrote a reply.

In the reply, he first expressed his gratitude for the witch's letter.

This is what he should do. Whether it is out of politeness or the risk of the witch's private investigation, he should express his gratitude and thanks.

In the second part of the reply, the boy mentioned the witch's suggestion and said that he had just gone to the school work committee in the afternoon and filled out the situation statement materials - of course, here, he did not say that he went there under the persuasion of Xiao Xiao and others. Perhaps in some unknown corner of his heart, he hoped that the witch thought they had some kind of tacit understanding - in addition, Zheng Qing also briefly repeated the test results of the Monteria laboratory on the dog's blood in the letter, as well as several speculations between him and Xiao Xiao and others.

Originally, Zheng Qing was afraid that the witch would worry, and was troubled by how to explain the origin of the dog's blood. He hesitated for a while whether to tell Jiang Yu about the Outer God and the Hound of Tindalos. But he was also worried that Jiang Yu would investigate without knowing anything, which would cause more trouble. This kind of plot often happens on TV - the ending is often not very beautiful.

So he finally chose to tell the whole situation honestly.

In the last part of the letter, the wizard emphasized that the whole thing had been reported to the school, and the school would make corresponding handling. He hoped that the witch would not take the risk to investigate the origin of the dog or the strange wizard.

After writing the letter, Zheng Qing raised his head, rubbed his sore neck, and looked out the window.

The red sun that had been left in the sky before completely fell behind the horizon, and the sky became darker. There were several tall oak trees not far from the window. The treetops could be seen on the balcony. The evening breeze blew, and the rustling laughter of the leaves came.

All this made the boy feel much more relaxed.

After he folded the letter into a paper crane, he wanted to stand up, only to find that his legs were numb from squatting for a long time.

Because the reply was written on his knees, the sharp tip of the feather pen pierced the thin letter paper several times, leaving a small conspicuous red dot on his knees. But in order to avoid being watched and complained by his roommates, the young wizard insisted on completing this task on the narrow balcony.

Zheng Qing rubbed his knees, stood up, watched the light blue paper crane leave the balcony, fly over the top of the oak tree, then quietly breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the dormitory.

The lights in the room were on.

Xiao Xiao was sitting by the bed, rarely reading a book, but playing with a beautiful divination crystal ball; the fat man was half leaning on the head of the bed, with his belly sticking out, helping Tuantuan comb his hair.

The fat cat was snoring, with a group of elves lying on his back.

Hearing the sound of the wizard entering the room, the fat cat just shook his ears, and the elves flapped their wings and flew up, some to get hot towels, some to get teacups and fruits, and some to go to Zheng Qing's bedside to bring him pajamas.

"Have you finished writing the love letter?" The fat man stroked the cat and asked lazily: "Is it the monitor Jiang, or the senior sister Korma? Well, it must not be Elena... You have been dumped by her."

For this kind of complaints, Zheng Qing has learned to listen to it with one ear and out with the other, and will never argue with the fat man.

Some things will get worse the more you explain them.

Pretending not to hear or see will soon be covered by other topics.

He took the tea handed by the elf, took two sips, then covered his face with a hot towel, fell headfirst on his bed, and moaned comfortably: "I am so tired today..."

No one paid attention to him.

Zheng Qing lay on the bed, not wanting to get up and wash at all. But it was wrong to go to bed without washing. While he was struggling, he vaguely heard some movement under the bed.

"Tuantuan, stop making trouble." He mumbled in a daze.

"What did you say?" Fatty Xin's voice came from another corner of the dormitory. Zheng Qing was silent for a few seconds and pulled off the towel covering his face.

After hearing Fatty's voice, he immediately recalled that he had just entered the dormitory and clearly saw the fat cat squatting on Fatty's belly.

Since it squatted on Fatty's belly, who was rustling under his bed?

It must not be his elves. Those little guys like cleanliness the most and will never run to play under the dirty bed.

Is there a mouse in the dormitory?

Those guys in vests of the rat tribe? They should not be able to enter the dormitory without an invitation, right?

Zheng Qing raised his head over the edge of the bed, leaned down and looked under the bed.

Ha, sure enough.

It's that dog again.

Even if the dusty dog ​​skin is covered with a layer of dust, he can still recognize it. Because the light under the bed was dim, the dog's eyes were a little bright and green, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

Seeing the wizard's head, the dog stuck out its tongue excitedly, shook its tail, and swept up a cloud of dust, causing Zheng Qing to choke and cough. He slapped the bed board angrily and made a threatening sound from his mouth.

The dog was frightened and disappeared from under the bed.

"That dog?" Xiao Xiao could easily guess the reason for Zheng Qing's anger.

"Hmm." The wizard's head was still hanging on the edge of the bed. He did not return to the bed because the dog left, but instead lay down a little lower than before.

"Still there?"

"Already scared away."

"Then why are you still lying there?"

Zheng Qing's head was buried under the bed, silent - so quiet that Xiao Xiao was already worried that he would die suddenly from cerebral hemorrhage because his head was too low.

After a few seconds, the voice of the young public-funded student sounded again, announcing that the doctor was just worrying in vain.

"I thought I saw something under the bed..."

Zheng Qing stuck his buttocks out, with most of his head still buried under the bed, and his voice sounded a little uncertain.

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